Page 41 - ThePhoenix1983-84
P. 41
ThePhoenix Feb. 16, 1984 Western Maryland CoUe,e Vol. IV, Number 8 Jan Term Phonathon Major Music Move a big sue ce s s ~WILUAM A. MANN gram, he said, "For one thing, By ERIC GREENBERG MusIc majors take note, we anticipate more dance for l Student Phonathon, now in its they thought that the contribu- top caller was Caroline Ben- 'come September 1984 your performance, with perhaps a 1984 National campaign for the new gym The WMC major will be no more. Don't minor in this area." Of course third year, raised over $110,- tions would be low. son who raised $6,236. Craig panic just yet because the those currently majoring in Chairman Student 000 for Westem Maryland's The success of the Phona- Sarsony, reported that the Music Department is merely music will be able to com- Annual Fund. The Annual thon was due to the organiz- Phonathon was, "a fun social combining with the perform- plete their present majors. On Fund, directed by Gary Small- ers and the many terrific event for people in January ing arts section to make one the other hand The major in wood, covers general operat- callers, some of which called when there is Jess activity on department. dramatic art will continue as it ing expenses of the college on five different nights. The campue.; People come and Dr. Palmer, Dean of Aca- is at present. Dr. Palmer such as salaries, maintenance callers were situtated at ta- have a good time ringing demic Affairs said of the new wanted to assure the commu- etc... It is estimated that this bles in the Harrison House, bells, eating good food, and program "Though music will nity that the college has a fund helps to lower tuition where they were urged on by winning prizes." Oraig wishes cease to exist as a major, at commitment to teach courses costs by about $1500 per such wonderful slogans as, to thank Molly Muir, Diane least as it is, a number of in every current major. He student per year. ''The more we dial, the more Perry, Mike Kline, and Jerry present courses in music will also said, "No one will be left This year, Gary Smallwood we smile," and "We need Donald for their help with continue." The college is miti- hanging, music is still a very and Craig Sarsony -- the money terror-ifically." Each each of the four weeks; the ating a search for a highly strong factor on this campus." Student Chairman -- began night there would be prizes local business' for donating qualified and talented person The College antlclpatea hav- planning for the Phonathon in for the caller who could get prizes; and all the other pro- to teach in and chair this new ing a really dynamic program November. Their goal was to the most donations from par- pie who donated their time to department. The new chair, in the perfcrminq arts. Retir- rai~ $90,000, but due to the ents, alumni, and others. The this event. together with the music and ing this year in music after many years of service to the dramatic art faculty, will de- Panel discusses women jobs velop new major options. ro- college, will be Mr. Gerald Dean Palmer is very enthu- Cole and Mrs. Julie Hitch- cock.- siastic about the new stein saw her high school New Sanctions "Don't let anyone tell you learning about the legal is- that there are jobs you can't sues and psychology of ca- classmates go off to colleges do. Leam what the men are reer development these to become lawyers and doc- combat vandalism learning. Leam to give and young women can confront tors. She decided on enrolling The following list of sane- take orders." the issues with a clear under- in veterinary school and tions will serve as a guideline one academic year, or fifteen (15) points during his or her This advice was told to a standing of what's ahead for began studies at a southern class of nearly 30 young them in the workplace," says Ohio university. for disciplinary action at west- academic career at Western em Maryland College as of Maryland College will be sus- women by Joan Bereska, Dr. Wolfe. "The males in vet school chief of staff for Baltimore While the panel which also didn't think women belonged Monday, February 13, 1984. pended from the college for a Any student who accumulates minimum of one semester, Mayor Donald Schaefer, at a included a veterinarian, a fi- there," said Dr. Rubenstein. "I recent panel discussion held nancial investor and an attor- kept telling myself that I am a five (5) points or fails to and will lose housing privi- leges permanently. comply with an official of the at Western Mary- nay discussed the issues of person first; a woman second. The following list is not land College in Westminster, sexual discrimination, two-ca- I can physically do anything college will automatically be meant to be all-inclusive. Stu- placed on conduct probation Md. reer marriages and career any other person can do." for a minimum of one semes- dents who engage in acts of three by Joined other I women employed in nontradi- mentors, they focused on the "It's important to demon. ter. Any student accumulating violence, harrassment, or in- l tional jobs, the panel ad- need for women to know strate and prove your ability," seven (7) points will automati- timidation will be dealt with she added. "Most people will where they are headed and to more severely. For other viola- cally be placed on discipli- dressed the students as part of a January Term course be assertive. give you a chance. Many nary probation for a minimum tions work projects. fines, "Find out what you have an . people both men and women, period of one year. As stated directed at young women ex- interest in and move into that are simply not used to work- in the Student Handbook on andlor restitution may be as- signed in addition to points. ploring career options. (career) direction," said Terry ing with professional women." page 89, a student on disci- "Women today will spend Stauffer, panelist from Baker Jan's proven ability has Although a range of sane- students tions is provided, an averge of 28 years in the Watts & Co. paid off. She now finds many plinary probation may not rep- in should anticipate receiving college resent the work force," says Dr. Helen "Nothing should be nontrad- clients will request her setv- intercollegiate sports, nor may the maximum sanction. Lower Wolfe, one of the course in- itional for us," added Mrs. ices over the other three male he/she hold an office in any ranges are provided only to structors. 'Labor research, Bereska, whose position with veterinarians at the animal student organization. Any fur- however, shows us that the Baltimore city's government is hospital where she works. ther violation of college regu· allow flexibility under exten- It circumstances. uating vocational maturity of young the first to be held by any This also carries over to the lations will result in should be understood by all women is not as high as for woman in large city govern- on-site treatment of large ani- suspension. students that inappropriate young men." ments in the United States. mals at area farms. "I even Any student who accumu- behavior will not be tolerated "By examining the history of Growing up in a Washing- use a female blacksmith for lates ten (10) points during at Western Maryland College. the women's movement and ton, D.C. suburb Jan Hubert- Coni. Page 2 -~....... Pulling a fi,e lIIarm 7pontsaroddisc'~iMIYprobaticntosuspension DisGhII'OfIfire extinguishe, 5pe:oinlsand$25tinetosus.pension Urlrlaling in public 5 points aroddiscoplinary probatoonto suspension Sleefongcollegeproperty 5 poinlStosusj)&''''ion ~smokede1ectoo ~=:tOwspensionaod,estitlJto:;on career optiom Ripping DIll fixtu,... 5 points to susp&nSion and 'esmution Damagoetovendingmechines 5 poonts to suspension and testiM"", Tearingouttoiielpapelt.Jticn(cIeanOJP) [ones Th..,...;nglNogsoutw __ Spoints TarT"fI"ringwithelevatOtaiarm 2·5 poinlSand row
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