Page 42 - ThePhoenix1983-84
P. 42
Page 2IWestem Maryland CollegeJfeb. 16, 1984 Baha'I: Far from a cult Protest By MICHAEL KRAIG and finally died at Akka prayer everyday. Baha'is also A bearded issue Last year the Phoenix pub- around 1890. Members of the worship in each other's by William Mann fished an article on cult reli- Baha'i faith are to this day homesevery- nineteen days, When the world was formed bedience. Violence may not gions. The writer of the article severely persecuted in Iran this is called the Baha'i feast. and Adam was placed on the be the answer, and submis- misunderstood a lecture on simply for their religious be- Baha'is have no clergy, in- earth, soon to be followed by sian is certainly not. What cults held at the college. liefs. Many have been exe- stead they elect nine men his partner in crime, Eve, the rings true is that bigotry must Because of this misunder- cuted or have died in prison and women to mediate and concept of protesting against stop. Whatever it takes to standing the religion of Baha'i during Khomeini'sregime. concern themselves with the restraint was kindled. Eve bring the problem to the pub- was labeled a cult. Somevery "My uncle was killed three affairs of the community, in must have thought to herself, lie's eye seems to be fair. false and degrading things years ago," said Heshmat fact it is impossible to gain why was I created second, I have a friend who is were said about Baha'i. Badiee, Julie's husband, who personnel power because given a lower bible rating and protesting against govern- A letter from Dr. Julie Bad- is a Baha'i of many genera- there are yearly elections. blamed for the troubles of the mental restraint by refusing to tee, a professor of art history, lions. Heshmat is the coordi- Baha'is will worship in any world? register with the Selective at the college and a member nator of the audio-visual church because of their belief Of course Eve had a plan to Service. In addition, he is of the Baha'i faith, along with services here at W.M.C. that their religion is in har- protest against her rotten lot growing a beard until the a letter from the lecturer were Baha'i involves ten main mony with all religions. They in life. So what did she do? registration act is repealed printed in the next issue. beliefs and goals which in- also welcome anyone into She beguiled Adam into bit- His protest is purely nonvi- These letters stated that the elude: The oneness of man- their temples. "There is a ing that apple. BOOM! She is olent and subtle; never-the- information was completely kind, the common foundation Baha'is temple on each contl- labeled a trouble maker for less he is breaking the law false, but a formal apology of all religion, universalpeace nent" said Dr. Badiee. which a stigma is placed On the other hand, there are was never given. upheld by a world govern- There are nine sides to a upon all women to this day. people who will go as far as We at the Phoenix would ment. equality of men and temple, one of the most fa- Religion is the strongest guid- to immolate themselves in an like to further clear up this women, and elimination of mous temples is near Chi- ing factor for all organizations effort to right something they incident and apologize for the prejudice of all kinds. Baha'is cago, Illinois. "Each side of people, and in most reli- believe is wrong false and misleading informa- also believe that there must represents one of the rnalor gions, god is a man. How is it In the past, many people tion given about Baha'i. Fur- be harmony of science and religions", said Julie. At the possible for a woman to over- have given up some of their thermore we would like to religion or there will be chaos temple in Wilmette,Illinois,the come or even become equal personal freedoms in order to give you an idea of what in the world. When this har- cornerstone was set by the in a society that labels every protest anything from war to Baha'i is and how unfair it is many occurs civilization will son of Baha'u'llah and it is a important concept masculine. grapefruit. Some of the more to think of it as a cult. flourish. "To much science very important center for the Because Eve was a product famous examples are Martin Baha'i is a world religion. It and not enough religion or Baha'is. of Adams' body, there is the Luther King Jr., Bobby Sands, has locations in over 100,()()() vice-versacause destruction", Baha'i, as you have seen is notion