Page 50 - ThePhoenix1983-84
P. 50
New Blood in R.O.T.C. Lebanon Perspective .... e 5 CoDtiDUed from This is a questionable justifi- complicated still and more ClvtaGI_ solid" he also stated that he apparently came to Alaska cation at best. In any case, it difficult for us that govern- The beginning of the spring 'NOUld like to see more people "just to hunt and fish." While placed Israeli forces in Beirut ment signed a treaty recoq- semester saw the addition of in the program here. stationed in Alaska. he also which then found themselves nizing Israel which, no matter two new staff members to the His awards include being attended Ranger School. unable to extricate them- how proper or idealistic it Military Science Department. an "RAA" (Ranger Airborne Sfc. Jackson was drafted in selves from an activity which was, further exasperated Major Haker, from Korea, and Aviator) as well as the Com- June of 1972, and as he put ws unpopular abroad and div- every other Arab state in the Sfc. Jackson, from Alaska, bat Infantryman's Badge. He ~, "11 days out of high school isive at home. It did succeed world, except maybe Egypt. ! respectively, have come to has served in various loca- I was in the Army." He said in expelling the PLO from the Our trouble was not know- I handle teaching classes and tions including Vietnam, Ger- before he had never given southern half of Lebanon. To ing why we were there other duties here at Western many, and even Aberdeen much thought to joining, but help out with this situation the whether to keep peace tmpar- Maryland. Proving Grounds here in May- he has a good time and United States and three major tially. or to "keep peace" ir Major Haker's last duty sta- land. One other distinguished enjoys the army. This year the Western European countries support of the Gemayel tao tion was with the 2nd Infantry honor which he is equally Sfc. is an Operations Ser- agreed to send in peace- ton of the Christian commu- Division along the South Ko- proud of is that he graduated geant and advisor the Ranger keeping forces. These would nity. As soon as we rean DMZ, where he was from WMC in 1969 with a Platoon. He came here to enable foreign troops to leave demonstrated that we were Commander of Troop B, 417th mathematics degree, and replace Sfc. McCauley (now the country (for "foreign" read on Gemayel's side we ceaseo Cavalry, a troop of helicopters also was a ROTC scholarship in Europe) and wilt become "Israeli" and "Syrian"). It being peace keepers and be- including Scout, Attack, and recipient. In 1980, he was the MSI instructor next year. would also enable the Le- came partisans, subject ther, Utility helicopters. Under awarded an MSBA degree He will be-stationed here for 3 banese government to rebuild to anack by all who opposer' Major Haker were 200 en- from Boston University. He years. The Sfc. hopes to its security unthreatened from "our side" Unfortunately there listed men and officers, as added that he is "glad to be make the traIning more chal- Israel or Syria. But it did not still (February 20) seems tt well as 20 "KATUSA's," which beok," This reporter had an lenging, and 'to tum out the deal witht the absence of any be no clear idea in Washing stands for "Korean Augmen- enjoyable time talking to him best Quality people I can for firm foundation for nationhood ton of what our purpose is ir I tation to the U.S. Army." about changes in college life the Army." "I might have to within "Lebanon". It did not Lebanon. We hear all sorts d. . These are Korean soldiers on ''the hill." work with them in the future," prevent the radicalization of gobbledegook as we ere who must show a proficiency Sfc. Jackson's last assign- he added. One of his other the PLO, a faction of which about Vietnam. And when we in English and are fully inte- ment was at Ft. Wainwright, goals is to bring more recog- got support form the Syrians. get out. as we surely will, Wi grated into U.S. units. The Alaska (near Fairbanks) where nition and more esprit-du- And it did not come to grips still will not know anything. Major said that Korea was a he was a platoon sgt./platoon corps to the Ranger Platoon with Syria's dream of extend- Our partisan effort to hell &-day a week job, but that it leader with the 6th Battalion here. Israel and the Gemayel Chris was also very interesting, ed- of the 327 Infantry, and in Besides being a Ranger (he ing its influence in Lebanon. tians., which we have co", ucational, and benefiCial for charge of approx. 