Page 55 - ThePhoenix1983-84
P. 55
The Phoenix 'March 15. 1984 Vol. IV, Number 11 Handgun debate period between applying for a 1 Joe Olcott gun and getting it. "it's a very "We need to keep hand- guns out of the wrong common-senercet thing," said hands...Handgun-control laws Ms. Craig, because the back- work." grounds of applicants can be "The NRA is against regula- checked for previous crimes, tlon: it doesn't work." drug addiction, attempted sui- These two statements char- cides, and mental illness. acterized the opposition be- Another provision of the bill tween Meloni Craig, is to hault the manufacture representing Handgun Control and sale of Saturday Night Incorporated, and John Aquil- Specials, "the number one ina, representing the National crime weapon" Ms. Craig Rifle Association, in their de- said, because its barrel is 10 th The bill also calls for man- E g~~elo~ou~~~C\h~hha~dg~~: :~~~e ~~~~;sc~~~:~~~~ .. nd is Writer Joe Olcott tours new IIYm wifh Mr. Kimball. gym control debate, which is part Xp re e new . of Peace Week '84, was mod- datory jail sentences for peo- erated by Dr. Herb Smith, pie using handguns in crimes, WMC Professor of Political a tightening of reporting re- Joe Olcott Science, and was attended quirements for handgun deal- Wondering about what the and to the right of the first ogy (the science of body by. about fifty. people, the ers and manufacturers, and a new gym, or Physical Educe- one. All three are encircled by movements). In a comer of majority of whom sided with limit of two handguns a per- tion Learning Center, is like? an indoor track. Overhead this lab is a five-foot deep, Ms. Craig and handgun con- son can buy in a year (in The building is scheduled for trol. Dr. Smith introduced the order to cut back on interstate completion this Aprill but you partitions can be lowered to cylindrical, tiled swirl-tank sunk into the floor. separate the courts. Bleach- debate, saying that some gun trafficking). can get a general idea of it ers (not installed yet) can Downstairs from this first people see one's stance on Handguns account for 50% by taking the following mental automatically telescope out floor is the ground floor, with gun control as "a litmus test of all murders in this country, journey, as I remembered the from three walls, or they can its locker rooms, activity of a person's philosophy or Ms. Craig said. There are 40 gym while on a tour given by be withdrawn so the track can rooms, classrooms, and ideology." to 60 million handguns in this Mr. Thomas Kimball, Vice be used. Upstairs and looking equipment and machinery Ms. Craig took the podium country today, and by the President for Business Affairs over the arena is a balcony rooms. Every place--rooms, first, describing her group, year 2000 the number may be and Treasurer, and Ms. Joyce their position, and their sup- up to 100 million. Five sepa- Muller, Director of Public In- seating nearly 600. Part of the halls, stairways--has the same balcony's back wall has a hard-rubber. sandy-colored, port for a federal bill that is rate presidential commissions formation. series of wooden ledges, non-skid floor. before Congress. One provi- recommended handgun con- First, you walk over a brick perches, and steps: this will The ground floor has six sian of the bill calls for imple-- troi, she said, and other coun- and concrete plaza, through be used in a phys. ed. climb- locker/shower facilities: two ·ght Coat. OD 6 waiting a 21-day menting the main glass doors (brown Humao R• S and with gold-colored push-bars) ing course. large ones, two medium ones, Total seating in the bleach- and two small ones for staff into the lo.bby, a rectan- ers around all three courts and faculty. The lockers, col- gular room wllh a floor of • ·0Latl 0Amer· ca and walls of reddish-brown and in ~!"Iebalcony is 2200; ored green or blue or orange, small into separated seating arounc just the rnain . are brick tiles dark-brown square, court for a basketball ~~me is . fenced cubicles, and are con- U_ Krlolg • bricks. To the extreme right 1500; seating with chairs on structed of sturdy metal with are doub:e doors leading into the gym floor is 4000. The gridded doors. The shower During peace week, on Chile has had similar prob- the old Gill gym. In a corner gym will be the largest arena rooms have two central metal Tuesday night. there was a lems with military sur"'~ession of the lobby is a concession in Carroll County, and can be columns with shower heads talk on hurnan rights condi- and feU victim to r.. .oup in area and a stairway. Left of used for community events, attached around them. Some tions existing in latin Amer- 1973. President lende, whose this is a small sports rnernora- conventions, concerts, sinks are large serni-clrcuiar ica. David Padilla, from the numan rights policies were bilia room with trophy cases speeches, and exhibitions. Inter-American Commission fairly good, was thought by in frant. Directly ahead and When one first passes the stone basins with large mlr- rors behind them, and jets of on Human Rights, spoke to the Nixon administration to be about fifty feet beyond the glass doors from the lobby water flow automatically for a an audience in McDaniel too far left. He was murdered main doors are the rear glass into the arena, the basketball short time before tuming off. Lounge. Padilla gave a gen- and a right wing military re- doors. leading to the parking courts are straight ahead and The two small sauna rooms eral review of the existing and gime was put in. To this day lot between the two gyms, to the right, and the balcony are made of fragrant, light- former human rights condi- the human rights policies in and near the water tower. Left overhead. But to the left and colored redwood panelling, tions in South and Central that country have been artro- of these doors are ticket win- behind a wall is a small redwood slat floors, and solid America. He took the coun- oloua. President Carter as a dows, restrooms, and an ele- students lounge looking out redwood benches. tries in sections, first the lower result, took all aid away when vator to the floor below. onto ANW. Next to the lounge Between the two large and part of South America which he took office in 1976. But is Finally, to the extreme left are is the Human Performance two medium locker rooms is consists of five countries: Ar- was fully reinstated by Rea- eight glass doors leading to Laboratory, for research and the training room, with its gentina, Chile, Paraguay, Uru- gan in 1980. the gymnasium, or arena. instruction in physiology (the wooden shelves and cabl- quay, and Brazil. Uruguay is also'a sad story, The gym arena is huge, science of the functions of nets, its ice machine, and its Argentina, who formally had most of the young useful 40,000 square feet, with an living organisms) and kinesiQ!- Cont. on 8 a fascist right wing regime, is people are leaving and the array of white air ducts, fans, said to have returned to dem- population is now made up pipes, and lighting overhead. ocratic rule. The power was mostly by the elderly. Para- (The entire complex-first and Inside given peacefully back to the- guay is fairly stable. Brazil ground floors--is nearly 80,- citizens. The country has a has also recently returned to 000 square feet.) The floor is Attempted Murder page 2 history of military coups and democratic rule. They all sut- made of a sandy-colored, has been plagued by bad fer from terrible economic non-skid surface. The gym Dear Terror economic situations. Critics problems. has three regulation-size bas- page 7 say if another coup is tried The next group of countries ketball courts, compared to there will be a civil war. The Padilla talked about are in the the old gym's one court. As Faculty Of The Week page 4 president has public support upper half of South America: one enters, one looks along but the opposmon may also Bolivia, Peru, Columbia, Vene- the length of the main court, Swim Team Season page 8 prove powerful. Cont. on 6 c...::w",ith.:..t",h",e"ot",h",er"s-"a:_t",rig",h:_t"'an"'g"'le"'s_II- ..J 1 ..
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