Page 84 - ThePhoenix1984-85
P. 84
Editorial How power corrupts Things aren't looking so good for Dean of Student Affairs Philip Sayre. A recent front page story in- the Carroll County Times reveals even more incriminating evidence that Sayre and other members of the college administration, including Vice Presi- dent H. Thomas Kimball, have made it their policy to attempt to cover up violations of state drug laws. The Feb. 21 story quotes an internal college memo from Sayre to Kimball, in which Sayre expresses his disappointment in Security Director Ed Shropshire's policy of calling police when he or his staff encounters violations of state laws, especially concerning drugs, on this campus. Sayre's disa- greement with Shropshire has resulted in the latter's resigna- tion. This policy of "un-involving" the police, if indeed it does exist, is wrong. It violates the fundamental principles of law enforcement and good citizenship. It is illegal. Whatever other extenuating circumstances which may exist as a result of our status as a COllegehave no relevance in justifying obstruction of justice. Western Maryland College, and its entire compli- ment. as a place of higher tearning, can not knowingly permit illegal activity on its campus. Sayre's motives behind his action are also fundamentally incorrect. Clearly, in his highly visible position, Sayre is 'Waryof any injurious publicity the college may receive in the local community. Also in consideration is the standing of WMC in the eyes of the more than influential members of the academic 'AND IF THIS DOESN'T ,WORK I CAN community at large. He, and all his fellow employees, are THE SLACK WITH MY 38 SNUBNOSE: bound to protect this institution from criticism and scrutiny, lest something be uncovered which is less than flattering. Instead of trying to protect Western Maryland College ourselves more with our neighbors. Getting WMC involved with Students are not immune from the Westminster community, we should try to involve its surroundings has been an often mentioned goal of the new The proper way in which to handle this potentially from debt collection administration, and the new scholarships are a step in the right direction. explosive discovery is to "come clean." This will demonstrate by C. Lloyd Hart Because of the extent of the one that would be made in to everyone that President Robert H. Chambers promises not problem and the apparent the marketplace, elicits cries to violate the laws of the state of Maryland are not hollow nonchalant attitude of those of persecution. rhetoric. Honesty, and the ability to deal swiftly and responsi- Student debtors had better owing money federal agents bly with our mistakes will earn far 'more respect than secrecy run for cover. Uncle Sam is have printed the names of the The larger question of this coming calling for the money and an attitude suggesting that we hold ourselves above the "deadbeats" in newspapers, dilemma is not whether stu- But him. this law. you owe place too much attempting to flush out, dent debtors should be pur- shouldn't To lose a dedicated and principled man such as through public opinion, those sued in this fashion, but how Shropshire is a waste. In parting he does have the satisfaction strain on you, since you've who have avoided notices this can be prevented. The of knowing he has not compromised himself or others, a virtue been evading him since you requesting payments. As root of the problem seems to that unfortunately certain others may not claim left school. And if you say that these individuals are identi- rise where students borrowed evasion makes it sound as if The you are a criminal, then let me fied, wages may be im- borrowed that could not pos- Sums were indiscriminately. pounded and bank accounts assert that that is exactly what Phoenix you are. confiscated to cover the debt. sibly be repaid within even methods To some these re- time generous these Thousands of college stu- may seem harsh, but one straints. Prospective borrow- must consider that these stu- lions of govemment doHars in Editor-in-Chief BiII Mann dents each year borrow mil- dents freely entered into legal ers must look more closely at their ability to repay and give Managing Editor KeUyConnor the form of low interest, long- agreements to go into debt. precedents to actual needs Layout Editor C. Lloyd Hart term loans. And each year They have not upheld their instead of pure desires. Copy Editor Jonathan Slade thousands more default on responsibilities News Editor Leo Ryan loans, some 10 years old. As Also it must be kept in mind Yes, it is unfortunate that a Features Editor : Barbara Abel the years have passed the that the guaranteed student student who wants and per- Sports Editor... .. Elizabeth Leik total dollar value of defaulted loan program is not a give- haps deserves to go to Har- Photography Editors ....Stacey Pucci, Margaret Gemski, student loans has reached away program. The arrange- vard or Yale can not because Ursula Wiedmann almost $4.5 billion. In fact, ment is identical to that of- of monetary restrictions. But Business Manager Craig Sarsony almost 10 per cent of all fered by any bank, except this is fiscal reality, and the Advertising Manager Carol O'Brien student borrowers become that the interest rates are student that borrows reasona- Reporting Staff Steven Rossman bad debtors. ludicrously low and repay- ble, and chooses his college There are certainly no statis- .~iII.Grabowski, Cyndi Schafer, ment is not demanded until a well, will, in the long run be in Melissa Renehan, Sandra tics that reveal that the major- student leaves school. No a better, more responsible Carlson, Chris Ginther, Rhonda ity or even a small portion of bank that wishes to stay in position. Myer-s,Jeff Stebbins, Andrew P. those students who take loans business would enter into an After all, which is better: the Jung, Thomas Garland, Nancy Shaw for education intend from out- agreement like that. set not to repay the money. $12,000 a year public de- Publishedby and for the studentsof WesternMalYland But because a Significant per- But the federal government fender with a $20,000 Ivy College.Theoplmonsexpressedin this pubJicatiQ(ldo not centage do not, the Depart- has chosen to do so to League debt or the $12,000 necessarilyreflectthoseof the staffor adminlstratlon.The ment of Education and the benefit the talented young public defender with a $3,000 Phoenix reservesthe right 10 headline,edit for length, Justice Department have people of our country. All it is debt. clarityand libelouscontent.All lettersto theeditormustbe combined in an effort to re- asking in return is that the True, the "name colleges" signed, authorshipwill be verified. cover monies owed by 15,000 money be returned, with inter- do have their advantages, but We welcome commentsandlor suggestions.Pleasead- student debtors. Another est, when its purpose has when your house, your furni- dress all mail to The Phoenix,WesternMarylandCollege. major push involving 35,000 been served. It is disturbing ture, and your car have been Westminster,Md. 21157. other borrowers in arrears is that a simple requirement repossessed the name looses planned for later this year. such as this, no different than a little of its luster.
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