Page 86 - ThePhoenix1984-85
P. 86
Trip to Blast game Individual swim times set for March 3 please Coach Easterday by Phys. Ed majors by Elizabeth Lelk by C. Lloyd Hart day, one of many new promo- "Just about everyone had tional events designed to their best time of the season," The Physical Education Ma- blaster attendance commented swimming Coach jors Club (PEMC) is co-spon- Kim Easterday on the men's soring a trip to the March 3 Seats available are on the and women's participation in Baltimore Blast indoor soccer corners of middle concourse the Mid-Atlantic Conference game against SI. Louis sections 3, 4, 13, and 16. meet held at Johns Hopkins Steamers. A motor coach bus 'These are the best seats this past weekend, Feb. 22 will depart from the Physical available and they're in and 23. Final searings will be Education Learning Center blocks of eight or more so no tabulated in two weeks, but (PELC) at 11:30 am and will one will have to sit alone,' personal scores have been return by 4 pm. Tickets are added Welliver reported. available from college trainer Val Borror reaped in points .Mr. Paul Welliver for $15. The PEMC and Welliver will for the Terrors, placing in provide ice, at 11:15 am in three events. Swimming tenth Welliver is also co-sponsor- the training room, for any in the 100 yd. breast stroke, ing. this event and has fi- student who wish to bring Borror then went on to grab a nanced the entire cost from coolers. Beer will be permit- fourth in the 100 yo. butterfly personal funds. 'This is basi- ted on the bus rides to and and a fifth in the 200 yd. fly cally a trip for all the kids from the Baltimore Civic Cen- Senior Lynda Rennie, an- wh.o'.ve helped me in the ter. 'We're going to have a fun other individual placer for the training room because they ride down, have a few drinks women, notched eighth in the basically work for nothing. and come back safely. Every- 50 yd. free. ~~~t~I~~~a~~t:~~~~~~s !~i~ ~~~s~~~~s~~mrora~~U~kod~~V~ The women pulled together 'Let's go to a Blast game,' so ing,' emphasized Welliver. in the 400 yd. free relay, Men competed equally as Coach Easterday com- I rented a bus and we Anyone interested in tickets coming in eighth. The team well, earning a tenth in the mented on a productive sea- opened it up to everyone,' may contact Welliver in the consisted of Mary Peel, Mel- 400 yd. medely; but they son and was pleased with the said Welliver. PELC training room or at exte. issa Morree!e, Borror, and were later disqualified. The MAC results. 580 and 584, or, Ms. Terry Rennie. Peel, Borror, Rennie, team of Dan O'Conner, Den- Sunday's game is also the Paddy in Whiteford 407 or and Jill Paparazo brought the nis DeMatte, Scott Flickinger, "Although we didn't place Blast's annual team picture through ext. 319. team to eleventh in the 400 and Fred Walz placed elev- high as a team, individually ~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~rYd_._m_e_d_le_y. __ ~ ~ __ ~e~nt_h_i_n_th_e_4_0_0~y_d_._fre_e_.e_v_e_~_on_e_d_id__a_s_u~pe_r~jO_b_'_', Carriage House Liquors §mericanCflr:ollrgintr llilortli §ntbologp ~~ "At the Forks" International Publications 113 W. Main Street, Westminster is $pOfIsOfing a ~ia1s this week.... 1iational (l[:ollege l)oetrp (l[:ontest Coors and Coors II. $4.85/12 pk - - Spring ConeDurs 1985 -- open to .n college and university students desiring to have thllir poetry Signatu,e House Chablis $4.49/lt'. antholoeized. CASH PRIZES will go 10 the top five poems: present college 1.0. for discounts!!... ~'M-il. Deadline: March 31 accepted 771.,2~ AWARDS of tr .. printing for All anthology, manuscripu in our populv, AMERICAN bound and copyrighted COLLEGIATE handsomely POETS. submit his or her ve!'H. 1. Any student is eligibl810 Art supplies ~ CONTEST RULES AND RESTRICTIONS; available 2. 3. All entries must be original and unpublished. on one side of the page only. double·spaced. All entries must be typed, %. ".,1IaiA8n.f, -- Each poem must be on II separate sheet and must bear, in the upper left- hand corner, the NAME and ADDRESS of the student as well al the • .......,.,..".".,." Jl1I7 - COLLEGE attended. Put name lind address on envelope also! . T'fttpAotw 101/841· 0010 4. There are no restrictions on form Ot theme. length of poems up to fourteen lines. Small black and white illustrations (Avoid "Untitled"!) Each poem must have a separate title. welcome. 5. The judges' decision will be final. No info by phone! 6. Entrants should keep a copy of all entries as they cannot be returned. FAN'S CHINESE RESTAURANT Prize winners and all authors awarded free publication will be notified Szechun~' town Westminster immediately poems. after deadline. I.P. will ratain fint publication rights for accepted Foreign language poems welcome. Catanese. 5£1W. Main SI. 7. There is an initial one dollar ragistration fee for the first antry and a Polynesian 848-0919 faa of fifty cants for each additional poem. It is requested to submit American . 876-3166 no more than ten poems per entrant. B. All entries must ba postmarked not latar than tha abo.,. deadlina and Cocktail service OuickeyLunch& Cany Out fees be paid, cash, check or n19MV order, to: 11 AM·10 PM Sun-Thurs 11 AM·11 PM Fri·Sat INTERNATIONAL PUBLICATIONS Catering for Banquets. Parties.Hors d'oeuvres P. O. Box 44044-L Los Angeles, CA 90044
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