Page 46 - ThePhoenix1983-84
P. 46
«u. '., ..... '..... rn moryuma U>H'g<1I age _ W.M.C. A War Zone GLCForganizes in area Doer Edhor: erstown as well as the Freder- believes, "that being gay is a Western Maryland College would be willing to teach in ick area. Places of meeting natural process and is not a believes that liberally edu- competition with blasting ster- and membership list will be matter of choice, that gay cated men and women think eos, yelling, and ongoing de- kept -confidentiai to protect Christians are part of the and act critically, creatively struction around every the confidentiality of the mem- universal body of Christ, that and humanely (First Princi- comer? bers. Rev. Scott, the Director God loves us and desires that ples). The point is that students and founder of GLCF stated, all should come to know God Why is it then that the cannot think critically, crea- "gay people have a right to in a personal way through campus resembles a war tively, humanely, or even ra- organize in rural as well as Jesus Christ, and that Chris- zone after business hours? tionally on a campus plagued urban areas, many gay pee- tian ethics require love, hen- WMC is known for its aca- with violence, fires and van- pie feel isolated and totally eaty. faithfulness, and demic reputation, but has dalism. I encourage the fac- alone in Western Maryland, commitment in personal rela- anyone noted the contrast in ulty members who complain many gay people find it diffi- tionships." Several members environment between night about students' classroom cult to reconcile their faith of the Western Maryland and day on the Hill? performance to visit the Hill with their sexuality. As a result GLCF intends to sponsor rap Educationis an ongoing after hours. of these needs, GLCF hopes group discussions on relation- process. However, the hu- If anyone is really interested to carry out dialogue with ships, coming out, being gay mane environment familiar to in keeping education alive on churches in the area, continue and Christian, women's is- our faculty is transformed into the Hill then they should meeting in small share sues, building a positive self- a zoo after hours. Could our stand firm in their convictions groups, sponsor activities for image, among other topics faculty perform their role as and take an active stand on gay men and lesbians, and and socials and invites all gay educators with false alarms the Hill to combat the prob- help gay people feel that its people to join them by calling being pulled in Memorial, lems students encounter in OK to be gay and Ohrtstlan." 301-843-3321 or writing LewiS and Winslow? Who their quest for knowledge. According to the Constitu- GLCF: P.O. Box 1204, Wal- A Concerned Student tion of GLCF, which was re- dorf, Md., 20601. cently approved at the Fellowship-Wide Social in Washinaton in Januarv, GLCF Graduation Complaint Nader, Jackson, speak at Harvard Coatlaued fro ...... ] was Jesse Jackson's appear- uniform voter registration sys- She flnlshed with the mes- ance Sunday morning. Har- tem." On the issue of war, sage to "separate the fact vard's Memorial Hall was jackson felt that, "we must To WMC Administration: from the B.S." standing room only, some think - not fight - we must As a graduating senior, I In most schools, cap and' On Saturday, (as well as on had to watch Jackson on think." am appalled at this school's gown are either not required Sunday) workshops were held televisions in a nearby build- The audience showed their decision to hold Commence- at all, or at least a senior has to inform the students on ing. thanks to Jackson for his time ment inside and being forced the option to rent the cap and such things as How to Run a "The problem today is not with a standing ovation. Jesse to purchase my cap and gown. It cannot be argued Voter Registration on Cam- the leadership. qualities of the Jackson showed everyone gown. that the cap and gown are pus, Student Organizings, present administration, but present at the lecture why he , have no particular tie with intrinsic to the ceremony. Who and M¢ia and Visibility. the the direction of that leader- is considered the best public the new gym (excuse me - today really knows - or tumout for the convention was ship that threatens the human speaker, next to Reagan, run- New Physical Education Cen- cares - what they symbol- announced expecting 500 race," began Jackson. "Ev- ning for the presidency. ter). Sitting inside for a long ize? But here ate WMC, we students; the convention at- erybody counts, everybody is The Harvard convention ceremony near the end of are forced to buy our cap and tracted over 1600. -- somebody. Student participa- was