Page 88 - ThePhoenix1984-85
P. 88
Page 8lWe.tem Maryland BACCHUS promotes Flamingo Kid offers responsible drinking superb performances by Sandra Carlson of parents or school making uncoordinated kid with a viewer because it is a prac- "People know what it is to rules for them." by Jonathan Slade head for mathematics; and tice that is frequently used on party by what they've done or Dr. Suzanne Oakley, BAC- the latter as a middle-aged television. For those who ei- seen, but they haven't been CHUS advisor and psycholo- Decision-making is an on- patriarch who still dreams of ther don't watch commercial educated about alcohol," said gist in the college's Center for going process that consumes distant lands yet plants his programming or, on the other Suzanne Gray, president of Counseling and Career Serv- a large portion of everyone's feet firmly in reality. Dillion's hand, enjoy it, this nuance will BACCHUS. ices explained that 'BAC- life. And though most choices best moment comes as he go unnoticed. Boost Alcohol Conscious- CHUS' mission is to educate a person makes concern in- eats dinner in the home of an The cinematography, it ness Concerning the Health students about some of the significant aspects of daily EI Flamingo well-to-do, for seems, is the only other chisel of University Students was effects alcohol can have on routine, there are those prob- even the audience is embar- which chips away at The originally formed at Western one's body, grades, de- lems that occasionally must rassed as he clumsily navi- Flamingo Kid's perfection. Maryland College almost two pressed feelings, or the fre- be addressed which desig- gates his way through an Sometimes James A. Cont- years ago to "promote re- quent run-ins they have with nate one's course through the onslaught of silverware, ner's camera direction slips sponsible drinking decisions the authorities as being re- vast and nebulous future Richard Crenna is likewise from its grace, allowing an The Flamingo Kid, a Twen- by increasing alcohol aware- lated to their drinking tieth Century Fox release superb. As Phillip Brody, a awkward sequence to reach ness, according to their "Sixty percent of the disci- super slick car dealer who the silver screen. In one in- stated purpose, and this plinary cases before the Resi- which has survived the Christ- could probably push a back- stance, the picture pans back __ group was recently rejuvl- dence life Staff are alcohol mas movie deluge, ignores firing heap on his own and forth between the mem- nated in Oct. 1984 to continue related," Oakley added. the usual trashy subjects thai mother, Crenna plays a surro- bers of the Willis family as promoting awareness of alco- Responsible drinking is screenwriters develop for teen gate father of sorts to Willis; they eat. Thouqh dialogue is hol. The group is dedicated to something that a lot of people movies, and targets one he trains the youth in what is occurring to keep the viewer educating the campus "are not going to want to youth's indecision about his expected of a man who be- occupied, the shot still ap- through films and educational believe in until something bad goals as its primary topic. longs to the upper eschelon. pears slightly over-extended. Such a "weighty" project re- programs. In addition, BAC- happens to them," Gray re- In essence, Brody sells the But again, this flaw in photo- CHUS plans to have a booth plied. One member of the Quires incredible acting talent "elite style" to Willis in much graphic direction does not so that certain scenes do not at the upcoming Wellness BACCHUS realized the need the same way he would sell a destroy the movie's unity. become cheesy, preachy, or Fair. The organization will for responsible drinking after overly moralistic. Fortunately, BMW to a prospective cus- Thus, the tremendous per- sponsor two more series of he had been taken to the tamer. And the bedazzled sonal performances are the alcohol awareness programs: hospital for alcohol poisoning fine-tuned performances are eighteen year old lunges for highlights of tne. Flamingo March 13-20, 6-8 p.rn., and and Gray herself became in- on tap here, allowing a subtle the bait, until, that is, he Kid. MattĀ· Dillion even sur- message about destiny to un- April 24-May 1, 6-8 p.m. terested in alcohol awareness learns a lesson about integrity passes his role as the young "I think an alcohol aware- after being arrested for driv- ford, even if the script does from his newly-found mentor. gang idol in Francis Ford ness group is needed at ing "under the influence." It plod in some places, and the in Indeed, the characteriza- Coppola's The Outsiders. The falters camera direction every college," said Gray, was after this arrest the Gray tions are excellent. Never be- few technical and creative who took a course in "Social came to understand the haz- others, fore has a film seen the faults that are present, how- and Clinical Aspects of Alco- ards of excessive drinking. Matt Dillion stars as Jeffrey screen where each personal- ever, do their best to reduce hol and Drug Abuse" last BACCHUS is not an anti- Willis, an eighteen year old ity is so utterly unique and the film to an average movie summer. "Some students drinking organization. Gray opportunist from Brooklyn believable (though Bill Mur- rating. It lacks the vigor of an drink every week or even said student would probably who passes up jobs at a ray's The Razor's Edge excellent picture, but, in the every night; but they're