Page 51 - ThePhoenix1983-84
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GUIDEUNES FOR REINSTATEMENT OF CHARTER DELTA PI ALPHA Delta Pi Alpha disbanded FOR CONSIDERAnON ON FEBRUARY I, 1984 t. The members of Delta Pi Alpha who wish to be recognized Coatiaued from. PACe I asking a great deal from the as of February 1, 1984, must have a minimum gradepoint new charter in 1990," said Preachers." Boinis felt, "the fixtures and paneling. Dean Higbee wanted it known that average of 2.0. Prior to consideration of reinstatement of the Higbee, Preachers were screwed by the Preachers had complied charter the leadership of Delta Pi Alpha must have the "The alumni of Delta Pi the Inter-Fraternity Council membership roster approved by the Associate Dean of Alpha are very disturbed and the administration." with her completely after the decision was rendered. Student Affairs. Only members initiated while the fraternity about this decision," said The IFe made a recomrnen- The Delta Pi Alpha fraternity was in good standing will be recognized. The fraternity must Rowe, "Many alumni will be dation against the reinstate- had been in existence at develop a plan for dealing with unrecognized members. The withholding funds because of ment following a six-six tie fraternity may not continue to rush and pledge students this." which was broken by the IFC Western Maryland College since 1925. It's charter was while unchartered. John Boinis, president of president, Ludley Howard. 2. The members of Delta Pi Alpha must collectively and as the Gamma Beta Chi fratern- After the decision the suspended on March 30, 1982 after a pledge was hos- individuals maintain a good citizenship record on campus. ity, was disappointed with the Preachers were allowed to Specifically, living quarters must be kept in good condition. decision. "To not give them a take down everything they pitalized due to overcon-' The of alcohol. sumption There should be no unauthorized keg parties, members will chance was wrong," said had built in the clubroom. comply with college officials, and in all other ways uphold Boinis. "The guidelines were This included the bar, light current members are looking for a house off campus. the policies and regulations of the college as stated in the with the fratemity, and their behavior will reflect upon the Preacher petition Student Handbook. Until Februrary 1st all students wearing Delta Pi Alpha letters and colors will be considered affiliated fraternity. 3. During Fall Semester and January Term the Delta Pi Alpha To the OIflce or Student Affall1l: clubroom will be made available for use by other groups on On this day, February 6, record during the first semes- make a viable effort· towards a reservation basis. The members of Delta Pi Alpha may not 1984, I do hereby petition ter of the 1983/84 school correcting the mistakes which in anyway interiere with this use of college facilities. Western Maryland College year. Granted, there were a 4. Clubroom privileges will be approved as soon as the charter and the Office of Student few incidences involving occured in April, 1982. I cer- tainly do not, and never have, is reinstated. However, the fraternity will not be eligible for Affairs for the reinstatement of those associated with Delta Pi its own section of the residence halls until Fall, 1984, the Delta Pi Alpha fraternity Alpha during the past January condone the activities which took place at that time. assuming all conditions for having a section are met. charter. I feel that we have Term, this I do not deny, In closing, I would like to Meanwhile, no more than six members of the fraternity may successfully completed the However, as stated by Dean thank the Student Affairs Of- colonize on any floor and/or section of the residence halls. Guidelines of Reinstatement Higbee in the January 26th fice for their support and 5. The help of a responsible group of Delta Pi Alpha alumni will as designed by Dean Higbee. issue of the Phoenix, "more guidance throughout the past be sought to serve as an advisory board for the fraternity. In the completion of these problems occur during the 6. Students who wish to be recognized as members of Delta Pi guidelines, I honestly believe Jan Terms than during the semester. I can only hope that we will be given the Alpha as of February, 