Page 45 - ThePhoenix1983-84
P. 45
Opinion-------- Editorial No Respect Housing Questionaire Unfair _ S.G.A. Housing There is a group of students on campus who deserve an Committee: apology. This group of students has been dumped on, After reading your question- what is mentioned above. between Blanche and White- abused, antagonized, and blamed for administering school naire. which was distributed When students are forced to ford. --, policies. This group of students is known as the Community on Feb. 14, I was first ap- choose between the possibil- I feel that an attempt to I Assistants. palled and then furious. Your ity of making Daniel MacLea condition a students response C.A.'s function as a link between the administration and questions did not attempt to or Albert Norman Ward coed, the students. they are there to function as resource people to discover the interests of the they are reluctantly forced to in this manner is unethical and demand that a non-judg- assist with day to day problems. They are not babysitters or student body in regard to say they want the quad coed. mental approach be used to policemen; but fortunately, on some parts of this campus, they housing, but instead at- In this case, the entire span are continually called upon to perform "Jaw and order" type tempted to force their support of possibilities are not extin- evaluate the students inter- ests. I am confident that the duties. It is really too bad that there are a few students that for an already developed guished and in no manner think that living in a residence hall is a license to run wild and housing plan. The questions can a student respond that he Student Government Associa- tion, jn Jts'role of representing free. These people seem to think that a residence hall is a on coed housing assumed or she doesn't want the quad place to impress others with how loud their stereo is, or to that the students are in favor coed. In a round-about man- the entire student body, will the questionnaire rephrase show how well they can dribble a basketball. If these students of coed housing. It is quite ner, the question implies a were Jiving in an apartment complex in the "real world," they possible that students don't desired conclusion by the and understand that the re- sults of the existing question- would have been thrown out by the superindendant long ago. want coed housing as an questionnaire's developers. If a C.A. writes you up for violating college policies, don't aspect of their college life. This same manner of ques- naire are grossly misdirected. give him/her a hard time -- they are just doing their job. Please The third on the tioning is used in question 4 Thank YOU. .o.nlel J. KroII_ ~_n?te~~t:~~d~a~~~stp~~~~s~ci~uS~~~~i~~n~/~~~~~~~ li~ui~t-;;i:';:,-:~:;;.;;~"-==,,,,---,,=c.:;,::...::.::...:.:;=.=-..:tO:..=dec=id:.:e -i interfering with someone else's rights: Therefore, it is too loud. In fact, the C.A. has probably spoken to you only because someone has complained about your behavior. A student's conduct should be ruled by the principles of citizen's responsibility respect and courtesy. A.C.A. should not have to be around all the time to- keep you in line. Next time you feel the urge to Greg Elba inundate ·your hall with Heavy Metal music remember the times Harvard. Just the name that you wanted to study for a major exam, but you had to alone brings thoughts of sev- the oldest university in the The decision of today's pou- leave because your floor was just too loud. eral thousand of the brightest U.S. (founded in 1636). La- ticians effect this age group a C.A.'s are people too. They are overworked, underpaid, minds in the country being cated next to Boston in Cam- great deal since we must deal and they make mistakes. But let's not treat them like trained to assume the leader- bridge, Massachusetts, the with them for a long time. It is school is an inspiring place. time we voiced our opinions :g~i~~m~~rtoa~~ehi~~ep~~:;~ift~!yP~~~: t~eea~~~Safri~~~~~ ship roles of the day. Attend- The air is filled with the loud and clear. It is time to find that they weren't such a terrible bunch of ~nfetr~~ceN~~i~~~r ~~i~~~~ electricity of young adults in ask yourself if you are eetis- pursuit of knowledge. fied with the current r==:.:::...="-"a:;;,I1._;;;;;;=:::::------::;;;;~-_--:-'; ~~~e~n~~~tu~~n tOofS~g~h!~ The knowledge J gained at ship in it's entirety. Are Harvard was the importance actions of the Federal, learning first hand. of voting. We are an ex- and Local governments I knew we were far away from WMC when we reached tremely fortunate society. We your liking? If so, vote the subway terminal and ~~i~~le~~s~~n~hi~ig~~un~~:' these encumbents to I watched several teenagers rights and privileges most of ~~~~in~~Pfh~7r~orte~ "breakdancing" (a new form l of dance seen in the movie us take for granted. The right haps, you feel there to need for change, use to vote is one that is used by dance moves in- Rashdance; right to vote to seek clude spinning like a top on a disgracefully small percent- change. Vote as if it is age of our age group. the the floor.) Along with this, figures point to an embarrass- your right, but also standing less than ten feet away was a lone violinist ing twenty-four percent of the sponsibility as an going wild on this instrument. ~~~~iP~~~~i~l?hea~~80g~~. citizen. Harvard is a beautiful tion. It holds the esteem of The Phoenix Editor .. . . Gregory Elba Associate Editor William Mann Managing Editor.. . Philip Block News Editor . Eric Greenberg Sports Editor Greg Merril! Copy Editor Laura Kleber Layout Editor.. . Paige Buchter Headline Editor... MichaelB. Kraig Photo Editor... . Dave Dante Photography Beth Austin, Sieve Baily, Todd Nicusanti Business Manager ..Peter W. Spartin Advertising Manager KalhyMarvel Published by and lor the students of Westem Maryland College The opinions expressed in this publiCation do not necessarily reflect those of the staff or administration. We welcome comments and/or suggestions. Please address all mail to The Phoenix, Box 1, Westem Maryland College. Westminster, Md. 21157.
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