Page 48 - ThePhoenix1983-84
P. 48
Feb. 1984lWeatem Maryland College/Page 5 Block about the town Faculty of the Week on Lebanon PHILIP BLOCK If you're lonely and want stores all around town. Many When one first attends some company of the oppo- of these stores have swollen WMC you come into school site sex your best bet is cans not to mention their with a good idea of what the what's on campus. True, they swollen prices. college is about. but very might be from out of town, but If its just a treat your looking little, if any, concept of what at least their other friends for then I highly recommend there is to see and do outside can't knock your teeth down The Treat Shop on Main the college. The following pra- your throat without making a Street. For 60¢ you can get a graphs are not to be taken as special trip. While interviewing generous portion of your fa- By the time your read this gospel, since they only repre- persons in their late teens vorite dip of ice cream, in- situation in Lebanon will sent one person's opinion. from around the area, to cluding unique flavors such different from what it was But. I think it will give you a where they might think the as Oreo, German Chocolate, it was written. That few good hints about some best place to find young la- and Strawberry Cheesecake. it difficult. But it will not things which you just might dies, the response was, in They also offer a great variety the background of know about. three out of four interviews, a of candies and other treats. i or the question Since the creation of the threat of physical violence. The worst place for a treat what we are doing VCR there has been a mass Somehow I got the impression or snack is any vending ma- mania to rent and record that many townies regard chine around campus. Crum- films. I know so, because I WMC students with a very bled cookies, melted candy myself have been caught in competitive spirit, and do not bars, and stale chips is not in this trend. While searching take kindly to what they claim my vocabulary to be consid- through Westminster, I found is their's. ered a treat. that there are ever more When going out to dinner, For treating yourself to a Video stores than one could yourself a good meal then the new record, Sound Waves, in possibly expect. But, through Mom . & Pop type grocery the 140 Village Shopping my travels, I found National The Hom and Hom Cafeteria Center is your best bet. A Video, in the 140 Village in the 140 Village Shopping selection of new and old Shopping Center to be the Center. For under six bucks records at reasonable prices, best. They have a very low you can have all that you I think you can find almost membership fee, and even if want to eat in a buffet style any record you like. The worst you don't own a VCR you can atmoshpere. There are so place to purchase a record is rent one on weeknights for many good things to choose definately the WMC book- $9.95 with two free tapes. from chances are you'll be store. High prices and poor Their selection is also one of stuffed before you can try selection, with a limited sup- the best. them all. And, every night ply. On the other hand, the there is a different specialty If its a hobby type item that worst video store is located such as fried shrimp, ribs, or you looking for then Bobby's on the other side of the 140 crabcakes to name a few. Hobby Lobby, on Main Street, Village Shopping Center. This However, if your looking for is the plae to go. They carry place is called Video Books a good homecooked meal everything from trains to News Agency. The movie ge... that won't cost too much, than planes, and stamps to coins. lection from popular titles is Baughers is the place. It may However, if its sports equip- limited, and I'm being gener- not be fancy, bur you might ment you desire then Heagy's ous. What there main busi- have to wait in line, becaue Sport Shop on Main Street is ness is done in is the food if great. In fact, I've close by and ve·ry selective. pornography. Tucked away in rarely seen the place not They carry a wide variety of the back are more X-rated busy. sports equipment, even movies and fettish magazines But, if you want to make hockey sticks, which no other that could only be found on yourself a good meal than the sports shop in town I have A&P in the Carroll Plaza is been in has carried. l Baltimore Street. These best and worst of But, if you just feel like you best bet. Easily in walking going to a movie, then the distance, and opened 24 Westminster have been my 140 Theater, also in the 140 hours a day, thiS store has personal opinions and not Village Shopping Center, is good prices and fresh prt- necessarily those of the the place for you. They show cuce. They also welcomed Phoeniz staff. I am interested first run movies and have WMC students back in the fall in doing a follow-up aritcle special showings at midnight with a big sign saying so. with other students prefer- on the weekends. The worst This shows to me a recogniz- ences of best and worst place would be The Carroll ing of our existance and wel- place around town. If you Theater, one block from col- coming our patronage. have any, send them to Philip lege on MaiA Street. This Also recognizing our exist- Block, Box 1, care of the establishment has yet to have ance, and some of the worst Phoenix. a movie that wasn't released places to shop are those weeks or months earlier. Mom & Pop type grocerie YMCA Oft plan. fw GrI ~ ADim mt1ZdIlton. Stutk:nIa met lDith Catlw .w.... 0-'0/-) """"",,,,",/MtJ.Fob. Z8_wIoki> '-I< YMCA Yoo!Io _. (PfooID ". p"" R~ 11 ..
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