Page 44 - ThePhoenix1983-84
P. 44
Twelve years of change Olympic hockey team deserves support An interview with Dr. John Phillip Block Four years ago, about this men who molded into a team By JOE OLCOTT (BLAR's), creating the present between departments will be same time of year, when I in a few short months, and Dr. Ralph Candler John has distribution requirements en- less and less sharp. There will was just a wee lad of 15 inspired by a home crowd of seen a lot of change during compassing five broad be more interdisciplinary co- years, I remember sitting in a cheering fans accomplished his tenure as president of groups of courses (the sci- operation." Dr. John said that locker room discussing with what almost no person would Western Maryland College. ences. the social sciences, "another frontier is more co- several friends about an have considered possible. He will retire on June 30th foreign culture, the humani- operation between 'lnstitu- Olympic hockey game we Four years later, the books 1984 after twelve years as ties, and the arts). Other aca- tlone," with consortiums or had watched the evening be- have been written the movies president (the sixth president demic changes included the associations of regional col- fore. We had a great interest! made, and the 'talk shows since the institution's founding advent of independent leges, with exchanges of pro- in this team .since its partici.!1 aired, now a team represent- in 1867). Dr. Robert Cham- studies, overseas studies, fessors. pants were Just a couple of ing the US is made in the bers III from Bucknell Univer- sett-designed majors, mtern- Or. John hopes for stronger year~ older then we were at! same mold as previous teams sity will replace him on July ships, the business and com- programs in the performing the time. . I except for new personnel. A 1st. munications majors, the arts, since the college has But, ~sldes a couple other, new band of young men were "Western Maryland was a strengthening of the computer adequate facilities, especially of my fne~ds who were also once again assembled to try very different institution twelve program, two new graduate- in Alumni Hall. He also thinks on our high school hockey and rekindle the magic of the years age," Or. John said. level degrees -- Master of that internships should be team, there was little discus- 1980 team Upon taking office in 1972. he Liberal Arts and Master of longer so students can gain sion among other students in This year~ team was treated was immediately confronted Science -- and the establishe- more experience. Most intern- our school about the Olympic as professionals are usually with two prominent issues on ment of Phi Beta Kappa (the ships last during January hockey squad at a~l. . treated; TV adds and huge campus: a petition asking that national honor society for the Term and not during the regu- th~ ~~~~~~~~t ~~~n~~~g~~~ stories in newspapers. They female students be allowed liberal arts) in 1980, of which lar semesters. Dr. John re- individual dorm keys, and a Dr. John is most proud. "I cently talked to some state medal jf they played the were labled as "team USA." If petition asking for drinking think WMC is stonger aca- legislators in Annapolis who game of their lives against the this extra press publicity hurt privileges on campus. demically than it has ever had political interns from Soviets. However commenta- their performance or not, will Previously, no keys were been," he said, citing the WMC. Most think Ihat just tors at the time had about as be speculated on for years to issued to female students be- reason of better staff and when the students begin to much faith in that happening come. But the team lost its cause of the curfew rules faculty recruitment. leam the ropes, they have to than finding a needle in a first two games and did not applied to them. If they had Many physical changes ac- return to college for the haystack. qualify for the medal round keys, they could enter the companied these academic spring term. And, we all know that the competition. dorms at any hour. Granting changes. Dr. John sees the A final change Dr. John next day the US beat the Granted, losing is nothing to the keys, Dr. John said, building of Decker College hopes for is the improvement Soviet team and unleashed a cheer about, but ignorance is meant "approving unlimited Center as doing the most to of the quality of life on cam- massive celebration across even worse. People who were hours for women," a privilege bring the college community pus, which has slipped he the nation. People were wav· waving flags and screaming that male students already together: faculty could then said. Amid the vandalism and ing flags and tooting their car USA, USA, are now saying had. The second privilege Dr. gather in the grill for lunch noise in the dorms