Page 83 - ThePhoenix1984-85
P. 83
Student panel members Marriott Mardi Gras appeal for suggestions off to medio!?k~~ss~!e~f~MarrioH by Elizabeth Lelk is sponsoring different food by C. Lloyd Hart the present extra-curricular A second sub-committee booths, such as pizza, corn- and co-curricular environment will address problems with Marriott Dining Service dogs, hamburgers, french of WMC. The group, co- housing, food services, and plans to hold a Mardi Gras fries, and popcorn. Hopefully The four student members chaired by Dr. Francis M. the over-all dining environ- next month. The event, staff will get involved, too." of the newly-formed Presiden- Fennell, expects to present its ment. Affinity housing; group- scheduled for Tuesday, As of now, only three cam- tial Commission on Student results in 12-18 months. ing academic majors March 5, is open to students pus organizations signed up Ufe are appealing to the The areas of greatest con- together, and all freshman and faculty. Coordinator Mary to participation. Bacchus, a student body at large for cern to the student segment housing, will figure promi- Jo Wardlaw hopes to bring a newly formed student group, guidance in their phase of the of the commission center on nently in the deliberations. new outlook to the food serv- intends to provide' non-al- study. Greek and residential life, and A third sub-committee will ice. choholicdrinks.Phi Alpha Mu In the letter to student com- the broad social environment "We're trying to break up sorority will sponsor a pie mission members, Sean Ede- of tile campus. examine 'responsible student the monotony of just coming throwing booth. Blanche Ward behavior in major areas such lin, Molly Muir, Tim Pyle, and A sub-committee will ad- as: alcohol, and drug use; the to eat every day. Marriott is House Council plans to set up Cindy Ransberry invite con- dress tile nature of Greek life role of independents, women, working on ideas for upcom- a table for. face painting. In cerned members of the WMC at WMC, as well as compari- minorities and other special ing months to inform students. addition to these student run community to voice their opin- sons with other colleges in population groups; student about the service and eating. functions, a Budweiser booth ions on a variety of topics Maryland and Pennsylvania, goverance; and student-fac- This is one of the fun with sale items will be set up, under consideration comparable to Western Mary- ulty relationships.' projects." also offering information on The presidential commission alcohol awareness. . consists of four alumni, four land. Students are invited to re- Wardlaw opened the opera- Manager Dan Yeager says trustees, four faculty rnem- Suggestions for modifica- gister their comments with tion up to student participa- they have "recieved little in- bers, two administrators, and tions in the role of fraternities commission members in per- tlon., Groups could help by terest for the event." four students. This panel has and sororities will also be son or mail ideas and com- decorating or sponsoring a "We were hoping for a lot launched an investigation of discussed. ments to P. O. Box 1. food booth, game booth or more participation. This needs even a Mardi Gras parade. student support for success." Army War College nizations involved; residence a.m. The Mardi Gras begins 11 "We tried to get many orga- and runs until dinner. panel to discuss policy halls, fraternities, sororities, There will be door prizes for and social groups, to help lunch and dinner. The US Army War College Affairs Panel are not official personnel issues in the Phoenix realigns Current Affairs Panel will give spokesmen for the Army or Armed Forces and U.S. poli- continued from page 1 tween issues we anticipate a presentation on contempo- U.S. Government policies but cies toward Europe, Latin being able to produce more rary national security issues in rather students of the national America, the Middle East and Eleanor Schriener, Phoenix pages, with more attention McDaniel Lounge on the cam- security policy formulation other regions of the world. advisor, is actively campaign- paid to features and sports. pus of Western Maryland Col- process. The panel discus- ing for new reporters in her Also we forsee eliminating lege on Thursday, March 7, at sion is conducted in an aca- journalism and other commu- much of the inconsistency 8 p.rn demic atmosphere to share Members of the panel who nications classes. In addition and all of the typographical The panel is made up of facts and ideas with others are students at the Army War to efforts in the classrooms, errors. Tighter news writing is five senior military officers who have a similar interest in College are Lieutenant Colo- Schriener and Phoenix editors a must and single-subject who are students at the US national security issues. nel Louis M. Jackson, Chemi- have instituted new policies concept pages are also pos- Army War College, the Army's The discussion will begin cal Corps; Lieutenant Colonel which they hope will improve sible." senior educational institution with a brief introduction high- James H.P. Kelsey, Military the overall quality of the located in Carlise, Pennsyl- lighting areas of contempo- Intelligence; Lieutenant Colo- paper. "We made tremendous "We are very proud of what vania. An Army War College rary concern such as nuclear ne! (P) John W. McGuinness, strides in this area during the we have accomplished this faculty member serves as and conventional strategy, the Military Intelligence; Lieuten- first semester, including a year," concluded Mann. "AI- moderator for the panel. The role of the Services in policy ant Colonel Dennis P. Mc- new format," said C. Lloyd though it hurts your pride a panel was established to en- formulation, nuclear weaponry Guirk, U.S. Air Force; and Hart, Layout Editor. "But there little to admit you can't keep courage a dialogue with col- and its role in US strategy, Lieutenant Colonel Jose A. are so many things we would up the pace, our goal is stm lege students and faculty arms reduction possibilities, Muratti, Field Artillery. Colonel like to do and can't because the same, to produce a news- about national security policy capabilities and shortfalls of David G. Hansen, Air Defense we simply don't have the paper we can be proud of. formulation. the Army and the other Serv- Artillery, a member of the time. This is just. another step in The members of the US ices, management and budg- lty, is the faculty moderator. ;::=================:::: "With the added time be- that process." Department of National Secur- Army War College Current eting of defense resources, Blanch Ward Hall SUMMER EMPLOYMENT CAMP COUNCILERS offers lecture series Camp Airy for boys Camp Louise for girls Locat~I~~I~~~':t~~n~ ~a:~land while working at camp series, Tuesday night, with his be 'This is you- Women's Male Councllers needed for: by Nancy Shaw lecture entitled 'Peeling of f Health,' by Ms. Marlene Clem- ~~!~::,:a~~!f\4~~rl Pounds: How to Lose Weight ents, RN of the Student Swim Rtflery The- Blanche Ward Hall Intelligently.' Tonight Suzanne Health Center. Future topics Female Councllers needed for: Council is sponsoring a Self- Oakely of the office of coon- include sex, planned parent- Dance Craft Folk Dance Awareness lecture series. celing and Career Services hood, and rape. Theatre Swim Mary Sue Owens, Hall Coordi- will speak on eating disor- AIS:t~:~n8e::rt~:~t of nator for Blanche Ward, pro- ders. Owens feels that the series posed the series becausecshe The series will continue for will 'help women to see that We Will Be Interviewing felt that it would 'be of interest several weeks with different they need to be independent At Western Maryland College to the people who live in the lectures given every Tuesday and to think for themselves. On: Tuesday, March 19, 1985 building and it would be edu- and Thursday at 8 pm in the She also anticipates the lec- from 9:30 A.M. 'til 2:30 P.M. cational.' Owens relates that Blanch Ward Lobby. Next tures to encou rage the Near The Bookstore since the dorm is all female, week on Tuesday Mr. Tom women to 'focus on them- Call 301-466-9010 'topics that concerned health Richards of Career Services selves and try to better them- and relationships would be of will present, 'The Dating selves.'The series is open to to set up an appointment higher interest.' Game.' the campus with each week's or just to stop by. will lecture listed in WMC this L ___j week. Dr. Samuel Case began the Thursday's lecture
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