Page 49 - ThePhoenix1983-84
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Counselors sought NEWPhysical Plan & Director The Carroll County Sexual possibility of becoming rape Westminster,Md.-- Edgar S. construction and renovation superintendent in Cockeys- Assault Service is recruiting counselors are invited to at- Sen, Jr., has been appointed projects. ville, Atlanta,Georgia and Wil- volunteersto train to b~ome ~end.Counselorsfor the s~rv- to director of the physical Sell is currently mainte- minglon, Delaware. crisis counselors. An orienta- Ice come from vaned plant at Western Maryland nance and engineeringsuper- Sell is a member of the tion meeting to describe the ~ackground~. Previous train- College announced H. visor at Carroll County American Society of Hospital training and the work of the In9 or. experience as a coun- Thomas Kimball, vice presi- General Hospital. A native of Engineering and the cnesa- service will be held at the aelor .'S not necessary, but dent of business affairs and Westminster, Sell graduated peake Area Society of Hospl- Westminster branc~ o~ the commlt.ment to the group for college treasurer. from Westminster Senior High tal Engineering. He holds .a Carroll County PU~IICLibrary ~ year I~ expected. For further The appointment becomes School in 1970 and has taken Maryland Stationary Engl~ on Thursday evening March intormatlon call 876-7483 or effective January 30, 1964 courses at the Carroll County neer's Certificate as a 2nd Grade Engineer. He plans to 8th at 8:00. Women who are contact Caryl Connor or Mary when Sell joins the college Branch of Catonsville com- seek a bachelor's degree in 1 sponsibility for the plant op- His professional career has business administration at Ellen Elwell. the interested administration and takes re~ munity College. in exploring Peace Week activities of erations teo-acre the Ed and his wife, Lori, have campus and its 35 buildings. been with Arlen Realty Man- Western Maryland College. agement Corporation where He will also coordinate all he worked as a maintenence two children and live in West~ Special activities designed to stimulate both thinking and minster. action are scheduled as follows: Sun., March 4 SLIDE PRESENTATION: "Which Side Are You On?" A slide justice. 6:30 p.m., Forum, Decker Disney Search For Dorothy Ends show on the issues of peace and College Center _ FILM: "Dr. Strangelove" or "How I Learned To St~p ~orrying and Love the Bomb" Film comedy celebrating Its 20th A nine-veer-old Vancouver new cast of imaginative char- anniversary. 7:30 p.m., Forum, Decker College Center French Immersion School in Mon., March 5 schoolgirl has been chosen to acters as Dorothy returns to Vancouver, British Columbia. FILM: "In The Minds of Men" Produced for the United Nations, play the pivotal role of Doro- Oz for further adventures. The She is 4' S" tall, weighs 60 thy in Walt Disney Pictures' this film takes a look at the universal suffering caused by motion picutre begins princi- Ibs., has long, light brown hair war. 4 p.m., Memorial Hall, Room 106 large~scale fantasy/adventure pal photography at Elstree and hazel eyes. She was the PANEL DISCUSSION: "U.S. Military Intervention in Nicaragua" "OZ," it is announced by Studios near London on Feb- youngest of all the applicants. Richard Berger, president of ruary 20th. Panelists will be a U.S. State Dept. Walt Disney Pictures, and The search for Dorothy The director of "OZ" is representative and Ruth Fitzpatrick, producers Gary Kurtz and Walter Murch, who co-wrote Catholic peace worker. 7:30 p.m., Me- Paul Maslansky. began last August with an the screenplay with Gill Den- Daniel Lounge - open call for girls aged 9 to nis. Murch won an Oscar for Fairuza Balk, an American- .Tues., March 6 born Canaotan immigrant, 12. Auditions were held in six his work. in sound design, WORKSHOP: Disarmament discussion led by Fran Donlan, beat out hundreds of appli- American and two Canadian montage and recording for director of Youth and Militarism, American cants for the starring role of cities. In November, twelve "Apocalypse Now." He won Friends Service Committee, Baltimore, Md. 4:30 Dorothy, the Kansas farm girl finalists were tested at the three additional Academy p.m., Leidy room, lower level, Decker College played by Judy Garland in Disney Studios in California Award nominations for film Center from which two were flown to editing or overseeing the ~LECTURE: "Human Rights in Central America," Edmundo the 1939 film classic, "The London this month for com- sound for such movies as Wizard of Oz." Vargas, secretary-general, Inter-American Corn- "OZ," based on Ozma of plete studio tests. at Point "THX 1138," "The Godfather," born Fairuza, mission of Human Rights, Washington D.C. 7:30 Oz and Land of Oz by L. "American Graffiti," "The God- p.m., McDaniel Lounge Reyes, Calif., on May 21, father, Part II," "The Conver- IWed., March 7 Frank Baum, introduces a 1974, attends the Lord Byng sation" and "Julia." • FAST: Campuswide fast. AUmonies for meals that are missed by students who agree to fast will be contributed to a World Hunger organization. . WORKSHOP:Discussion on world hunger led by John Spnnger, Clergy and Laity Concerned, Baltimore, Md. 4:30 p.m., Leidy Room, lower level, Decker College l DEBATE: John Aquilino, National Rifle Association, will debate Center the issue of gun control with Meloni Craig, Handgun Control. Inc. 7:30 p.m., McDaniel Lounge Thurs., March 8 WORKSHOP: "Speak Out," a discussion on how persons can become involved in speaking out on peace issues in this country. 4:30 p.m., Leidy Room, lower level, Decker College Center ?ANEL DISCUSSION: "How to Achieve Peace," a discussion by religious leaders representing differ- ent faiths. Participants will include: Rabbi Mark Lobe of the Beth EI congregation and co-chair of the Balti- more Jewish Committee on Nuclear Disarmament; Chuck Michaels ccorot- nator of the Justice and Peace Corn- mission of the Archdiocese of Baltimore; Dale Aukermann, pastor and author, Church of the Brethren; and Fulton Caldwell, representing the Ba'hai Faith. This year marks the third annual Elderdice Peace Week at Western Maryland College. The 1984 event, planned by and for members of both the campus and the local community, focuses on nuclear disarmament. Elderdice Peace Week is the direct outgrowth of a memorial presentation made to Western Maryland College in 1980 to honor, in perpetuity, alumna Dorothy Elderdice, '11, a respected proponent of peace and civil rights. These events scheduled for Elderdice Peace Week 1984 are sponsored by the Peace and Justice Coalition, a student organization at WMC. These events are open to all and are I 11 free of charge. For further information contact the Office of FAIAUZA BALK, a nlne-year-cldVancouver schoolgirl, plays the pivotal role of Dorothy in "OZ."WaH Disney Pictures' upcoming terce-ecetefantasy/adventure begins production in England on February 20th. (OZ.l) Public Information, Western Maryland College, Westminster, t..:..::::::..:::::::::.:::.::..::=.:.:.:. ..:._ _j Md. 21157, 848-7000 extension 290.
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