Page 87 - ThePhoenix1984-85
P. 87
Stull joins WMC staff WMC to host as football line coach wrestling tournament by Elizabeth Lelk weeks ago. I think it's a qood The past years rated slightly Western Maryland College compete in this event. Car- opportunity for me,' said Stull lower. The Owls finished with will be hosting the 16th an- penter commented that most in an interview with the Carroll a 3-7 record in - 1983. and nual Maryland State High of the local schools did well Westminster High School's County Times. He turned were 2-8 this past fall School Wrestling Tournament this year. North Carroll High is Guy Stull has resigned as down an earlier offer to coach this weekend, March 1-2. The favored to win the Class B head football coach and will at another small college. Western Maryland head State Championships will ex- and C Championship. become offensive line coach Stull was assistant coach to coach Jack Molesworth com- tend over a two-day period, Carpenter 'adds, "This will for Western Maryland next Jim Head from 1971-77 be- mented to Times reporter Tom 3-11 pm on Friday and noon probably be the largest crowd season. fore gaining the head coach- Adams, 'We are pleased to to 10 pm on Saturday. so far in the PELC. We're ing position for the next seven have Guy join the staff. His Towson State University has expecting close to 3,000 peo- Former line coach John Grim resigned to return to a years. He completed his ca- kno.wledge and experience been the site of the past three ple." reer at Westminster with a 36- coachmq position at linga- will greatly enhance our pro- tournaments, but due to con- In order to provide ade- nore. 35 record. gram.' Hict in schedules, WMC was quate parking for this event, asked 10 host the event. students, faculty, and staff are Stull feels this was a tough The best year for the Owls Stull sees Western Maryland According to Dr. Rick Car- asked to move their vehicles decision, but it was a chance came 'in 1979 when they as an 'ideal opportunity' since penter, athletic director at from the Gill Gym, PELC, or he couldn't pass up. ended the season 8-2. West- he'll be working in the same WMC, approximately 350 indi- water tower lots from 10 pm, 'This is something I've been minster then went on to win vicinity, and continuing to viduals, representing 97 Feb. 28 through 11 pm, thinking about for a long time. the Class AA, Region IV teach at Westminster. Stull will Maryland high schools, will March 2. I didn't know anything about champions_hip in 1981 under also fulf'iU his position as the opening until a co~ple of St~lI's guidance. baseball coach thi~ year Sen. Bidenassesses Chavez named All-American US foreign direction continued from page 1 assiqnments. he serves on Mike Chavez, a junior de- two touchdowns. His so-yard returns averaging 9.5 yards the Budget Committee and is fensive back' on the 1984 return of a theft was the per return while finishing sec- gan administration's pian to ranking Democrat on the Ju- WMC football learn, has been game-winner as WMC de- and in kickoff returns with a sell AWACS aircraft and other diciary Committee. selected as an honorable feated Ursinus, 20-14. He 14.3average. He recorded 54 sophisticated military techncl- mention All-American by a also returned an interception tackles from his cornerback ogy to Saudi Arabia. Biden's presentation is free panel of Diviaion III Sports 61 yards in a 22-10 victory position and also doubled as Biden was first elected into and open to the public. A Information Directors over Dickinson. a wide receiver catching three the Senate in 1972. In addi- reception will follow the lec- Chavez, a native of Mon- A 1982 graduate of Linga- passes including a 74-yard tion to his Foreign Relations ture in McDaniel Lounge. For and Intelligence Committee rovla. returned seven inter- nore High School, Chavez led touchdown to defeat Lebanon -===================: more information call ext. 290. ~c_ep_ti_on_S_fo_r_2_3_2_y_a_rd_s_a_n_d_t_he_G_r_e_en_T_e_rro_r_S_i_n_ou~nt;!_va~lI~ey~,~f~5:2'f':2.~ House of Liquors Carroll Plaza, Weatminater Shaeffer Weekender $S.89/case 1 per coupon Ifyou have at least FREE PREGNANCY TEST you can spend six weeks at two years of college left, and counseling our Army ROTC Basic Camp this summer and earn approximately $600. Call Birthright can ~~~rifrh~ROT~~YOU Year Program this fall and 848-3488 receive up to $1 ,(xx) a year. But the big payoff happens on graduation day. Have something to sell? That's when you receive an officer's commission. So $et your body in shape (not to mention your The Phoenix For more information, bank account). Enroll in Army ROTC. contact your Professor of Military Science. reaches over BEALL YOU CAN BE. ARMY ROTC. 1500 readers. For more info. Contact us today. stop by- Extension 630 Forlines House
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