Page 95 - ThePhoenix1984-85
P. 95
Men finish season lover softball prospects with 12-11 record by Elizabeth Lelk Closing with a rush, winning score 1,000 points in a ca- "I think it could be a good six of their last eight contests, reer. year. We have a lot of talent the mens basketball team Senior co-captain David that we're going to use to the finished on the winning side Malin closed out his collegiate best of our ability," states of the ledger at 12-11. career in fine fashion. The 6-2 coach Roxanne Hemphill Coach Alex Ober's troops guard, a second-team Aca- about the upcoming softball also posted a 6-6 mark in the demic Ali-America, averaged season. Southwest Section of the Mid- 15.1 points per game while Hemphill, joined_by assist- dle Atlantic Conference to shooting 53 percent from the ant coach Rick Connor re- finish in fourth place behind floor and 80 percent from the I places Dr. Carol Fritz as Muhlenberg,_ Moravian and line to pace the Terrors in those categories. Malin also Gettysburg. softball coach for the spring of 1985. Fritz had been with Junior co-captain Jim Hur- dished out 55 assists and had the g!rls softball program sey paced the Green and a season-high 27 points in a since ItS scholastic induction Gold offense during the 1984- victory over John Hopkins. in 1981. 85 campaign. The 6-4 forward Junior Dwain Woodley and I Spring marks Hemphill's tallied a team-high 17.7 points Dick Bender also averaged in second year with the WMC and 8.5 rebounds per outing double figures. Woodley, a 6- Hursey scored athletic department. She is a season- 2 forward, scored at a 10.8 currently completing her last high 32 points in a 99-75 point clip while leading WMC course here as part of a victory over Lebanan Valley in steals with 48. graduate program. The posi- Womens softball coach Roxanne Hemphill while grabbing 14 rebounds tion of softball coach fulfills a in the season opener against WMC compiled a 7-5 record requirement for her as an "We had a good turnout for only returning senior, Donna Baruch. He shot 49 percent at home, a 5-5 mark on the incoming physical education practice," says Hemphill. "I Cox, gained distinction as all from the floor and 78 percent road and an 0-1 record at a instructor. She also has taken don't want anyone to be un- Mid-Atlantic Conference from the charity stripe while neutral site. Seven of the on the roles of co-head field happy (over cuts). There's a shortstop. Hemphill is also ~1'?Cking 15 shots. Hursey Green's 11 losses were by hockey coach and assistant lot of skill present and no one pleased with catcher Margie finished fourth in the MAC four points or less. As a team, women's basketball coach. should be disappointed." Gutierrez, a sophomore. Southwest in scoring (16.3), The Terrors shot 47.5 percent Softball practice was held Seven freshmen are vying The women play their first ~fth in rebounding (8.1) and from the field and 70.4 per- Feb. 25 through March 8. for placement, and the retur- scrimage on March 16 In free throw percentage cent from the line. The team Approximately 19 girls tried nees look promising. Juntor against Wilkes College at (.~). He needs just 211 averaged 77...0 points per pomts to become the 10th game while allowing oppo- out for the team. Eight of Nicki Pesik received recogni- home. Their season opens these 19 are returnees tram \ tion as Academic AII-Ameri- Marth 20, as the women visit player in WMC history to nents just 75.4. rla_st_s_e_a_so_n_. c_a_n_l_as_t~y_ea_r_i_n_S_Oft_b_al_I._T~he~EI~iz:ab~e:th:to:w:n~.--------~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::====~ House of Liquors two years of college left, If you have at least you can spend six weeks at Carroll Plaza, Westminster our Army ROTC Basic Camp this summer and earn approximately $600. Heineken 12 pack/$7.99 can ~~t~r~~R(J?~.YOU Year Program this fall and per coupon 848-1314 receive up to $1,(xx) a year. But the big payoff happens on graduation day. That's when you receive Have something to sell? an officer's commission. So$et your body in shape (not to mention your bank account). The Phoenix For more information, Enroll in Army Rarc. _ contact your Professor of Military Science. ARMY ROTC. reaches over BEALLYOU CAM BE. 1500 readers. Contact us today. 'For more info. stop by _ Extension 630 Forhnes House
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