Page 96 - ThePhoenix1984-85
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Szechun tiDownlown Theatre on The Hill FAN'S CtIIE8E RESTAURANT Westmlnaler Cab:JMM 59W. MaIn St. ' prepares summer stock PolynesIan 84&0119 Theatre On The Hill, WMC's a romantic Stephen Sondheim prove promotion of the American 87&3166 summer repertoire company score highlighting star- county's only professional crossed lovers and the slap- summer repertoire theatre CocIctaR aervice Quk;kay Lunch & Carry Out :~n~ff~~ra ~;~ie79~ e~~:~~~ stick antics of Pseudolus, a company and to enhance 11 -'Mol0 PM Sun-lhura 11 AM-l1 PM FfI.Sat Audiences may spend an freedom-loving slave. The tourism in the county. Another ~ for ~. PartieS,·.Hors·,d'_ evening amidst the razzle- Hobbit, an adaptation of new development is that tick- J.R.R. Iolkien'e fantasy, tells ets for this season may be L::=================~ dazzle of or roaring a romantic of Bilko Baggin's adventures charged on Visa and Master- twenties Chicago, take r- romp among the columns of as he plans to recapture the charge accounts. OVERSEAS EMPLOYMENT ancient enjoy Rome. a fantasy adven- dwarfs' stolen gold from the Auditions for company Some may even WORLD-SIDE OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN! ture in the world of Mid- dragon Smaug. with the sea- members to are two being ex- In conjunction panded weekends: JAPAN - EUROPE - AFRICA - AUSTRALIA - THE SOUTH dleearth. son, Domser also announced 16 and PACIFIC -SOUTH AMERICA - THE FAR EAST. This year's season includes some organizational changes March March 23 17 at WMC, at 24 and and EXCELL"ENi.:..'.W'~EFITS. HIGHER SALARIES AND W.'\GES! Chicago, A Funny Thing Hap- for Theatre On The Hill. A new FREE TRAN~POR"T ATION! GENEROUS VACATIONS! pened on the Way to the managing director, Phyllis George Washington D.C. University in Washington, More than 300,000 Americans Japan, Africa, The South Forum, and The Hobbit, an- Thompson, associate profes- - not including members of Pacific, The Far East, South nounced Producer Ira Dam- sor of performing arts, will "This new activity, com- the armed services - are' America ... nearly every part ser, who is assistant professor oversee business and opera- bined with the return of Har- now living overseas. These of the free world! of performing arts. Chicago, -tional activities. Thompson vey Doster as artistic director people are engaged in nearly (3). Co mp a n le s and with its sizzle and brass, is brings considerable experi- and Dottie Fried as choreog- every possible activi- Government agencies the story in song and dance ence in promotion and non- rapher, will make for the most ty ... constructten. engineer- employing personnel in near-- of murderess' Roxie Hart and profit business management exciting season to: date at ing, sales,. transportation, ly every occupation, from Velma 'Selly, who seek to to the position, as weH as a Theatre On the Hili," Domser "secretariat 'work, accoun- the unskilled laborer- to the capltauze'bn pre-trial publicity career specialty in musical says. ttng, rnanufac turing , oil college trained professional to assure their acquittal and . theatre. In addition, Domser is For more information about refining, tea'Ching, nursing, manor woman. enhance their stage careers. working more closely with the auditions or season tickets government, etc.-etc. And (4). Firms and organiza- Forum abounds with laughs Carroll County Office of Tour- call the theatre at 848-7000, many are earning $2,000 to tions engaged in foreign con- from a fast-paced script and ism and Information to im- ext. 599. $5,000per month ... or more! struction projects, manufac- To allow you the op- turing, mining, oil refining, portunity to apply for engineering, sales, services, overseas employment, we teaching, etc., etc. have researched and compil- (5). How and where to ap- Classified I.D. Dear 2 percent, I love you ed a new and exciting direc- ply for overseas Government Enjoy life, To loser and J.P. Happy Day! tory on overseas employ- jobs. This is not a dress rehearsal Anon. ment. Here is just a sample (6). Information about Wanted, part time P.T. of what our InternaUonal summer jobs. Marvin: You light up my Employment Directory (7). You will receive our evening help. Drivers Fred: Life roUs by too quickly to life 000 covers. Employment Opportunity for food delivery from waste, so enjoy every moment (1). Our International Digest ... jam-packed with in- before it rolls away. love, Wilma Pooh, Remember the tastiest highest the in is Employment Directol')' lists formation about current job Maria's Restaurant Superfly, honey luck with your work. tree. Good dozens of cruise ship com- opportunities. Special sec- to WMC. You must Be Mine Christopher Robin panies, both on the east and tions features news of have a car. J.S. west coast. You will be told overseas construction pro- Call 848-5666 Milo: Take it easy, don't be Jennifer. .. Drink beer, drink what type of positions the jects, executive positions Also needed part time paranoid!, -Opus beer oh... come drink beer cruise ship companies hire, and teaching opportunities. waitress with me! Lynn such as deck hands, Happy Birthday Kelley! I still did restaurant help, cooks, B~cftTu:r~~~~e and kitchen help. it. Louisiana Hey Mark, you never visit any- more - what's the deal? bartenders, just to name a Our International Employ- Dietz and Michel - 3rd floor Whiteford few. You will also receive m.ent Directory is sent to you Sheepherding is fun! New Zea- several Employment Ap- with this guarantee. If [or Personals land here we come. Nice stems Jenny! plication Forms that you any reason you do not obtain may send directly to the overseas employment or you COMMUTERS- Support a united Ireland Bert, I love you. companies you would like to are not satisfied with the job Please remember to carry your yours, Me work for. offers ... simply return our college t.D. when in our lounge. Sister lely + Muffy Jim, is there any possibility of Happy St. Patty's Day. (2). Firms and organiza- Director"f within 90 days and Security will be checking for ron- -Marv- marriage if I look. so bad in the tions employing all types of we'll refund your money pro- commuter violators. morning? Broken-hearted. personnel in Australia, mptly ... no questions asked. "$he's a girl not a duck!" tene To Doo 000, O'Michael! Happy Watch out for mystery men and Happy St. P's Day, Carin love the Saint Patty's Day ORDER FORM mad gardener~. L.A. w~ts you only one you really love. tw, Marvin International Employment Directory Don't get sick In the frisbee. To my besl buddy, Ronnie Loser, Come visit one or two 131 Elma Dr. Dept. T21 Carin Love in Christ, times before you graduate! Centralia, WA 98531 Aye, let's go kiss the Blarney Jeff (Messy), Marvin Stone ------- Please send me a copy of your Interuational Employment Sparkles Lelie, Tim, Dr. Phillips says Hi. Anita DireetorJ. I understand that I may use this information for 90 We're hoping for a big storm A.C. here we come. (But who leo: Journey"Frontiers" Side 2, days and if I am not satisfied with the results, 1 may return Loser and Doc will catch us?) last phrase of last song. Have a your Directory for an immediate refund. On that basis I'm DOO fantastic day! Love ya, Jill. enclosing $20.00 cash .... check ... or money order ... for your To All Eligible Males: DIrector7. I desperately need a date to Dens: Rolf and Tim, You're still my one my formal. If you are a sexy stud, Thanks for everything. and only Wa! please contact me. MLF love, Anita. NAME ~.,.~."~.~""~,-- Yours hopefully, C.M., L.S., xw, M.F., J.D., never Dee Kemmer If you need a hug ...Jeff Rickett forget the vow of oberache! L.F. ADDRESS. _ _APTII Bert, Soookums: I.LY.!!- Me Happy. St. Patty's Day To 000: Smile, you know why? You'd Tammy: Have a great day! lynn you Irish lass you! Smile! Marvin CITY __ STATE .-,"__ . ZIP better!' Visil Soon! Inga, linda, International EmPloym/{ Directory 1984 _______________ A_M:-L Sparkles and Rolf, Let's do Star- lely, WE MADE IT! Jesus Christ is the answer to burst wrappers Your Pledge sister L_ ~ J~ev~e~~q~ue~s~!~~n! __ Love, Anita Lynn
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