1984, should make a positive that the members of Delta Pi regular semesters because contribution to the campus and surrounding community by Alpha fraternity have demon- students do less studying and chance to enjoy the same benefits and privileges en- t participating in an extensive service project during fall strated a willingness to coop- more drinking." I am in no joyed by other students in- semester. It is hoped that this would become a permanent erate and positively contribute way attempting to justify any volved in fraternities on part of the fraternity's activities. to Western Maryland College disciplinary infractions, I only campus. The "Preachers" 1. !~~i~~~~~trv~=::ob~:~ta~i ~~~~;;iIIA~:~~i:n~e~ and its surrounding commu- :s~ ~~ g~i: ~t;I~~a m::~ have been in existence since r representative of the alumni board at least once per month ni%, this past semester those not the only students involved 1925 and to terminate some- thing, which has been such I ~ to establish goals for the fraternity and measure progress associated with Delta Pi in disciplinary action during an important part of Western toward the reinstatement of the charter. Alpha have participated in January. 8. The fratemity's pledge program must be submitted and several community service The fraternity charter was Maryland for so long, would have a devasting certainly approved by the Associate Dean before the charter will be projects both on and off cam- suspended ,nearly two years impact on both current mem- reinstate. pus. In addition, these same ago. It was only in the Fall of bers and our concerned 9. All outstanding bills must be paid. individuals compiled a vir- 1983 that the fraternity was umni. al- If the above conditions are met Detta Pi Alpha will be tually spotless disciplinary first given the opportunity to ~nstated upon the recommendation of the Interiraternity I--~':"'-'=-:-:=::-:==:::- -, Very Sincerely, ToddW._ rFOO ncil before spring rush begins. VOLUNTEER HELP SOUGHT tunities and others that exist Preoldent, Delta PI Alpha I : DlSCIPUNARY ACTION For those who have re- locally, call the Voluntary Ac- l~ SEPTEMBER • JANUARY solved to become even more tion Center at 848-6160 or DELTA PI ALPHA involved in community service 876-6616. s.n-ter I. work during 1984, the Volun-'riii:::::::::::::::::::. ....-------, .1. Entering dining hall without ID, failure to comply with a tary Action Center offers the Ii - college official. 2. Consuming and spilling an alcoholic beverage (grain punch) !~~~~itl~~so~;~r~~~! ~un- BAHAMAS in a hallway, non-compliance, racist language. a\~~.;~'~7:~~~~;~;~~;~ SPRING BREAK 3. Involved in fight. 4. Open beer in hallway. ~~~:lel~u~~gU:~m~u;~~; fro•• 345 ........ ry Tonn 1. Non-compliance with an offiCial of the college. events. ....... Round Trip AIt, T_or. -"'ehb Ac:<:an> " 2. Open beer in hallway, failing to comply. b) Tour guides - Training 1MdItIon, Welcome Rurn SwIu)e, ~ How Rum s.luJe 3. Urinating in public. session will be held March "'y. tanvu Travel e.g, Tbree Hour Cru.iM wfTwo~, . 4. Urinating in public. 10, ' IInIlmkecl Rum Punch. _ Porty wlLunc:h. .... 1T..... 5. Breaking windows. c)c:~~~ c~~~~~'~~e~as~~ .'_ ftC) HiDDEn CHARGES Mernberahlp group home; 2-5 days a DoHa PI Alpha week, 3 hours/day maxi- mum. FORT LAUDERDALE 2 offiCial members (seniors) - both G.P.A.'s above 2.0' 7 pledges from spring '82 - 4 of 7 have above 2.0; 1 of 7 d) Typist needed 2 evenings SPRING BREAK ' graduated Jan. '84. each week in office that works with court-referred 7 affiliates - 2 of 7 have above 2.0; other 5 would not be from'135 allowed to pledge spring '84. volunteers. e) Drivers 10 transport clients tncludes .. yen nights at prime toation, welcome plrty to medical appointments in w/free beer. complirnentlry travel beg. Carroll County and Balti- White's Bicycles f) Group home for juveniles ~~oDIL!155 more City/County. need senior as "grandpar- Lay-a-way a Bike for Spring Sale ents" for their residents. AIR ONLY '188 ; $10.00 - $167,00 OFF g) Camp counselors and COLLEQE REP. "E£o£o.- EARN FREE TRIP For you snow buffs - we still have aides for several facilities including a summer pro- BURTON Snow Boards gram for nandlcapped chil- GREENWICH TRAVEL CENTER Bike Repairs Also dren. , 1·800·2.3·3858 ~:~:= 11 __
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