Page 82 - ThePhoenix1984-85
P. 82
Bookstore thefts rise Prospective officers drilled in ethics retaliation, underway continuedfrom page 1 by Leo Ryan board would understand and shelves at the front of the take her record of honesty Each day when the Western store, is being enforced once The situations deal with a into consideration. This an- Maryland College, bookstore again. This is anticipated to variety of ethical and moral swer might severly hurt her closes, manager John Jarko- reduce thefts and protect stu- questions. The following is a chances for a sucessful ca- wiee walks up and down the dents from false accusations recent example: A cadet is in reer with any organization. aisles, finding empty candy of theft front of the commissioning The third solution entails not wrappers on the floor, shirts In addition, the bookstore board, the panel that will answering at all. This is unac- and hangers behind books, has rearranged its "furniture" determine whether he is ceptable only because it in- and empty book wrappers on to help prevent theft. The gOing to be an officer or not. flicts immediate suspicion on the shelves. Each time inven- aisles are now situated so The members of the board the cadet and adds a sense tory is taken, there is a large that 'any customer is in plain ask the student if he has ever of hostility to the interview discrepancy between the sight of the cashier and the witnessed another student The majority of the students amount of money taken in manager. Window decora- cheating on a test. To this the agreed that the first solution and the amount of merchan- tions have been reduced so individual replies yes, but she was the best for all can- dise on hand. Jarkowiec be- that people in the pub have a did not take action against cerned: to state that she had" lieves that he can only clear view of the bookstore. that student. Next the board never cheated. The cadets attribute these differences to' Some students say they wants to know if the cadet felt that the incident was very theft. "I can't tell you how have to steal because the has personally cheated on a isolated and the guilt of hav- much (money) I've lost," re- prices of books are too high test. She knows that she ing told a tie would make the plies Jarkowiec. Jarkowiec, however, refutes cheated recently on a quiz person more incorruptible in this rationale. "We offer the that she didn't prepare for, the future. The class felt that Bookstore theft is heaviest at best product for the least but also realizes that a destruction of a person's the beginning of each semes- amount of money. We only she will not be caught future over a simple mistake ter. Jarkowiec was reminded request the least expensive Her silence would be incrimi- was senseless. One student of this fact earlier this year. A books. If there is a choice nating and her entire future is lobbied for the honest ap- student who had graduated between hardback and pa- on the line. What are her proach that the board would during the fall semester of perback (texts), we will order choices? have the wisdom to under- 1984, told of a conversation the paperback." he had overheard. Many stu- John Jarkowiec, The class mulled over three stand the pitfalls of youth. dents bragged about having store manager The administration possible"outs" for the cadet. stolen every book they had Jarkowiec's concern shares about First, He and state that she All of the cadets partici- ever used at WMC. The stu- were among the most heavily the thefts. Dean of Student shoplifted items. did not cheat on any test. pated in the discussion and dent was infuriated and made Affairs Philip R. Sayre has This answer would save her did so with enthusiasm. The sure that Jarkowiec was In an effort to reduce book warned that he will fully pros- career but leave her to deal class time was used effi- aware of the problem thefts, the store is now asking ecute anyone who is caught. with the guilty feelings. The ciently and learning was ac- Unfortunately, the shoplifting for identification upon pur- second answer would include complished. The class is of items from the bookstore is chase and return of books. Students, too, should share admitting that she had much like on-the-job training Hopefully, this procedure will this concern, Jarkowiec sug- cheated and hope that the for life. not restricted to the time prevent "hot" books from gests. "Everyone who buys school ;s in session. In a being returned with stolen books is cheated each se- recent summer 34 watches receipt. Also a long standing mester by these thefts, since Social work panel were stolen, and last year policy requiring students to text prices must invariably lip gloss dictionaries and books on the leave their reflect the cost of the loss." to examine careers Delta Sigma Kappa care, and substance abuse. adm-Its to alcoh search, mental health, health by C. Lloyd Hart I abuse Mr. Judd Miller, on staff at WMC's Social Work Advis- Baltimore County General responsible for a show that fo~rt;~~~~~, ;:~e:rw~~~~h~~ ~~S~~~'iS~~dC~~~~~la~~la~ff~~ continued from page -1 got out of hand and we wanl on Friday, March 1. The pro- introductory remarks to be serving hard liquor to minors, to get along with the adminis- gram will be held in McDaniel followed immediately by the Davis felt the charge was fair tration," said Davis. She elab- Lounge from 12:45 to 3 p.m. panel discussion. but added, "It's not like we orated saying, "The way the and will include a panel dis- This year's panel members were selling it, a few of the show turned out was not the cussion of issues in career are Ms. Heidi Snyder, House sisters and contestants way we planned it. The expo- decision making. Prior regis- Counselor for Target, Ioc., Mr. brought their own bottles." sure, drunkeness and crowd tration with the sociotcqy de- Tomas Earl, Family Therapist Davis claims that the sisters were not part of the plan. We partment is requested. in Residential Treatment at dId not provide liquor for didn't expect that many peo- the Karma Academy for Boys, freshman Ed Swanson who ple.Everycontestant signed a Departing from the format of and Ms. Dawn Stonesifer, release term which made passed out before the end of past years, the council has Senior Counselor at the the contest. them responsible for their ac- decided against presenting a Greater Laurel Beltsville Hos- tion." keynote speaker. A council pital's Alcoholism Treatment College Activities concern Dawkins was also con- statement declared that ''We Program. was with the State liquor have found the real value of Also appearing will be Ms. Board violations. Dawkins cerned with the workings of Mr. WMC. She stated that this workshop to be in the Fran Sevier; Personnel Asso- said, "Other groups have re- interaction between the stu- ciate at Good Samaritan Hos- ceived a warning letter about College Activities, "will work with the 'Delts' next year. If dents and panelists." This pital, and Ms. Susan Coale, liquor laws." She added, "We year's panel consists of Social Worker in Child Abuse can not play around with this the concept now is to get totally trashed and then go on young professionals in the and Neglect with the Anne business of serving minors. It field of social work or a Arundel County Department is the state law we are stage, then it won't happen that way." related field. In addition all of Social Services. dealing with'! Davis has plans for the five panelists are recent WMC For reservations or further When Sayre and Dawkins future of Mr. WMC as well. graduates, holding baccalau- information call advisory met with the "Delts,' the sis- She said, "We will come up reate degrees in social work. council faculty coordinator. ters apparently "came clean," with guidelines for holding the Topics scheduled for dis- Ms. Nadja Pats at ext. 530,- wishing to avoid prosecution cussion include career spe- 534 or stop by the Sociology for charges of possible inci- show and we will figure out how to make it a good show. cialty choices centering on Department office in Memorial dents that did not actually counseling, business re- 107. occur. .scon Sites poses in eveĀ· We anticipate making the show more of an honor than a "We realize that we are ning gown. sideshow."
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