Page 90 - ThePhoenix1984-85
P. 90
WMC participates 0 ege ures s u en s in Harvard's United with 'personal touch' Nat. ·ons example by Leo Ryan Each day in-April,WMC will transition from high school to Each year, the number of sponsor workshops on the continued from page 1 cially with the foreign delega- high school seniors declines. college. These instructional tions from Israel and Saudi weapons, Mid-East policies, Arabia," Tyler said. As a result, colleges have periods will be held specifi- become increasingly compe- alliance pattems, economic tive for new students. Western cally for high school juniors in Maryland, who will again be concems and the basic se- "A lot of times, individual Maryland College is no ex- curity councils of the United personalities came into play, ception. WMC. offers a variety bussed in by the college. Western Maryland will also Personal Decision r Nations. especially with countries that of programs to lure high be one of the seven private Dr. RobertWeber, associate were not politically strong," schoolers each which holds-- colleges in. Maryland to be professor and political sci- Tyler added, "Perhaps that's as Dean Martha Gagnon, toured by guidance counse- ence department head ac- true of the United Nations, head of Admissions labels it-- lars from all along the eastern companied and advised the too." the "personal touch." seaboard. In fact. this year group. He Was very pleased Junior political science Days, marksthe first time that WMC with the overall performance major Andy Stump felt that called "instant" decision days has been included in this of the delegations. the HNMUN "was run by the at most other colleges, are tour. book," "No one ever gets to see one example of this concern In addition to the various "They played their role well how the UN is run, and this for the individual. Prospective admissions programs, WMC as a faithful ally, and they i model seemed pretty eccur- students are given a campus has begun a fervent advertis- didn't go out at character," ate. I got a good insight on tour, a slide presentation on ing campaign. New scholar- Weber said. the biases formed in the UN, campus life, and a "personal" ships--the Carroll County, where interaction of people is decision on their acceptance. Eagle Scout, and Merit--are Senior Debbie Tyler com- important," Stump added. This opportunity is offered now offered as incentives. mented that the Harvard once a month. During Balti- Gagnon feels that these fac- Model was "an effective A different angle was ap- more County's week long holi- tors combined will enable the leaming tool," although she proached by Senior Ron Aus- day (En:ergy Conservation Martha Gagnon, Dean of college to become stronger telt the team could have been a lot more prepared. ~ajo~'~1 ~r:~ti~alg~e~~~ ~=)ai~~~b~~~~h~~Si~~ Admissions ~~~r~~~ec:~le~~iV~~e~lr:~% pression of the UN as a days. these lines. More students "I learned a lot about the useless entity. The UN is On March 4, juniors and WMC aftertheir normalschool have applied to WMC this roles of different countries, helpful, but some of the reso- seniors from the five Carroll hours. They attended a dis- year than last, and a fresh- especially in respect to New lutions are not really binding, County high schools--West- cussion on college issues man class of 320 is estimated Zealand. It was exciting to although they do help for a minster, North Carroll. South which was led by a panel for the fall of 1985. In 1983, .iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. . Carroll, Liberty on page 2 and Francis made up in part by WMC work with other nations,espe- while." Scott Key--were bussed to uk;~i~hi~~n~danc;;;Ued to perform March 17 by Sandra Carlson ~:~~~~r~p~he;(~ir~~'~~UI,or:~! The Baltimore-basedLyman thentic costumes, the Lyman Ukrainian Dance Ensemble group has delighted audi- will be performing in Alumni ences at talk and international Hall, mainslage, on Sunday, festivals including the West- March 17 at 3 p.m. This minster Festival, civic tunc- dance troupe is being spon- tions, and concert sored by the Ukrainian Club performances. at Western Maryland to pro- The dance ensemble con- mote cultural awareness. sists of a group of 42 young Folk dance is both a sum- people who want to preserve mary and sythesis of national their rich Ukrainian heritage character and temperamentin through folk dance. These which the "soul" of the dances require great ability Ukrainian people is revealed. and skill on the part of their Dance is one of the ways dancers. Daring acrobatic used in almost every culture leaps and crouches are an to revealaspects of its people integral part of the Ukrainian and the Ukrainiansare known dance. to have fast-paced music with Most of the dances are their dances.. performed to extremely fast The Lyman UkrainianDance music which is based on folk Ensemble captures the livli- songs familiar to most Ukrain- ness of Ukrainian music and ians since childhood. These dance during their perform- songs come from several ances. The ensemble was geographical regions of the NOTE: tFYOU HAVE ALREADY DOOKED OUP. HIGHEP.AIP.FA.P.E.WE WIll P.EFUNO THE OIFfEP.ENCE. first organized in 1978 by Ukraine. f.Aake your reservation by filling out trip application form below & send it In todoy "'.IIID;T,_Tllrt,lnc.t.35 MOIIn$1 Carriage House Liquors ., .secrs are limited, c_·I:::::=::":~~";;I.=~:·a.nk SpecialDote(oV.orch 23·30) "At the Forks" Name __ 113 W.' Main Street, Westminster Add"''' _ specials this week .... G'Y Star. 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