the kick-off of a nation- May seems not only uncom- gown (at the modest price of Saturday's keynote speaker tion is undercut by the current wide drive for voter registra- tortable, but ridiculous as $27.561) even though we have was Ralph Nader. He in- political structure," Jackson tion. The PIRG groups set well. It seems to me that the no earthly use for them after formed the audience of his continued. their goal at one million new "We need a new direction." I school is just using my Com- the ceremony. happiness seeing the emerg- This was Jackson's main, registered voters through their ence of leadership among the It seems to me that the mencement as a stage to efforts. A drive on college l open one their most cher- administration has made both ,young. "College campuses, thrust, he repeated it several I campuses across the country ished the decisions for their own not projects. Why represent a great resource times during his speech. One schedule the Commencement purposes without regard to because of the opportunity of of his other concerns was the is pushing for another million registrants. Western new outside (with no tent), then the students' wishes. I have ,'thousands of young people] inacessibility of the voter re- Maryland's student govern- move it inside if its supposed yet to meet one senior who together." Nader told the stu- gistrar. "This is the rule, not ment will be having a voter to rain that day? thinks either decision is a dents to stick with the facts of the exception in most of the registration drive the first More galling, however, is good one. society's plight. "Be factual.' country," said Jackson. He the fee for the cap and gown. Sincerely, not melodramatic," said told the audience that they week in March. L C.:.h"""is_B..:e.:_ye:...'s_,N~~:\limax. of the weekend .-_mus_t_f_:i9:...ht_fo-'-'_a_n_at_io_n_w_id_e ---, B.A.'s Finding a Job not so easy "Making of Mankind" Continues "Many students expect to interviewing for a job. senator of the state of New step right into IBM after grad- Richards is employing many tionary edge over the other uation just because they went unique methods to instruct his Jersey." What had made human to college and have a degree. class in various success prin- CI~~e~h~'~~~peOOrm~h:si~f beings so spec,ial? Why ~as animals. The film series pres- ents Leakey's views and other That may have been the case ciples. One assignment re- . .. our closest relative, the chim- 15 years ago but employers quires each student to read a declslon-makinq, problem- panzee, remained in the trapi- specialists' opinions on the want much more today." biography about someone the solvinq and setf-assessent. cal forests while we have life and character of our the I That is the opinion of Tom student perceives is success- "The students should ask. gone to the moon? ancestors. The films will be shown at Richards, staff counselor at ful. themselves what are The Western Maryland Col- 4:30 and 7:30 p.m. on rues- Western Maryland College, as Bob Heckman, a junior from things they need to do to go - lege sociology department in- vites you to a seven-part days fro February 7 to March he talks about his "Career Towson, chose the biography OU~a~d land the first job," 20, in Decker Auditorium in Development and Life Plan- of Bill Bradley. 'To me, he is said Richards. documentary film series in Lewis Hall. The community is ning" course that is offered as the closest thing to an Ameri- "I have a new-found conn- which noted anthropologist invited to attend free of part of the college's January can hero," describes Heck- dence that I wil!. be .able to Richard Leakey traces the charge. The schedulefor the Term. man. "An All-American get a good posrnon In man- origins of our species. "The seven-part series is: "The idea is to help prepare basketball player at Prince- ageme~t ,~nd sales after Making of Mankin.d" ~xplore~ these students for life after town who tums down the big graduation, says Heckman. clues that lie burled In fossil Feb. 7 In The Beginning interprets, Feb. 14 One Small Step "We are being put on the records and college," added Richards. money from the pros to ac- Feb. 21 A Human Way 01 Ule "We want to help teach them cept a Rhodes Scholarship. right track." through these long-hidden Feb. 28 Beyond Africa the process of finding a job Then he returns to the NBA, clues, how humans deve!o:pe March 6 A New Era which is a great deal more becomes a member of the and how, over eight million March 13Sett1ing Down than just writing a resume and Hall of Fame and is elected years, we acquired our evolu- March 20The Survival 01 the Species
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