igno- think "They must be a bunch grocery store and an office comes close). Even Jessica same breath, it is far from rant about many of the ef- of straight people who don't building to become a cabana Walter's role, that of Jeffrey's terrible. fects." Gray speculated that understand alcohol" when boy at a ritzy Long Island mother, is poignantly exe- And consequently, as only students drink so much at they saw the posters for BAC- beach club. It is the scorch- cuted: we see in her a woman Jeffrey Willis can ponder what col1ege because they are ex- CHUS. "We're not trying to ing summer of 1963 and Willis who is deeply hurt by her goals he must pursue after perimenting. "They're making intimidate people," .Gray em- appears to bury his immedi- son's choice of course, but is high school, only each indi- rules for themselves instead pnastzeo. ate problems in sun, sand, nonetheless passively suppor- vidual viewer can decide and tight bikinis, dodging the tive of him. Occasionally. we whether or not to see this Local audiences question of college as he even catch a hint of shame highly contemplative produc- finds himself caught in a tug- tion about origin and destiny. that flows from her round, of-war of loyalty. He has be- arm to 'The Chill' come of the rich and he worried face, for she knows canister capsules.: mesmerized by the that her family's stark origins world Beverly Hills Co~- This is are not as attractive to a wants to be among them. His young man as the flash of the probably the best vehicle yet by Tracy Kennard ~n1h:h~p~i~I~~Theta functions gradual climb in status at the EI Flamingo. to highlight Eddie Murphy's club, called the EI Flamingo, This film, however, which exceptional comic talents, yet, One member of "The Chill" demonstrates this. He works People are talking about the said he has "learned how to his way up from parking lot may sound like a quintessen- Daniel Petrie's screenplay suf- "chill" that has hit the Western deal with others- especially attendant outside the resort to tial example of movie making, fers too much from the "televi- Maryland Community. "The those in the band. At times it a personal servant within, Yet is tempered by a plot which sion mentality." Police car slows in several places. The Chill" is not a mysterious takes a lot of patience. Occa- Willis is constantly hampered pile-ups are no more enter- disease but rather an exciting sionally rehearsal gets tense, by his working class back- screenplay, which was taining here than in CHIPs, by Neal and Gary crafted The Dukes of Hazzard, and new brand. Students John ~owever by keeping a pest- ground. His father (Hector The Lap~ade, Dave Oravec, John tive attitlude and not getting Elizondo), a humble plumber Marshall (Gary, until recently, Eddie A-Team. But when Murphy's Axel Foley Robinson, and faculty mem- hung up on little things, we who incessantly tries to guide was producing Happy Days) ~er Dereck Day ~tarted play- have managed to work every- his son, wants Jeffrey to have is definitely above average. is on camera, his way Ing together durinq the fall thing out so far and continue more than he did - that Each scene appears to exist through the swank haunts of semester. Known last year as to have a great time." includes, first and foremost, a for a concrete purpose, and Hollywood's upper class, this "Orient .Blue," the band The band hopes to pass on college education. Much of many are permeated with movie is at its best. changed Its name and added this "good time" mood to its the contention in the film subtle humor. But every once Protocol--Goldie Hawn plays a new dimension with Day. audience. Band members builds on this question of in a while a gag is used a "The Chltl" has performed Dave Oravec commented. allegiance: Who does Jeffrey little too often: there is a fat yet another bubble-headed previously at the Phi Sigma "The Pit performance went Willis emulate more, the little child who hogs his way blonde.Here she begins the Sigma formal, WMC Pub, O's very well. The Manaqernent "carefree" values of the into a couple of scenes and film by accidentally foiling an and Ginny's, "The Pit", and was very happy with us, I wealthy families around him he eventually becomes an- assassination attempt and "The Cellar Door." All of these believe, and we had an awe- or the sweat-laden ways 01 noying, Undoubtedly, this ends up lecturing the Ameri- performances have led the some time. It makes it so his own kin? This inquiry is practice of kicking a joke to can justice system on the band to anticipate other book- easy when friends from West- ultimately answered in the death is a throwback to Mar- Declaration of Independence. ings in the Westminster and ern Maryland come out and climax of The Ffamingo Kid. shall's sit-com days, Fortun- Viewers may find this funny, Baltimore area, as the feed- give support like they did at ately, this recycled gag trick however, if they have not back has been positive. Up- "The Pit". "The Chill" would Dillion and Elizondo, how- never becomes so ungainly seen Private Benjamin. Also, coming performances include like to thank them for their ever, both deserve praise for that it disrupts the flow of the trivia buffs should keep an "The Pit" (March 14, April 4) support. their performances, the former film. It simply is irritating to eye out for local television '- --' for his rendition of a lanky, the exceptionally critical personality.
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