Page 54 - ThePhoenix1983-84
P. 54
March I, 1984,westem Maryland CollegeIP.,e I Faculty of the Week Best in music in 1983 .. . . G:'erE~ch carelul thought, a mile) The coming primacy of polltlcs I present what are in my Stevie Ray Vaughn opinion, the best in rock! Steve Clark (Oef Leppard) Dr._C. Smith your elected representatives, popular music in 1983. This is BEST NEW GROUP _late Prof8sIor 01 Po- are responsible for your own three states have relatively one music aficionado'sopin- Motleycrue IHIcaI Science political welt-being. Public ac- lenient petition requirements lon, giving consideration to COMEBACK ~F THE YEAR By some measures, politics ceptance of this new demo- for placing a policy question many of the groups/record- KIss and political activity are sus- cratic ethic is clearly on the ballot and pressures ings of last year. WORST GROUP pect behaviors in the United apparent; for most relevant are building in at least ten TOP FIVE ALBUMS OF 1983 Duran Duran (I personally States. For example, Ameri- political movements today are other states to reduce the Thriller - Michael Jackson have to change the radio cans are not exactly flocking perking from the bottom up, legal obstacles. The participa- tory movement is so persist- station every time a song of Pyromania - Oef Leppard 1 Metal Health - Quiet Riot theirs comes on) into the voting booths of tate not the top down. ent and pervasive that John Synchronicity - The Police to select their chief executive. And anyone can play, con- Naisbett identifies it as "revo- BIGGEST LOSS IN MUSIC Eliminator - ZZ Top IN 1983_ In fact, voting in presidential servatives, liberals, middle- lutionizing local politics" in his elections de- class and minded activists, has steadily TOP THREE SINGLES Karen Carpenter clined since 1960. The na- reactionaries and radicals. best-selting Megatrends. The OF 1983 The death of Karen Carpen- tional election of 1980 The tidal wave of tax revolt future, according to Naisbett, Metal Health - Quiet Riot ter was a major toss of one of coupled with the nuclear belongs_ to the nonpartisan Photo-v-nh - Def Leppard the best voices in over a produced the towest level of freeze movement amply dem- independent, a political facili- participation ever with only Muaern Love - David Bowie decade. There is not a 53% of those eligible to vote onstrate that no single ideol- tator who can coordinate TOP THREE GROUPS recording star today who actually casting ballots. ogy monopolizes the issue-interested people in ini- David Bowie could replace this beautiful Among young Americans the participatory demccracy phe- tiative campaigns. Michael Jackson singer, she will be sorely turnout statistics are so mea- nomenon. The most prevalent If Naisbett is correct, and I Def Leppard missed. To get an idea of suspect he is, the face of BEST MALE SINGER how good she was, consider ger that I'm chagrined we instrument of plugging people state and local politics will' be the policy-making made such a fuss about the into Michael Jackson this is coming from someone 26th Amendment that lowered process is the initiative or greatly altered in the next ten Paul Rodgers who's motto. is. "When it the voting age to 18. Accord- referendum. In 1970 there years. Through the participa- David Bowie comes to mUSIC,It cannot be were only ten statewide initia- tory democracy process, peo- BEST FEMALE SINGER too heavy metal, or too loud." ing to U.S. Census Bureau tives on the ballots. Twelve ple will increasingly hand- data, only 38% of the 18-21 Stevie Nicks Even with tastes like those, I year-olds voted in 1980; and years later in 1982 there were craft their own communities Pat Benatar have always thoroughly en- only slightly over hatf of that fifty-five plus hundreds at the leaving only the trivial issues Annie Lennox (Eurythmics) joyed her music, anyone with age group is registered. local level. In addition to tax to the political establishment TOP THREE GUITARISTS ears should. Perhaps the persistent de- cuts and nuclear-free zones, to decide. In such a future Eddie Van Halen (The Best by cline in voting participation is Americans are voting on such Americans may well sub- l-...;.. -:- :- .... understandable in a nation scribe to Plutarch's ideal of Top G,·rls next week issues as rent control, nuclear politics as "not a public chore energy, mandatory deposits 'J 4 where the average house-hold on beverage containers, gay to be got over with but a way seven reached TV viewing of life." hours and two minutes per rights, equal time for creation- ,Laura Cole to the top. day in 1983. After all, one ism, non-smoking areas, land- could hardly expect the citi- use, ad infinitum. Twenty- How much are you pre- "Marlene rejects the tradi- zen, benumbed by "Dynasty" pared to sacrifice in order to tional role of women in the or "Daltas," to wrestle with the achieve your goals? Will s0- home and women's place in complexities of SS-20s, or society. She doesn't want any ciety dictate those goals, or SALT 11,or domestic content . will you decide them for your- :'C~,a~~~: but her- legislation, or 200 billion dollar self? deficits. And of course, recent These are a couple of the Does Karen agree with Mar- presidential candidates pro- questions asked in Caryl lene's definition of success? vide their own unique nega- Churchill's award winning "I don't want to compromise tive reinforcements to popular play, Top Girls, which will be myself for anyone," says Karen. "I like Marlene as a presented by the WMC dra- symbol of a successful busi- ~~~1n~ti~~rJ,hec~~~~, Mc- ........... Reagan ensemble ., imrnarize'.."r l matic art department on nesswoman, but I don't agree welt Mick Jagger's inspired March 9, 10 and 11. The play, which has recently been seen with her way of getting to the off-Broadway, questions the top. My idea of success is to depiction of the voter's di- between choice lemma: "a traditional roles and values of feel good about myself, not to cancer and polio." The na- men and women today. regret anything I've done in tional political parties are too The play features sixteen the past, to change for the in steep decline, susceptible different females with varying better, and to be confident to capture every four years by ideas of what it means to be and competent in everything I the most telegenic and organ- a successful woman. Marlene, do." ized political personality. played by senior Karen Lam- Laura King plays Angie, the However, an astonishing bert, is the Managing Director child which Marlene has given paradox does exist. While of Top Girls, a London em- up in her quest for success. democratic vitality appears ployment agency. She be- "Angie is an example of waning when viewed from the Save $25. lieves that success must be what can happen to an in- apex, voting in presidential obtained at any cost, even if it competent person who is left elections, politics in grass 00 14K"" College Rings. ~-o~~" means compromising yourself by a mother caught up in her roots America is anything but and stepping on others to get apathetic. The name of the game is "participatory de- Siladium mocracy" and it has provided $94.95 ~(;~J~::thetl~tothlnkaboot the force behind the two most significant political move- r- __, /Ar~I£~!II~~~%f:r;~~E~ylrom ments in the last five years - that's ceaqreo and handcrafted for Proposition 13 and the Nu- lasting value ArtCarved 14K Gold And rowan clear Freeze. Basically, partic- DAlE: March 12 & 13 College Ring is more eeoroaoe than you ipatory democracy means Mon & lues Ih'nk Choose rrcn an enure couectoo of 14K Gold ArtCarved College RLngs and that people should and must lIME 10 - 3:30 save $25 Th.S offer LSfor a hmLted nrre exercise their decision-mak- only so come In arid see all the great ing power to determine the PLACE: Bookstore AnCarved stytes with the CUSTOmoptions that can let you have the nno ot vou- exact shape, direction and Looby ctoce. the way you want ~ So graduate character of governmental m style.Braduateto qokf policies that measurably af- T(STPREPARATION fect their lives. Akin to the SPECIAUSTS SINCE 19l5 physical fitness movement, 3121 St. Paul st.. Baltimore. Md. 21218 the ethic of participatory de- mocracy dictates that you, not
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