Page 98 - ThePhoenix1984-85
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p.... 21W•• t.m Maryland CoU.geIMlIlCb 21, 1985 Well ness day offers Gallery honors Alumni self-health programs The Art Honors Alumni gram was first proposed by draw public attention to their (AHA!) Program is a unique Linda Van Hart (then State accomplishments as well as continued from page 1 Police are coming and giving component of Carroll County's YAM coordinator) in 1982, to those of the entire Art an Alcohol Awareness pres- celebration of March as Youth and was first implemented in Program of the Carroll County other activities planned. On entation. They are bringing a Art Month. Youth Art Month is Carroll County during Youth schools. The artistic and pro- Monday, April 8 at 7:30 pm in breatholizer and students par- an established national ob- Art Month of that year. The fessional achievements of the McDaniel Lounge, Dr. A. Bar- ticipating in the controlled servance which was initiated concept of AHA! grew from a AHA! group serve as an ex- tels will speak on "exercise demonstration will be drinking in March of 1961 to draw desire to communicate with '"' ample and an inspiration to and Wellness," Then on Tues- various amounts of alcohol to attention to the importance of and give recognition to grad- students of the practical real- day, April 9 at 3:30 pm the show different stages of alco- quality art education for all uates of Carroll County ity of Art l organized a games competi- hol blood entire levels. has been students. are held Art Month state schools art the evidence is lives or the This year, been for the first cerebra- to Phys. Ed. Majors Club has Youth time, in ac- whose The week tivities in every Month careers Youth of qual- Art tion with student teams partie- organized by the Wetlness extended nationally visible. has and are tion sponsored ity education lpatinq. The final event will outstanding the students, faculty and the take place on Thursday eve- Committee which represents by the Craft Materials The Institute Na- Each year, are contacted former include since artists 1982. honored at This invlta- students with by art AHA's in cooperation ning in the pub. The State administration. tional Art Education Associa- teachers, and several are se- tional exhibit at Western Mary- tion. The Maryland Art lected to display their work in land College held in Education Association is the the annual Youth Art Month conjuction with the community maria's Need Extra state won for several of YAM, stronq Exhibit, which also includes YAM extends at to the the (March 4- exhibit Carroll and. sponsor national has County Arts Center by .elementary, mid- displays 22), college students high school Maryland's awards die, and of Westminster Money??? participation in this annual in Carroll County. level the link between the event. Interviews with Art Honors public school art programs Alumni appear in local news- and the community they Maria's is looking for part time help The Art Honors Alumni! Pro- papers during March, and serve. Delivery drivers, waitresses Veteran actress King and kitchen help needed delves into characters Call 848-5666 or 876-2611 Free continued from page 1 the play, and portrayed Anne by Tracey ment never pre-casts a show. out UI1ti1 Julie given Tokar Parts are never Elliott. aspects of "acting, she feels, During the production, the the actual tryouts. I think Pregnancy Test Counseling is letting go of one's own actors spent as much as people have an idea this is personality and taking on the three hours daily in rehearsal. true, and it certainly is not," personality of the character. "All of us in the play became she emphasizes. "Also, bring- Realizing that people are a sort of family. Tracey, Julie ing more conventional plays Call 848-3488 judging the actions and mo- Ann e and I also spent time to the department will, hope- tives of ,the character instead together outside of rehearsal, fully, get more people to try j is essential actor about OIRTHRIGHT 1-800-492-5530 of good the acting, King thinks, and to just talking recalls. our charac- out for roles." theatrical produc- she next ters," The it allows the performer to tion is the Broadway hit involve- her As attempt new things. ment a result of productions, Gypsy. which will not only be in campus "One thing Carriage House Liquors do is to take I have to learn to King would take like part to see these the first conventional musical in more risks, to be able to be produced on campus people in get and up years, "At the Forks" to stupid ...well, there stupid, look campus plays, as well as to several production but will be the not but to run for two first performances. to hard 113 W. Main Street, Westminster silly. It's she says. do Yet, that attend the she wants to dispel An is weekends. Show dates are onstage," the attitude April 26-28 and May 3-4. King special begins April 1, 1985 chance was to act growing experi- that only theatre people are or has been June cast in Gypsy, role of in a comedic in the majors other a experienced role Dainty which Budwieser cans 6pk $2.75 ence for very King. serious, usually going to be cast for the includes over thirty cast mem- "I've discl- played show Fischer Beer (from France) plined characters, and play- shows. not Experience is a plus, bers. "The faces to will the bring main the necessarily but de- some new ing break; is cast why $3.99/6pk. free poster included call Babe is a good silly." As I reason a part, someone explains, partment," is the she most sums up. King act in go off and ambitious Gypsy the three sisters in Crimes adding that the directors first musical we've tried in grow closer to each other; so look for someone who will years ... I'm really psyched for have King and her "sisters" in best fit the role. "The depart- it." Is Films, dinner create it chinese atmosphere true? continued from page 1 The final film, "Water Farm- Griswald, who is responsi- ing to the ailments of each ers," demonstrates how water ble for this cultural experi- diner. A visit to a monastery has completely shaped the ence, said that he hopes to illustrates the role of Bud- farmers' unique way of life in add a touch of Chinese at- dhism in the development of the Yangzi River Delta. This mosphere to the dinner with China's extensive and elabo- film follows the farmers Oriental music in the back- You can buy JEEPS for $44 rate vegetarian diet. lives of two through on their busy daily activi- ground and simple decora- the ties har- waterways. The contrasting tions. through the US government. Chinese the families routines are of viewed vesting pearls, lotus, and "farming" fish "I've had a lot of response making their and the through rice famous region's Family the IGet the facts today. daily meals in "The storyteller their lives' the viewer wine. In from the community hold and up to We can students. Table." A traditional will wit- evokes the ancient rhythm of ness the traditional harmoni- 125 people, but even if we Call 1-312-742-1142 ext. 1142 agrarian life, and contempo- ous relationship between the only have 59 people, we'll rary urban scenes suggest Chinese people and t!Jeif en- have a good time," Griswald new patterns of living. vironment. stated.
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