Page 97 - ThePhoenix1984-85
P. 97
ThePhoenix Western Maryland College Well ness Week brings health agencies to Hill l by Nancy Shaw Dairy Council, and leisure i The week of April 8 is Health Spa. Clements hopes "to have Wellness Week with the Well- participatory type displays" ness Fair, fo be held in where the students will "be Decker Center on April 9 from involved in some sort of activ- 11 am to 4 pm, as the focus ity like questionnaires, fitness event. tests and taste tests." There The purpose of the Fair, relates Marlene Clem- will also be scheduled work- shops throughout the day with ents, the chairperson of the films, and presentations on Wellness Committee, "is to nutrition, exercise, and leisure raise the level of conscious- activity. Clements relates that ness of participants regarding there will be "lots of things to health and to emphasize edu- walk away with such as bal- Westminster firefighters prepare to scale the roof to cation and awareness that will loons, pamphlets and bro- extinguish the burning timbers of Harvey Stone promote a more healthy life- chures," There are various Park's pavilion style." The structure of the student groups' assisting Fair is one where exhibitors throughout the day. These from 00 campus and the include the Delta Slqrna Ranger platoon trains community have displays that Kappa sorority, the Alpha Nu relate to at least one area of Omega sorority, the Biology in navigation, rafting wellness, such as physical Martene Clements 211 class, and the Siog- fitness, nutrition awareness, names. Individuals who are environmental, emotional, etc. Education Majors Club, the interested may help as well. by Chris Ginther to refurbish ammunition 'belts for the iour M-60's. Arrival Clements points out that Biology 112 class, the Fernin- Although the Fair is the Saturday, On March roughly 25 exhibitors will be ist Coalition, the American focus event there are three WMC's Ranger Platoon left 9, was followed quickly by a boxed breakfast and inflating present including the Coun- Heart Association, Westmin- seling Center, the Physical ster Road Runners, Nationaf ,,~_....__continued on page 2 campus for its spring training of rubber rafts, ·among other mission at Gunpowder Military preparations. King takes risks onstaqe ReserVation. Approximately - arrived, squads were sent to As the -reamining rangers 40 rangers participated in 4 squads, accompanied by a each activity area. Two by Frances Ward She has appeared in such was 12, King sees pertonning group of third year ROTC squads moved from activity to productions as Doctor In as a way to explore new cadets under Maj. James K. activity together, but all four If you saw the recent De- Spite of Himself, Approaching personality traits and life- Martin. competed against each other partment of Pertonning Arts Simone, and Miss Margar;da's styles. "Sabe SotreUe is a The training, designed as in a timed scoring system. production of Crimes of the Way. "I liked playing Babe young, irrational girl who is squad competition, consisted This format was designed to Heart, you were sure to have because she is closer to my very independent and asser- of an obstacle course, rafting, promote "esprit de corps." been amused by the daffy age, and I have usuaJly live, yet is lonely and seeks land navigation, live weapons The obstacle· course con- antics of Babe Batrelle, the played women much older reassurance. It was hard for firing and training with the M- tained 10 barriers demanding youngest of three sisters who . than myself. It's much easier me to do some of the' things 60 machine gun, and rappel- strength, coordination, bal- shot her lawyer husband be- to play younger women be- as the character Babe be- ing from a 50 foot tower. ance, and common sense to cause she "just didn't like his cause I have gone through caue, they were completely Squad two was determined overcome. Two squads looks!" the same number of life exce- opposite to my way of think- the overall winner of the exer- worked against each other; Behind the character of riences," she reflects. ing." One of the most difficult cise. thefirst tryin!;' to complete the Babe Botrelle is a veteran of A theater arts major who An advanced party of seven the WMC stage, laura King. has been acting since she continued on page 2 rangers used extra travel time continued ~n page 3 ~ghts: What approach to the Griswald sponsors dinner Ethiopian crisis would you like osee most supported? of Chinese delicacies direct funds from foreign governments by Kelly Connor available in the West to ex- delicacies. The film also visits plore the relationship between an exotic spice market and a Those who seek a flavor for Chinese cuisine and Chinese c.ooking academy in Sichuan another culture can satisfy culture, from' a Chinese per- Province, and concludes by food and money via organizations' their tastebuds at the upcom- spective. These four films, joining a celebration of au- like UNICEF, CARE ing Chinese food and film "Masters of the Wok," "Food tumn at a Chrysanthemum presentation. for Body and Spirit," "The banquet. Dr. Earl Griswald, with the Family Table," and "Water The second film in the ser- royalty donations from groups such as help of Marriott food services, Farmers," were shot in the ies, "Food for Body and Band-Aide and USA For Africa will be presenting a Chinese northem plains of Shandong, Spirit," investigates the im- pact of religious influences on of Sf- tl1e mountain basin meal on Thursday, March 21, on the dining porch. chuan, and the water country Chinese cuisine. It takes the The meal will be introduced 10 20 30 40 50 60 by a series of films, entitled of the Yangzi River Delta. viewer into a Taoist temple kitchen and an unusual herbal "Masters of the Wok" fo- Number of people "A Taste of China." This ac- cuses on master chefs as medicine restaurant where claimed series, produced by they prepare a 28-course meals are prescribed accord- the award-winning filmmaker banquet, from ordinary wheat Survey sample: 128 Source: Phoenix Sue Yung u is the first noodles to elaborate imperial continued on page 2
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