Page 89 - ThePhoenix1984-85
P. 89
March 14, 1985 King recalls dream in civil hts speech - - Ms. King went on to say by Lou Anne Banks that some "symbolic victories" Though her driver got lost have occurred in the last few and she was interrupted years. tn. 1983 "we saw a seven times by resounding black woman become Miss applause, Yolanda King made America and a black man her first appearance Tuesday venture into space." In 1984, at WMC with her speech she continued, a woman ran "What Happens When the for vice-president and Presi- Dream's Deferred?" dent Reagan signed the Mar- Martin Luther King, Jr.'s tin Luther King, Jr. Holiday daughter's own dream is an bill. These are important, Ms. extension of her father's. She King said, but they are not said that "these times, the enough. Mankind needs to best and worst of times, call keep working even harder not for merriment. ..but for toward equality. She said that movement (because) morally this is true especiaUy of women and blacks because Terrors scrimage w~h Exeter. see story page 6 . ~~~g:p~g~ua~~n~~;.~~.~n ~ "when you start behind in a K:ing sited several areas in/ race, if you don't run faster, which mankind has you have to be content to Bible Talks joins progressed toward equality, stay behind." Ms. King, however, also dis- the voting rights act and the religious groups affirmative action movement played a vast diversity in are among them, but she said "too many of us stopped after Yolanda King g~nt~:~a~tO~h:r~h!Sc~~~~ this and tearfully held on." father.. "Though we have has reached extraordinary decided to start Bible Talks," Instead, she explained, we learned to fly like the birds, proportions, that the Equal by Sandra Carlson Freeman said. should keep going until the and though we have learned Rights Ammendment still has Bible Talks is an interden- dream is realized. Her stance to swim like the fish, we have not been passed, that unem- "We don't want it to be like ominational Bible study group was best expressed by a not learned the simple art of ployment has reached epi- a competition with Western which, according to its orga- quote she recited which was living together as brothers Maryland Christian Fellow- nization proposal, seeks "to originally stated by her and sisters." continued on page 3 ship," said Tracey Freeman. provide a weekly opportunity vice-president of the newly for Bible study." Freeman, a Women's studies added formed Bible Talks. "We don't sophomore English and com- want people to seperate munications major. said the them. Religion is a unity." group is "an informal, practi- by Trocy Konllllrd has approved an interdiscipli- Movements," "Theatre By And Bible Talks, a Tuesday night cal way of applying scripture Western Maryland College, nary program in women's About Women," and Bible study 'group, was to everyday lives." which proudly proclaims itself studies. Students may now "Women's Literature." In addi- lormed by Aaron Davis, presi- "There's a great need 10 the first co-educational institu- enroll in 18 hours of courses tion "America's Women, 1607- dent, and Tracey Freeman, reach out to the students -- tion of higher learning south leading to a minor in the 1985," and "Religion and vice-president, because of whether it's with the Western of the Mason-Dixon line, has examination of the role of Human Sexuality" are part of time conflicts with the "Large Maryland Christian Fellowship adopted a program in women in our culture. the program. A new two se- Group" section of the Chris- or with Bible Talks," Freeman women's studies aimed at 50 Six existing courses have mester course entitled tian Fellowship. "The Large explained. "The Bible is the per cent of the college's pop- been incorporated into the "Women in Western Culture" Group time was bad for me Bible and if it's being taught, ulation - females. new program. Among these and a lot of my friends so we that's great." Effective Feb. 21, the faculty are "The Family," "Uberation continued on page 3 sldellchts: ill the recently WMC participates in begun arms talks between the US and the Soviet Union result Harvard's UN model in an agreement within the next by KeHy Connor the United Nations by expos- pers, listing strategies, ang - Boston, MA. Feb. 21-24. to Saudi Arabia added an au- WMC delegates were pre- year? Fifteen students traveled to ing students to international presenting findings to their classmates the issues. Teams from Israel and concerning historical and politics{ back- ground of New Zealand, the Yes thentic international Havor to participate in the Harvard Na- the assembly in taking re- tional Model United Nations (HNMUN). This program is South Pacific nation. No designed to assist political sponsibility for their native pared to represent the small l1ometands. science majors and/or those Students sat on committees Although New Zealand had with a special interest in the such as the Economic and no propositionS passed, it did Undecided field. in the practices and Social Council. the General co-sponsor resolutions with _ procedures of the United Na- Assembly, Political and Se- larger and stronger countries. curity Council, Oisarmament Included in discussions about L--1-5--30---4-5--60---7-5--9-0--1 ti~~p~~~~;'~t~iy 1,000 stu- Council, Social Humanitarian the resolutions were concerns dents, representing 60 col- and Cultural Committee and about anti-terrorist statements, New Zealand's position on US the Special Political Commit- Number of people ~~~ry,f~~ ~1~ct~:ee~OI!hi~ tee. warships carrying nuclear After hours Survey sampte: 125 Sou!ce: Phoenix Harvard's model, which searching, long working on of re- continued on page 2 pa- strives to reaffirm the value of
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