Page 47 - ThePhoenix1983-84
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e 41W.. tem Marylaad CoDe,elF.b. 23, 1984 Students honored Lecture on Martin Luther King Congratulations are to be in9 attended W.M.C. for at IIIrga..t Miller extended to the five newly least one year. One must ceming Martin Luther King. much as Cohen. It's amazing inducted members of Omi- stand in the upper thirty-five A distinct familiar voice Cohen captured the audi- how many detailes he knows cron Delta Kappa. They are percent of his or her class, echoed from the loudspeaker, ence's attention by flashing about King." Mean- King's of life. Victor Culatta, Beth Dorrian, and must have demonstrated "I have a dream ... that slides he traced the events of Cohen went on to discuss while, Jim Francis, Sue Maginnis, leadership ability in various someday my two children will of King's life from the time he how King was harrassed by by the color not be judged He a point, and Robyn Quick. phases of campus life. These their skin, but by the content was born to his assassmatlon the FBI. when proved was fol- King "Even Omicron Delta Kappa is the areas may include academ- of their character." All ears in April of 1968. national leadership honor so- ics, athletics, dramatic or per- King grew up in a society lowed everywhere and had ciety. Founded in 1914, its forming arts, student were tuned to the sound of his phone tapped by the FBI, sinks there Martin Reverend his peaceful purpose is to promote and government, or publications. voice crying out. Luther King's where "white" were "colored", la- he continued powerful speeches." ral- beled and and lies Members --, recognize excellent scholar- Kappa who of Omicron Delta in Last Tuesday in McDaniel "colored" people would not When Dr. King received the ship and character among inducted were I Lounge the campus and com- be served a meal in a restau- Nobel Peace Prize, the FBI members of the college com- their junior year are Audrey munity of Westminster were rant, and children had to be munity. The society has been Adams, Krystle Adams, Ken invited by the CAPBoard to bused miles from their homes sent an anonymous letter active at Western Maryland Schaefer, John Schiavone, Liz listen to speaker Jeff Cohen. to attend a segregated trying to persuade King to College since 1963. Siegenthaler, and Kelly Wolf commit suicide. Those corrupt To become eligible for Faculty advisors are Ethan The lecture focused on the school. Dr. King was not _only FBI methods gave King more membership, one must be of Seidel, Bob Hartman, and assassination King. and life of Mar- concemed with equality for incentive to continue his bat- tin Luther at least junior standing, hav- Unda Eshleman. blacks, but fought for civil tle for human rights. Before lecturer Cohen was rights of the human race. He The major points in Cohen's introduced, a speech by King had several speeches on the lecture were high-lighted with was played. As soon as immorality of the Vietnam a slide presentation as the Publications board member sought King's voice rang out, the War. Reverand King modeled lecture drew to a close. There room fell silent. Every eye was himself after the philosophies was also an informal question focused on the loudspeaker of Ghandi. He organized "sit- and answer period at the end The Student Government (newspaper, yearbook, literary as the audience listened in- ins" where blacks went into of the lecture. will be selecting a new mem- magazine) and assists in tently to one of King's famous diners in hopes of being hon- After the lecture Ludley ber of the Publications Board maintaining the best stan- speaches. ored service. All of King's Howard, a student at WMC, next week. If YOU are inter- dards of collegiate journalism. Soon after Yvette Pack, methods of winning civil rights commented, 'The lecture was ested in serving on the Board, In addition to faulty mem- CAPBoard lecture coordina- centered around peaceful ral- very informative. It's a shame but have not yet applied, DO bers and editors of the publi- tor, introduced the speaker. lies in large numbers, never that more students did not SO TODAY! To be eligible, cations, two students sit on Attorney and lecturer Jeff promoting violence. attend the lecture. We as you must be an unoerciass- the board. If you are inter- Cohen gave a brief history of Jeff Cohen continued the students didn't experience the man not currently in SGA or ested in serving on this im- his involvement with the King lecture as he gave the history full impact of Martin Luther on the staff of a student portant Board, pick up an case. Cohen devoted most of of King's assassin, James King's crusade." publication. application at the information . his time to researching King's Earl Ray. He showed slides of This college :generation did The Publications Board ex- desk today. Return your appli- life and showing how King Ray and the way in which he not feel the "full impact" at ercises general supervision cation to SGA. Box 474. affected SOCiety as a civil killed King. The audience Martin Luther King's era. We over student publications rights leader. shook their heads in agree- have seen the results from the Mr. Cohen participated in ment; they seemed to be civil rights struggle; no longer the King case by taking re- fascinated by Cohen's re- are there segregated buses search trips to Memphis, Ten- search. or restaurants. No longer are nessee, where King was I noticed Nicolle Gaines, a there separate bathrooms and assassinated, to being a con- student at WMC, busily taking water fountains. Yet society sultant for the Congressional notes as Cohen spoke. She still has a long battle to fight Select Committee on Assassi- later said, "I'm writing a paper for civil rights of the human nations. He also had numer- for my IDS class and with all race. ous writings in weU known the research I've done on books and magazines con- King - I don't know nearly as I l The Quad question Bill Jenne In this article, I'd like to "problems." The one that hu- dally to those of us who are address next year's campus mors me the most would have members of fraternities. Being housing controversy. I can't all four fraternities living in denied off-campus housing wait to be surprised with my Daniel MaClea (each having year after year, its aU that we location on campus next year. its own section of course). have. This brings me to my Maybe I'll be living in Blanche Wouldn't that be quaint? final point. If campus housing next year, Maybe in-Bderd- Need I say more. Another has is to be rearranged, and the ice, who knows? I might even all Greeks split up, and yet present structure of the quad find myself stuck in Rouzer another gives each Greek or- is to be altered, the only next year -- something I've ganization their own PA viable solution is to let the luckily avoided for the past house. Who are the lucky Greeks house off-campus. three years.' but, it doesn't handful of Greek members This will eliminate many prob- matter, because the campus who get to live in these lems, including intrafratemity and the community as a houses? And what happens hostilities, Greek and non- whole will benefit by splitting to everybody else? Nonsensi- Greek hostilities, and give the up the Greeks and making cal. fraternities something they every dorm cooed, right? Another issue that bemuses have always wanted, and Wrong! I can't wait to find me is co-ed housing. Why is something that 95% of the myself living on the same hall the school determined to schools in this country al- as members of other fratemi- make every dorm co-ed? Who ready have. National fratemi- ties, a few independents, and knows, maybe this' will be ties could finance this on their a few girts - not that we all good because it will at least own while local ones should couldn't get along, but it eliminate escort policy viola- have no problem in doing so. would be uncomfortable and tions. I can see making one of Splitting up the Greeks will . downright ridiculous. the girls dorms co-ed, due to only lead to the further socal Solutions? I've heard many limited housing for males and regression (Desocialization) of and I even have a few of my the large size of the three which this school is already own. But first let's get to some female dorms. But why the undergoing. of the school's proposed "sol- quad? Leave the quad alone - utions" to campus housing - it's sacred ground, expe-
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