Page 52 - ThePhoenix1983-84
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VI The Phoenix We.tern Maryland College- Vol. IV, Number 10 Higbee interview on housing l Joe Olcott lottery system, and one is The future of coed housing number nor in size. Efforts to is enmeshed in a tangle of ameliorate this discrepency stuck in a morass of contro- many issues, including the would certainly complicate versial and conflicting prob- fate of the Quad and the matters. lems, all of which must be system of Greek housing. Another problem is fratemity resolved by the end of March "There are a lot of complex or sorority clubrooms in base- when the hbusing system interdependent decisions. . . ments above which live gears up for next semester's each of which must be re- Greeks or independents not room aesonments. solved well," said Dean belonging to that particular Coed housing is part of a Jeanne Higbee. group, and who might be plan to improve campus life, Because Rouzer and Mc- annoyed by the noise. Two and is managed by Student Daniel are already coed, any examples are the Sigma Phi Affairs, who were charged by future plans for coed living Epsilon clubroom and the the Marketing Task Force. would necessarily involve clubroom shared by all four Involved in the discussion are Whiteford or Blanche, and sororities which are both lo- the SGA, the Student Life ANW or Daniel MacLea, said cated in the basement of a Council, the ISC, the IFC, and Quad question close the dean. If the Quad does section in the Quad which the student body (through mostly independent not go coed, neither do the houses questionaires and forums). women's dorms, and vice So far, said Dean Higbee, versa. men. "the feedback on what we Throw in with the above two Michael Kreig The other entangling issue issues the questions of inde- have now (in coed housing) is The Student Ufe Council The main problem with this for coed living is Greek hous- pendent clubrooms, study very positive." There is a met-last Thursday. One of the solution is that the Greeks ing. Fraternity and sorority floors, and potential changes better response in McDaniel main goals was to discuss the cannot fill the quad. clubrooms are not equal in in squatter's rights and the than in Rouzer to the change. question of the quad. Repre- Dean Higbee clairified false sentatives from all the Greeks rumors going around the were invited, with Dean Hig- campus. First. Greeks can residence halls will not go co- Food committee at work bee representing the adminis- live off campus. Second, all tration. The two main questions that were dis- ed. There will always be a cussed were co-ed housing in choice for the student that the quad and the issue of wants to live in a single sex where to locate clubrooms. dorm. The only problem with There are four possible solu- living off campus is possible William Mann suggestions come to a hap- "We have done our best to tions being discussed at this zoning laws prohibiting a "I want people to know that pier end, "Serve Oreo ice bring our menu to a meat and point, but the administration group 01 people to purchase the food committee is there cream all the time." Response potato type, not as much has the final sayan what will a house. and we are working to im- - This will begin the week of gravy, more plain meat. Mr. I be done. A student vote is not If changes do occur the prove the meals." This ac- 2/20/84. Some people asked Mitchell also said, "If you an alternative. cording Microwaves, poptarts. l tain the status quo leaving the sororities wact the chance to Sweren, S.GA Chairman of reservations, alcohol, less tell them. The staff consists of to Sophomore Jeff for, have a complaint with a meal, The first solution is to main- live together, not just have quad as it is except for the club rooms. It is true that last the food Committee. Jeff has salt, less pepper, and less good people and they reaHy a message for all of those brown things in the gravy. year they expressed no inter- do care a lat." club rooms. The problem is est in sorority houses but this anonymous food critics at Needless to say some of Mr. Yeagar, an employee of that present club room loca- year they really want at least large, "come to the meet- these ideas will be given Marriot for 9 years said that tions are right below inde- the opportunity to have soror- ings." more consideration than oth- he is, "Looking forward to pendents. It is unfair to ity sections, floors, or houses. Every other week the Food ers. The committee received working with the food commit- burden them with noise of a The main obstacle that the Committee meets and dis- 9 complaints, 20 t wants, 12 tee." He went on to say, "One party they are not part of. administration wants to avoid cusses all of the wants, suggestions and 7 compli- of the things we are trying to Even if they do maintain the is not to make solutions that suggestions, complaints and ments. do is bring our operation to status quo the clubroom situ- just create more problems. compliments. The managers According to Jeff there have the expectations of the stu- ation will change. Can they be sure if they asked for this feedback when been 3 turnovers in the man- dents. Second, officers of the spend all that money on the they set up the suggestion agers position for Glar, all of One of the student commit- Greeks receive P.A. houses quad, that students will re- booths during the first semes- these occurred during the tee members commented on and the remaining members spect the new suites. The ter. More of these booths are current school year. Gary the early year culinary offer- live dispersed about the col- greeks on the other hand say planned for the future. Jeff Stevens was asked to leave ings, "It was horrible, I lege. This is not a very popu- that living conditions are poor said that it is important for and was replaced by Joe thought I was going to die." lar choice with the greeks. now and if they do get a new people to know that any com- Mitchell. Unfortunately Mr. Mr. Yeagar asked if she felt They feel, what's the point of building that alone will set a plaints made are considered, Mitchell is rated by the Mar- that she had accomplished joining a fraternity if you can- new mood of respect. they are all considered and riot people for a much larger anything a lot better since not live together? The solution will be decided responded to. institution and will be going to joining the program." Third, renovate ANW and by this spring and while the All 01 the suggestions are work tor Great America As a reminder, if you have make co-ed, all male, or fe- administration makes it's written down and then placed Theme Park in Illinois. Taking anything at all to say, within male suites. This is a very choice they will keep in mind in the dining hall for public Mr. Mitchell's place is Dan the bounds of good taste, to controversial solution, espe- two main goals. One, to solve perusal. Some of the sugges- Yeagar. Mr. Yeagar will be Jeff Sweren and the food cially making ANW co-ed, be- the problems 01independents tions include, Deli Bar for training with Mr. Mitchell for a committee please send your cause it would also mean living in the quad. Two, what Dinner, the response was, few weeks before command- correspondence to Box 391. making Whiteford or Blanche changes if any should be that the decision will be made ing the galley. cered. It does not only effect made in the quad and while by February 21st. Other According to Mr. Mitchell, the quad. It 'NOUld be very doing so make it clear that hard to decide which female the quad is not a sacred dorm to change. sanction in which anything Fourth, they can give the goes. whole quad to the Greeks. I" 11 ..
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