Page 53 - ThePhoenix1983-84
P. 53
opm'Ti;ii~Housing qnestionnaire flawed The Editorial. ยท Association made the decl- of a person not in favor of co- are characteristic of two types Government that would cater to the needs The Student of loaded questions which Ph0en IX be in- are: unfair alternative and ma- ad ~ion not to redeelqn the hous- should housing The Phoenix has started its izm skills then putting your '"9 questionnaire that so serted. For example, if you li9nin9 the other side. An unfair altemative question is many of the college students responded "no" to the ques- instructor of the week pro- words on paper for the col- petitionedagainst.As a mem- tion concerning co-ed hous- one that provides unfair alter- gram with great success. Our leqe community to share. If bar of Dr. Neal's Public Opin- jng. in part 1, then a question natives and fails to test impar- plan is to personally encour- you have a problem, now ion class, 1 feel It is my asking that student where he tiality. Furthermore, maligns age the WMC faculty and there is the dear terror col- responsibility to enlighten the or she would like to live in a the other side is a question staff to contribute to each umn. Questions are reviewed S.GA Housing Committee on non co-ed dorm is appropri- that presents only one side of weekly paper. and answered in an informal a few of the scandalous ex- ate. an issue and tends to coerce We feel it is important that yet professional manner. amples in the survey which Another falacious question agreement by maligning the those with the knowledge that Coming soon the Phoenix make it a bad questionnaire. is found in part 3 that forces other side. The above exam- a career can bring should will be featuring a classified The first part of the ques- students to give a response. pies fit these criteria yet the enrich our lives with their ad section as well as space tionnaire asks students if they It asks you to answer ques- S.G.A. Housing Committee experience. The Phoenix is for open notes, there will be want co-ed housing; yes or tions concerning co-ed floors still recognized the survey as encouraging opinions, articles no service for any of these no, this is fine. However, if in Rouzer and Mac Daniel valid. and advice on any subject services. your answer was "no," where even if you responded "no" to More generally, the S.GA which the author deems peru- The Phoenix is the newspa- do you go 'from here? At this the first question in part 1. It has done a good job in nent. per of Western Maryland Col- point, according to H. Back- assumes that people are in promoting housing forums, (of The student body should lege, without the support of strom's book Survey Re- favor of co-ed housing in which there is one on Thurs- not be discouraged from dis- the college, the Phoenix can- search, the survey should these two particular dorms day March 1 at 7:00) but the' agreeing with any piece we not grow and become the inform you to skip the second when they may oppose this cOllege stuoents snouio not print, we know the faculty and paper we all wish to see. Your part regarding co-ed housing decision. agree with this survey as it staff won't. Letters to the contributions will make the in the quad and move on the According to Backstrom, clearly meets many of the editor and columns make a Phoenix the newssource for questions that do not concern these are loaded questions trademarks of a bad question- newspaper interesting and the community and help ere- themselves with the co-ed (found on pages 140-141 of naire. more enjoyable. ate an important student issue. In addition, a question his book). These questions Sincerely. There is no better way to unity. Jeff Stebbln. ,-------_~~~~n_t~.Bo____,X 1 in care of the Graduati 0n retort test your writing and journal- Please send your contnbu- To W.M.C. Administration: within this new athletic facility. yers has raised a valid point Take no heed of Chris Be- I find chirping robins, rustling constderlnq the purchase of yers' warblings. The fellow leaves, fluttering butterflies, the cap and gown. I have has lived in the apartment stray pUpiJY dogs, sunshine, three older brothers who have above me for a full five and winds laden with the had to buy their graduation months and has consistently smell of Spring Growth - all garb also, much to my par- revealed himself to be of an which typify outdoor gradua- ents' dismay. Their dismay impish, subversive nature. tions - detrimental to the gran- soom diminish when they Even among his closest deur and the intellectual found the material of my friends he has eamed the atmosphere that encompass brothers' gowns were perfect nickname "Sneaky." such events. This gargantuan for reupholstering ttie living Nevertheless, I am one sen- new structure, this Shrine to room fumiture. They patiently ior who will not sway (as 1 muscle, however, shall serve await to complete this project trust the administration will to seal off these annoyances this May. not) to his clear, logical of nature to provide a more Honestly, method of reasoning. Unlike conducive environment for the David Burgess Mr. Beyers and friends, I am commencement process. more than willing t9. graduate Perhaps, though, Mr. Be- Professor works for olympics JOE OLCOTT What former army barracks ograms to analyze athletes' country generating publicity, The is in a place where it snows in heartbeats, and echocardi- and they also tested the May, and whose inhabitants ograms to find the size and executives health of business get $4 a day spending shape of the heart through whose companies sponsored Phoenix money, and which is sup- sound waves. Athletes had the training center. This com- ported by Burger King, Bas- their muscle-strength tested, puterized van went to Las Editor .. ....~ Gregory Elbo kin Robbin, and Caesar's their flexibility tested, their Vegas (to Caesar's Palace, a sponsor) and through Utah Palace? Right you are if you body fat measured with cali- Associate Editor WilHamMann said the U.S. Olympic Train- pers or in water immersion (where the van got a flat tire Managing Editor Philip Block ing Center in Colorado tubs, their blood tested in the in the middle of nowhere), News Editor Eric Greenberg Springs, Colorado. Dr. Sam blood lab, and so on. among other places, includ- Sports Editor Greg Merrill Case, a professor of physical Sam Case also described ing two visits to WMC. at WMC, talked He also made a T.v. com- education the biomechanics lab at the Copy Editor Laura Kleber about this center and his work training center. Through high- mercial with Eric Heiden (the Layout Editor Paige Buchter there, in a slide show in speed cinematography, ath- U.S. speed skater who won Headline Editor Michael B. Kraig Whiteford Lobby on February letes' performances could be five medals at Lake Placid in Photo Editor .Dave Dante 22nd. studied in slow motion. 1980) to publicize the U.S. Photography Beth Austin, Steve Baily, Todd Nicusanti Dr. Case worked in the Through computer graphics, Olympic Committee. This Business Manager.. .. Peter W. Spartin sports physiology lab of the films of athletes setting world commercial, unfortunately, Advertising Manager Kathy Marvel sports mediclne complex at records could be converted was televised repeatedly at WritersJoe Olcott, Stacey Pucci, Liz Siegenthaler, Laura the training center, where he into stick figures on a com- two in the morning. Cole, Jim Chung, Fidy Kuo, Rosie Andrews, Bill Jeanne, and other physiologists gave puter screen and the simpli- Dr Case said the nation has Thomas Garland, Margaret Miller, Chris Ginther. the Olympic athletes there a fied body movements could more athletic talent now than battery of tests, and then then be scrutinized second anytime in the past, and with Publish~d by and for the students of ~estern Maryland College. tediously analyzed the spools by second. scientifically-founded tfaining The opinions expressed in this publrcation do not necessarily of data. For instance, they "Part of my tab was going programs making use physiol- reflect those of the staff or administration. measured by computer the aroung raising money," Dr. ogical and biomechanical in- We welcome comments and/or suggestions. Please address all oxygen and carbon dioxide Case said. In a $250,000 formation, the performances mail to The Phoenix, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. use of athletes on treadmills. mobile laboratory, he and his of U.S. athletes are bound to 21157. They also took electrocardi- associates travelled about the go up.
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