Page 81 - ThePhoenix1984-85
P. 81
Celts pledge to reform behavior at Mr. WMC sanctions im- by Bill Mann i I the loss of party which leaves On Feb. 13, Dean of Stu- for the rest dent Affairs Philip R. Sayre In addition and Director of College Activi- must provide ties Kathy K. Dawkins met 11 a.m. t04 with the sisters of the Delta the student Sigma Kappa sorority in order in Well ness to discuss incidents of alcohol 11. The tetter .. abuse that occured Friday, that every sister is Feb. 8 at the Mr. WMC con- to take part. Alcohol I test. will be an issue In a letter from Dawkins to that day. Ms. Terri Davis, President According to Dawkins the Delta Sigma Kappa, Dawkins outlined the following viola- sanctions were based on the severity of the violation. This tions: is part of a- program de- 1] Hard liquor was served in scribed by Dawkins as, "An Decker College Center. 2] Minors (five of the seven educational kind of program designed to make the sanc- contestants) had hard liquor provided for them tions fit the charge." Addressing the charge of by the sorority sisters. The sisters were charged Terri " Davis, President with and found guilty of these De~a Sigma Kappa continued on page 2 Phoenix goes bi-monthly Biden to critique by Kelly Connor became too much," said As it is now we have barely US foreign policy 'Mann. "With a core staff of enough time to do homework. tn response to mounting only 14 people it became im- "Most of us spend far more U.S. Senator Joseph R. who also holds a seat on the academic pressures on the possible to produce enough time working on the paper Biden, Jr. (D-DE) will present Intelligence Committee. Which staff, and "inordinate time re- copy to cover an issue each than studying tor any class. a speech on "New Directions oversees the nation's foreign in American Foreign Policy: A intelligence activities. quirements," Phoenix Editor- Thursday." We had no choice. The situa- Biden has been particularly in-Chief William A. Mann an- Although things appeared tion became intolerable." Critique of the Reagan Ad· active in areas of NATO pol- nounced Sunday that WMC's promising in Sept., the writing Mann added, "When you ministration" on Wednesday, student newspaper would rev- staff was slowly erroded by take away three phologra- March 6 at 7:30 p.m. in icy, arms control, and Middle East policy. He was a leader ert to its twice monthly publi- class loads and extracurricu- phers, a business manager, McDaniel Lounge. cation schedule of a year lar activities. "Except for a an advertising manager, and Biden is widley recognized in the effort to win Senate ago. The new policy is to take few dedicated stringers, all a columnist, that doesn't as one of the Senate's lead- ratification of th SALT II effect today, with the next that's left is the editing staff," leave many reporters." . ing foreign policy experts. He agreement in the Ninety-Sixth Congress, and played a lead- issue of the Phoenix sched- noted Copy Editor Jonathan In an effort to bolster the is the second-ranking Demo- uled for March 14. Slade. '~We have our own situation of the newspaper Dr. crat on the Senate Foreign ing role in opposing the Rea- "The pressure to put out-a classes to attend and other Relations Committee. and the continued on page 7 quality paper every week just interests we'd like to pursue. continued on page 3 only Democrat on that panel S·delights: hat stance should Military science students the Supreme Court take on forced busing to integrate public learn about ethics schools? course as discussion ori- to remain silent. by Bill Mann ented. The first statement Each class period deals presented in the class dealt with different topics centering declare it unconstitutional Not all of the most thought with the morality of war. Ca- around the ethics of being an For instance, Army officer. provoking courses taught on dets were given a series 01 the Hill originate in the Philos- three logical statements from one class concerns the Army leave decision to the states ophy or English departments. which they had to draw con- as a profession. Another looks Major John Haker of the clusions about the morality of at Army values vs. civilian' uphold previous ruling (pro busing) ROTC detachment is. giving immorality of war. Haker lead values. The cadets use two • his fourth year Military Sci- the class through the compli- called War, Morality and the primary resources. The text is cated course of "What its" undecided ence students a great deal to before combining all of the Military Profession. The other think about concerning ethics. The course teaches ethics of theories into a general thesis. is a series of student hand- the military profession and is The cadets seemed pleased outs. The handouts portray 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 the final semester of instruc- with the open process discus- different scenerios, with each situation demanding close ex- tion for cadets before com- sion format. Each student is Number of people missioning in May. encouraged to parttcipate, amination and a solution. Haker. in his introduction to and once the discussion Survey sample: 125 Source: Phoenix the class, described the starts, many find it is difficult continued on page 2
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