Dr. John horns, and an because a that the team stinks and giv- John granted allowed drinking and discussion (instead of sees a need for "a community hockey team brought a sense ing up on them. They either on the previously dry campus. leaving campus or brown- in which there is ... respect." of national pride back to a don't know, or don't care Many aspects of the college bagging lunch), and students Two area-coordinators and a country that was suffering about the many possibilities today were just developing or could have activities in the new counselor were re- through a period when the for the teams poor perform- largely untouched back then. buildings on campus (instead sponses to this problem, he nation had lost some if its' ance. And, they refuse to "One of these that wasn't of them previously having to said. integrity among other nations. except thjat maybe the com- developed was the whole have dances and such in Finally, what are Dr. John's People in America saw this petition is a little bit better. . area of student life," Dr. John town). plans for the future? The cere- victory not as a team that For many this is a bitter pill to said. The student center in Alumni Hall, additionally, monial transfer of the medal- overcame overwhelming odds swollow that the US could be the Winslow building was was renovated and placed on lion of office from Or. John to to achieve a dream, but second or third rate to an- small and inadequate. the the National Register of His- Dr. Chambers takes place rather as a selfish way to other nation in the world. college had no Dean of Col- toric Places. The Winslow next fall. He says he and his escape from the realities of People must realize that a lege Activities. and there were building was converted to in- wife will live at Ocean Pines, the world for a moment. Good few games does not a cham- no students counselors. struction in psychology, edu- near Ocean City, Maryland: or bad, psychological release pion make. And, just because Another change was the cation, and deaf education. "For the first year, it will be or not, most Americans did they lost to the Checks and split from the United Method- The library also benefitted our base." Dr. John is on a not see the victory in the Canadians does not make ist Church. which the college from the psychology depart- pre-business board, is a proper scope to perceive the them a bad team. This idea, was associated with up to ment's move out of one of the member of the Middle States momentus accomplishment however, is hard for many 1975. because of rules deal- library's floors and into Wins- Association which accredits that it was. Americans to understand ing with government funding low. Other changes included or certifies colleges, and is One commentator saw it as since we're used to the best of religiously·affiliated instltu- the conversion of Hoffa Field interested in teaching maybe the equivalent to a Canadian of everything. tions. "The decision had a lot into Bair Stadium, the con- philosophy part-time. He may High school team beating the But, maybe next time in of public-relations implications struction of the new gymna- also write some articles and then Super Bowl champion Calgary 'the teain will once that had to be addressed." sium. and the planned take refresher courses in Stealers. Other commentators again rise up from obscurity, said Dr. John about that con- improvement of the dorms. mathematics and computer later saw this as a victory by and recapture Americas heart troversial move. (ANW Hall' is scheduled for science. a group of talented young again. In the last decade. house complete renovation this sum- Dr. John, who has rarely mothers lived in the dorms. mer.) had a sabbatical during four- Graduate students later re- Dr. John considered all teen years at American Uni- WAIITEDI House of Liquors placed them, and this year these changes as "total insti- versity (Washington D.C.), area-ooordtnators have tutional achievements" nine years at Simpson Col- Carroll Plaza ..................... lege (Iowa), and twelve years moved in. brought on by many people take it easy and enjoy my ........_... re Many changes in academ- and not just a few. at WMC, said "I'm going to Westminster ics occurred over the years. He sees several impending Dr. John said the college has changes for WMC. "The col- freedom." r twice reviewed the basic lib- lege will need to refine its 848-1314 eral arts requirements program The boundaries Phoenix __ I.... 12 oz. $2.99 .tspack Carriage House Liquors Classifieds - 113 W. Main Street A free service for Michelob "at the forks" the campus. 25 ~ ..... Feb. 2S. 1984 Sc:haeffer Weekenders words or less. U•• I-'-I .. $5.49 Sendto the -..... .. __ 11 ....... coapoD Phoenix Rennite Wines in Campus Mail $21.9 750 mI.
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