that woman would be a John Lennon, Henry David communities around the said Heshmat. very different from what you nothing without man. Thoreau, Jane Fonda, Ma- world. In fact "the first resi- Another important point were led to believe last year. Color is the most docu- hatma Ghandi and Golda dents that reporters came about Baha'i is that you can- The main problem faced by mented basis for the protest Meir. These people are just across during the -Falkland not join until you are at least the Baha'is today is the against restraint. Black and grains of sand from the War were Baha'is," said Dr. 15. "Each individual must de- dreadful persecution going on white are only part of the beaches of Georgia, Ireland, Badiee. The religion, as most cide for himself," said Hesh- in Iran. Since two of the problem. People possessing England, Massachusetts,Cali- did, originated in the East, in mat. "You cannot give money Baha'i main goals are world red, yellow, olive, or even fornia, India, and Israel. this case Iran. The religion to Baha'i unless you are a piece and abolition of preju- albino skin tones are placed It is understood when a involves the following of Baha'i", and if you insist it will dice, the Baha'is believe it will behind a wall of prejudice so person wants to protest re- Baha'u'lIah, whose name go to charity. It is discour- pass. They also have no high that decades would be pression, deprivation, the means "the Glory of God." aged by Baha'i to join if it doubts that they will eventu- needed to topple the wall if it class system as well as the The religion began in 1844. involves difficulties or a ally reach all their goals. As could be done at all. The feeling that the views they Baha'u'tlah was expelled break-up of a family. The Heshmatsaid, "It will come to people who are the objects of hold, the color they possess from Iran because of his reli- family is very important to pass, we have no doubts. It such uncivilized behavior or the sex they are born to, is !~=-~~~-,si!.!.nt-:~a~r;~h-,ina"!.gnS~d-'i!.!.~-,el:!!st!!!~~.!:~~Z~!_B_a~ta!!!a~~ia!l'iS§__!w'!!o1Lrs!1!h!!ji2....!t"hr~O~u9!hL,g~!:!J~~~:!2;!!!~~\~hW~aiP!!,l!i!:o~nm~~~nt?O°-!'u~~s~~~~~-I~~~ease~Ts7a~i~~~~~o~~~~~~~ ~~toi~ol~g:~:;~~~r~~~f~~~~~ From Page I in the minds of these career' have. The world has seen atly for those in some form of snoemg norses.: she added home responsibilities. women as measures of suc- blacks resort to violence, and social restraint there is a smiling. Kim Holtzinger, a graduate cess, they are not unawareof the Indians of Ghandi's time plethora of sympathizers but Jan whose husband is also of Gov. ThomasJohnson High the prevasiveness of sexual resolve some of their prob- a minority of repressed peo- a veterinarian, commented School and freshman at the discrimination in the work lemsthrough non-violentdiso- pie willing to take a stand or f that there is little time to college, enrolled in the class PI~g~n't delude yourself," 1- ~m-a-ke-th-e-c-h-an..:g:-e-a-re-a-lity:-._j manage a household when to learn how to stand up for wamed Mrs. Bereske. "Most Phoenix Staf • both spouses work. When myself. 4 p m movement. M. asked who washedthe dishes "I've been raised in a family men are paying lip service to .• - • Jan quickly replied, "It de- where both my father and the women's eetlng pends on who has the time to brother are male chauvinists. I Watch yourselves on what In the Pub do it." She further said that have to learn to not back you think you are walking Monday L :~;~~~:da t~a?: ~~Ii~i~ dW~I~o~:~~Iine production /,in",to---====='--------------=--------1 :_' support them in the sharing of and performance ranked first The Phoenix Editor Gregory Elba Associate Editor... . William Mann Managing Editor... . Philip Block News Editor ... .Erlc Greenberg Sports Editor .. . Greg Merrill Copy Editor Laura Kleber Layout Editor . Paige Buchter Headline Editor Michael B. Kraig Photo Editor...... . Dave Dante Photography Beth Austin, Steve Baily, Todd Nicusanti Business Manager . .. ..Peter W. Spartin Advertising Manager... . Kathy Marvel Published by and for the studef1ls 01Western Maryland College. The opinions expressed in this publication do not necessarily renect rtose of the staff or administration We welcome comments and/or suggestions. Please address all mail to The Phoenix, Box 1, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. 21157.
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