Page 91 - ThePhoenix1984-85
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Ing presses CIVI Women's study minor rights issues in speech set to begin in fall '85 continued from page 1 eral of the problems we are Holiday Commission, sug- continued from page 1 ever, it is more common to find self-designed minors in faced with, Ms. King believes, gested that people should not is required for the minor and demic heights, and that we is to have "aim." It is essential simply approach the occasion women's studies in institutions comparable to WMC. are living on the verge of a tha an individual be willing to as "another day off work." In =~~d~~iCo~:~~1~~ ~~I nuclear holocaust. In addition, "make a commitment to move addition to these comments. gram backer and coordinator While this minor does have she is distressed that the forward,"and to "be willingto Ms. King is a distinguished Mr. Tim Weinfeld emphasizes a note of consciousness-rais- mortality rate of black children assume responsibility in (his) speaker, an actress who has that special studies and in- ing at its core, academics is still three times that of white own (life), as well as directly appeared in King and Hop- ternships should also be an prevails in stressing the per- children, that Apartheid still confront injustice, she ex· scotch, and a producer. She ceptions, and knowledge of, exists in South Africa, and plained. She realizes that it's is also actively involved in in~~~lr~~~ of i~e ~~~Em's as well as pride in the that "Brother Reagan" is easy in this age of technology work with the MLJ Center, studies appeared at colleges woman's role throughout his- spending ten times as much to not work quite as hard, but and in constant pursuit of and universities throughout tory. on killing as to educate youth. said that "if you don't work what she feels is "a dream the country in the late 1970's. AUcourses completed prior Ms. King suggested that we much, you won't be worth deferred." Many educators believed it to to Feb. 21, which apply to, or employ "creative means to much. Until we go about Perhaps the response on be a tad, but Women's are required for this minor are remedy these ills." Quoting doing our business together, Tuesday night. however, did Studies has weathered the considered retroactive and her father again, she added, we'll never find one another." advance her vision of equal- initial storm of approval and is may be applied to the minor. "Either we'll live together as "We all came over in differ- ity, for the full-house of stu- gaining in popularity. Many brothers and sisters, or we ent ships, but now we're all in dents, professors, and This particular program is will perish together as fools." the same boat," she offered. community members reacted larger universities otfer modeled after similar designs The ability to change what is Being in that "boat" to-, to her speech with a standing studies in this field as a major at Hamilton and Goucher col- area of concentration. How- leges. currently taking place, she gether means citizens must ovation. Several were even said, lies within power. This all work for equality together. moved to tears. Both Straw- power is found in nonviolence And this she explained, is the bridge United Methodist WMC's 'personal touch' which, she explained, was goal of the Martin luther King Church and Union Street also at the core of her father's Junior Center for Nonviolent Methodist Church made pres- attracts students philosophy. Change. Among the proiects entations to Ms. King for her "Hatred is violence, selfish- that the center undertakes is "determination to bring about continued from page 2 the same high schools. The ness is, cut-throatbusinessis, an internship program which change." The former the acceptance rate was 86 WMC students will contact (and even) Reagan's policies brings together students from presented her with a plaque percent, but in 1984 it their "matches" by letter and provoke violence. Despite our and the latter, with roses. dropped to 79 percent. telephone in an effort to guide differences, we are children many backgrounds to partici- Several members of the Twenty-one students trans- them into the campus atrros- of one God," Ms. King em- pate in a 13 week study of community expressed that ferred to WMC for the 1985 phere. phasized. "If I hurt or injure the principles of social Ms. King was a lot like her spring semester,compared to you in any way, I am destroy- change. Another way that "we father. John Lewis, a West- thirteen a year ago. "Our goal is to' move away lng a part of myself." In order can work together" toward minster businessman said from being a backup school to be nonviolent, and to be change is by celebrating Mar- that she "had the ability to Perhaps the best example to Johns Hopkins and the Ivy "active and responsible in our tin Luther King, Jr.'s birthday hold attention and speak very of the "personal touch" is a League schools", says Gag- actions," she suggested, peo- in a manner which is "con- effectively...just like dad." The program that will "match" non. "Westem Maryland CoI- pie must organize against in- structive" and involves "con- audience-ingeneral "loved it" prospective students with -lege is no longer a well kept justice. sciousness raising." Ms. King, and thought it was "very WMC members who attended secret." __,r=~iiiiii~ii~iiii~:=::::::~~~=l ~A_no_th_e_r_w_~ __to_c_o_m_ba_t_s_ev_-~wr_ho __ w_o_rk_S__On__ th_e__ F_ed_e_ra_l__ w_o_rt_h__ w_h_ile_·_.. Free Need Extra JUNIOR Money??? Pregnancy Test Counseling FOLLIES Call 848-3488 OIRTHRIGHT 1-800-492-5530 ~ Will not per- ~M!;1n n form this week- ~~~ end. Juniors Ushers in the summer heat look for an- nouncements Join them for the Beach Parties at concerning fu- The Pit: Thursday March 14, ture fundrais- 8:30-1:00 ers. Thanks to The Cellar Door: Wednesday all who gave March 20, 9:00-1:00 am their support. FEEL-The Chill
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