40 men. He was an honor graduate at It all added up to the fact vinced ourselves was a. him. and his men made up an Ranger School, Sept.-Oct. that the marines entered Le- idealistic effort to preserv~ . Major Haker has been in the Artie Airborne Rifle Platoon, '82), he has the Expert Inlan- banon to replace Israelis who peace, will have earned for u:_ , anny for 14% years. As of who specialized in mountain try Badge. He also has his should not have been there in a black eye. It will likewise right naN he acts as the MSI and glacier operations, as Master Jump Wings, and was the first place. And the ma- have earned us the enmity c instructor but sometime this well as operating in the some- a member of the Army's rines never knew whether the Syrians and other Muslin summer hs is to replace LtC times - 50 degree environ- "Golden Knights" jump team. they were to keep peace groups in the area with what'; Duvall, who will be leaving for ment. His men had to carry He has even attended the between all factions or to we have no real quarrel. Arl! his next assignemnt. more equipment and know Special Forces' HALO school keep peace for a weak and we will wonder what we!}' The Major is looking forward more skills than the usual (High-Altitude Low-Opening), increasingly helpless govern- wrong. to spending his next 3 years Airborne paratrooper, espe- where they instruct men to ment. To make matters more here, as it will give him a cially since the troops often jump lrom 40,000 feet (with f------------------- chance to see the present spent 2. weeks in the field. oxygen) then free-tall to 2,000 MSI class all the way through While the Sic. said he had no feet before opening their Carriage House Liquors to commissioning. He c0m- great problems working in chute. 113 W. Main Street mented that although the Alaska, he did mention that ROTC program here is "very some of the supporting units "at the forks" Coors PHOENIX STAFF MEETING $2.99 six pk. I Gallo l Monday 4 PM in the Pub 4 Uters $5.29 Everyone please come for yearbook photo New recruiting system MeAT .LSAY:GMAT .' CoatlDued from pace 1 alum'ni and a W.M.C. junior or ships, and basically help all mon problems SUCh as home senior who are involved or will around. SAT ·ACT ·OAT ·GRE sickness, financial aid, to ex- be involved with that specific These programs and more • Permlnent Center$ open a Opportunily to makeup missed lessoRS. pect different teaching styles, career. will help W.M.C. not only be days,eveniRg$.nd • VOluminous weekends. and anything else that can In June there wilt be a recognized in the east but all • low hourly eost, Dedicated materi,lsconstlnUy luJI-timestilf. prepare a high school student residential workshop for high over the country. They will .~pldITEST.N.TAPE· updlledby researtliers expert Intheir lield. for college. school sophomores, juniors, also keep the tradition of faclhlies for review of cllssleuons,ndsuppie- You may remember the and seniors. The program W.M.C. alive and give people meniarymaterillis. • Dpportunity 10 Ir.rnlfor to and contlnue study al any ovemight program which took costs $3 million and lasts a an idea of what the college is • Classes tluilhtby sll;illed of our over 120 centers inslruttols. place in November and again week. They take academic like. W.M.C. will definately in OTHER COURSES AVAILABLE this month. Potential students test, play tennis, golf, and go many ways from the new GRE PSYCH & BJU· MAT· PCAI· DCAl· VAT· Tom got to spend the night at to mixers. Counselors tell programs. MSKp· NMB· VQE· ECFMG· FLEX· NOB· RN BOS ~~'i~~i~nge ~~~~1~9~.e~~: ,;;:u~t_f:::in:a:;:nc:::ia::.l..:a:::id~,,.;S:::C:::ho~lo~r:..- ---; SSM' PSAT· SAT ACHIEVEMENTS SPHDREAOING went to a mixer dance and FAN'S CHINESE RESTAURANT Call o.y', Eves lWeekend. had a tour of the college. ~ On March 17 there is going Sud. ~ W... ,..,. 243-1456 to be career workshop. There c.e.... 5' VI. MIl. Sf.. will be career testing and ,."...,." '48-09" Balli ......... 3,2,St.Pau1St. Muy1&nc121218 ~~~~I~~erWi~~d~~S:y s~II A.rIca .76-3161 break up into smaller groups c..t.urll_ ~ '""" .t "'"' 0- and have p8!1el discussions __ Ii.. "AM - IO'M Fri-s.t " AM - " 'M on different careers. In each S. '2 AM • r"M group these will be both an """"'" ,.. &000(-, _ 1 ~
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