Page 92 - ThePhoenix1984-85
P. 92
.... e 41W_m Maryland CoUegeIMan:h14. 1985 Editorial / _/- ACCO?DiN(, WE.RE.. ThE H tr 10 (£POP,T YOu ) you ( f'O'RE f\f\STj Th~_RE. p.R.£.. G·,J \ \t']} of ·DE..fE.N DiNe:! WMC, Inc. bypasses YwRSf Lr." -- major stockholders For the conscientious student important dates to remem- ber incluse, mid-terms, spring break, final exams and summer session, For the fiscal planners of WMC, an essential date to remember is the one on which tuition for the fall semester is due. That day, we trust, will leave many students and their parents a bit coin shy. The members of o~r finance administration have seen fit to raise tuition a staggering 16 per cent come September. As of now there is a strong motion, pending approval by the Board of Trustees, to increase tuition by $1,300, according to a recent student-government conference where SGA President Pete Brooks heard testimony from various senators as to why tuition should not be increased. their decision Biden misinterprets The fact the COiTegemUSt re-examine arises when we realize that there are students on the Hill who the cost of books and increasing competition for financial aid, Reagan's policy methods simply do not have the means to accomodate a tuition increase of even a few dollars. Many find that with the rise in it will be impossible to return next year with the hike currently in the works. SGA commuter representative John MacLucas by C. Lloyd Hart President has stated again the .senator, has, and contin- observed that if WMC were a corporation and we were the and again that he, as much ues to be a master at his stock holders in this corporation we have virtually no say in our as the most liberal of detante playing his advisors against fiscal future. Senator Joseph R. Biden, worshipers, wants an agree- one another and then conti- To condemn the administration for this action would be Jr. the distinguished gentle- ment on arms control. The denlly reaching a careful ce- unfair, for there are some substantial reasons for raising tuition man from the state of Dela- main tenet of Reagan's disin- cision. in the near term WMC is behind the times with regard to the ware recently appeared on clination for immediate nego- amount of money that they charge for a small liberal arts our campus. The senator de- tiations has been a minimal As for our distinguished education. Many schools of same size charge above and livered part of an address requirement of military parody cabinet members, it is difficult beyond even the proposed increase. Futhermore, the proposer entitled "New Directions in with the Soviets. Somewhat enough to find an individual includes well deserved raises for faculty and administration. American Foreign Policy: A surprizingly this also receives acceptable to Congress, who We certainly will not begrudge those areas. in need a single Critique of the Reagan Ad- first consideration on Biden'a is an expert in the field, a true proposed penny. It is important to note, perhaps, that the ministration." In addition, he list of prerequisites. And as leader, and willing to come to University of Pittsburgh, a state funded school, has raised its talked informally on other is- the President has re-evalu- Washington, forgoing $100,- tuition 19.9 per cent over the last two years. sues ranging from economics ated our military position after 000 in private sector salary, while subjecting himself to the Our basic concern, however, is that the increase is to EI Salvador, from the mili- several years of regaining lost extremely and relatively unexpected. it is folly for the tary to Medicare. ground, we see that we are almost incessant abuse of nearly everyone. This should administration to levy this fee and expect its students to Thusly, as a participant, I entering into negotiations with comply easily and with blind trust. This is the year, we must humbly offer my thoughts on a certainly more willing Soviet not suggest that we accept lesser men for higher posi- remember, that President Reagan is planning to slash the some selected topics, enve- adversary. amount of federal loans doled out, and the same year that our loped in what I shall call In the matter of advisors tions, but that we take a more deferential view of men such SGA President is asking for carpeting in the dining han. The "New, and Old Directions in Biden has again incorrectly point, therefore, is this: Mr. Reagan, we need our federal loans; America: A Critique of Joseph assessed the President's mer as Schultz and Weinberger who have proven themselves Mr. Brooks, we can forget the carpet and paint; and Biden." tives and handling of his distinguished members of the Board of Trustees, we can not I will not attempt to debate subordinates. He believes the able in their fields, even if they were not connoissers of afford your in_c_'e_a_8e ----------, specific dollar amounts, President should have sur- foreign policy. For if they were weapons counts, or the exact rounded himself with men of The number of America's home- like mind' instead of advisors not then, they could not help but be so now. less. The senator's figures are who often present diametri- Phoenix as good, if not assuredly I suggests that Secretary of Richard Perle and Richard cally opposing viewpoints. He Finally, the contest between than any more accurate could from Time or glean plifies earlier arguments. In- adequate in his position and Editor-in-Ohief Bill Mann Newsweek, so I shall con- State George Schultz is not Burt reverberates and exem- Managing Editor Kelly Connor cede to him his numbers and Secretary of Defense Caspar sistance that reat arms control Layout Editor C. Lloyd Hart speak in broader terms. Weinberger should not have is impossible and always nets Copy Editor Jonathan Slade Biden launched forthwith an received his appointment be- a loss for the US, was valua- News Editor Leo Ryan attack on the President's ap- cause he had no previous ble in holding the line on Features Editor Barbara Abel parent disinterest in the de- experience in military affairs. committment to military par- Sports Editor , Elizabeth Leik tails of foreign policy. He And finally he questions the ody with the Soviet Union. Photography Editors Stacey Pucci, Margaret Gemski, assailed not only Reagan's employing of both Richard Burt's equally compelling ar- Ursula Wiedmann disinterest in learning the Perle ana Richard Burt in gument for arms control has Business Manager Craig Sarsony minor circumstances of gov- the same administration, at assurred that we did not drift Advertising Manager Carol O'Brien eming a foreign policy, but the Defense and State depart- from our desire for negotia- Reporting Staff ...-'. Jr~cy Kennard Steven Rossman his choice of advisors as well. ments respectively. tions and agreement. It is Bill Bensoni .!lli1K3rabowski,Cyndi Schafer, Let me assert foremost that All this suggests a funda- obvious therefore that these Monica Brunson Melissa Renehan, Sandra the President is not disinter- mental lack of understanding two exponents have proven Robin M. Adams Carlson, Chris Ginther, Rhonda ested, because he has dem- of the way in which Ronald that debate and disagreement Ronna Lolli Myers, Jeff Stebbins, Andrew P. onstrated otherwise, and that Reagan exercises leadership. heated if essential, within the Jung, Thomas Garland, Nancy Shaw Julie Ellingson he has chosen his advisors The President has constantly, houses of decision making, Chuck Weinstein Lou Anne Banks Mark Lawrenson well. throughout his political career, has led us to the brink of Reagan has, as some will surrounded himself with coun- Published,by and for the students of WesternMaryland argue, been reluctant to enter possible advances on the College.Theopinionsexpressedin this publicationdo not into arms control agree- selors who oppose each road to arms control. other. The process of deci- Assuredly two in these necessarilyreflectthoseof the staffor administration.The ments with the Soviet Union. sion making takes longer, but areas alone I have not done Phoenix reservesthe right to headline,edit for length, This, however, makes him this assures that the ultimate clarityand libelouscontent.All lettersto theeditormustbe realistic, not disinterested, be- justice to the senator's view- signed, authorshipwill be verified. decision maker is exposed to points. I do agree with him on We welcome commentsand/or suggestions.Pleasead- cause as Biden himself notes, in the best and worst aspects of other issues, in which he will not flourish "ideals dress all mail to The Phoenix.WesternMarylandCollege, foreign policy," and does not en sides, not merely one point takes positions courageous of view. And Ronald Reagan, Westminster,Md. 21157 for any' polititian. A discussion reflect his true desires. The contrary to the assertions of of these will be forthcoming.
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