Page 43 - ThePhoenix1983-84
P. 43
80'S Knock'em Dead Kid By Greg Elbo Heavy metal rock music is Ozzy Osbourne has often currently reaching heights in been regarded as somewhat Young For Love, and Knock- popularity that have never deranged. He himself has an- em Dead Kid, (The last song dedicated to the LA police been seen. Three bands that nounced publicly that he is due to one of the band have become very popular not completely sane. From my members getting beaten by lately are Def Leppard, Quiet seat. (I was fortunate enough Riot, and Motley Crue. Motley to sit in the front row) I looked the police. He accidently Crue appeared with Ozzy Os- into his eyes and observed struck a cop with a chain in bourne February 1st at the that he occasionally had the the middle of a brawl) Motley Crue performed in top heavy Capital Centre. Ouy put on a expression of someone not good show, performing many playing with a tull deck. metal form. How good were they? While of his old favorites in addition The real story of this con- standing at a store front look- to cuts off his latest album, cert was Motley Crue. This ing at a Motley Crue poster Bark at the Moon. Osbourne band has gone from Los two teenagers walked up next has been on the rock scene Angeles bar band to national to me. After a moment one for over a decade, going success in a very short time. said, "Yeah, Motley Crue was back to his days with Black Dressed in studded leattier great, they blew Ozzy off the Sabbath, but he reached his outfits and make-up (ala Kiss) stage." current positon of massive this band hit the stage and I could not disagree. popularity after leaving that blew the . With band. The Big Chill Examining life's worth MCAT .LSAY:GMAT jI' by Fldy Kuo As Socrates once said, "the "J.T. Lancer"; Sarah (JoBeth enough, would humanize SAT·ACT·DAT·GRE unexamined life isn't worth Williams) who wanted love, these otherwise unrealistic .PUmlnentCenteBopen ·OiJpor!unilytomahup living." Therefore, The Big has financial security, instead, days.eveninllsann> _. side home of two of the simple reunion of disillusioned _lon, WelcomeRums..lule, One Hour Rums..luJe alumni after the funeral recep- and sexually frustrated people Tilly) the surviving, live-in girl- _"'y, CanvasTmel Beg, Three Hour erw.e wfTwo ~r . friend of AJex, has a line that tion. Dragging their Porsches, into some kind of profound c..Ilmked Rum Punch, IIeoch Party wll.unch. All T..... joints, amphetamines, anta- philosophical r '1frontat.ion. goes: "I don't like talking ftO HIDDEI'! CHARGES about my life as much as you cids, and other tools of sur- They sit aroune' discussions vival in suburban America, throwing arouoc jargon. Also, people do." Of course, she, being in her early twenties, they arrive at their forum. The FORT LAUDERDALE time span is one weekend. in a gesture of supreme self- makes her too young for a indulgence, they make video mid-life crisis, but her igno- Frankly, my all too fallable tapes of themselves, which SPRING BREAK - memory can't recall every- they play back to analyze. rant, though honest state- thing about the eight, but ment, points out a problem from $135 The result is a presentation with here goes: Karen, who of eight people you can't people today. People wanted to be a public de- empathize with, let alone sym- don', think about what they're Includes seven niQhts at prl1M loalion, welcome pert)' fender for disadvantaged pathize with. They have be- doing or where they're going. w!free beer, complimentary t"'"IIel beg. clients, now works in a law come too far removed, too Not to say that only charac- ~T~~ oDI~155 ters from the 60's were worthy firm for land developers; Mi- chael, an idealistic joumalist selt-otcrspectlve to be real. enough for a self-introspective AIR ONLY '1118 More unrealistic is the fact movie like The Big Chill, but who wanted to teach in Har- lem, now writes for "People" that they do it together on today's mindset may not even COLLEGE REP, "'EEDED,- EARNfREE TRIP such a level. The warmth and know what to do twelve years magazine; Sam, who wanted to teach people important love that they keep professing down the line, two cars and GREENWICH TRAVEL CENTER for each other, upon reunion- 1.9 babies later. They could things through hi~ acting, is izing and reminscing, doesn't always get together and gripe now the star of his own seem likely. Such emotions, about their disillusionment as - 1·800-243-3858 "Magnum P.l." type show -- presentee convincingly in The Big Chill.
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