Page 34 - ThePhoenix1983-84
P. 34
Page 8IWestem Maryland College/Dec. 8, 198 Jazz in the forum FOOD! Joe Olcott Western Maryland's Jazz the three-part medley of "Big PRIZES! Ensemble exhibited their skill Band Milestones", the slow and versatility in a free con- beat of "Misty", and the hard cert in the forum on Tuesday and powerful rock of "Primal FUN! night, November 29th. Before Pulse." about fifty people - students, Present and former students faculty, and community - the and community members WMC PHONATHON '83 ensemble played songs that make up the Jazz Ensemble. ranged from soft and slow to The trumpet section included Jan. 11-30 loud and fast, from standard Bob Coffey, Andy Loats, Bill arrangements to modem ar- McCarthy, and Andy Robey. Raise some bread before you go to bed Jim Martin, Denny Clarke, l rangements, and from jazz Dave Motter, and Dave Stev- Sign up with a chairperson now! and blues to light and hard ens constituted the trombone rock. Directed by Gerard Miller, section. Playing Sax and Jerry Donald Mike Kline I the ensemble began the con- Woodwinds were Steve Molly Muir cert in a small-band format of Reber, Lori Shamer, Dave eight or nine people, playing Booth, Lauren Ruberg, and Diane Perry four songs including "Cher- Jon Ferber. The pianist was Craig Sanony I ish," the Association's mellow Neg Packard, and the guitar- pop hit of the sixties. For the ists were Steve McHale, Dave next eight songs, the ensem- Oravec, John Welsh, and ble swelled to its full comple- John Robinson. Steve Craw- ment of twenty people - the ley and Drew Yurkor provided big band. Highlights include the percussion. Sports WOMEN'S SWIMMING (1-1 freestyles. Soph Lisa Monroe overall, 1-1 MAC -- Jan. 10 (Reisterstown, Md.) was the vs. Johns Hopkins) -- The other WMC winner in the Terror women split two meets Widener meet as she won the last week defeating Elizabeth- 100 yard breaststroke in town, 48-45, and losing to 1:24.09. Widener, 64-26. Sophomore WRESTLING (0-0 overall, 0- Karen Schlegel (Silver Spring, o MAC -- Dec. 7 at Juniata, Md.) captured the 100 yard Dec. 10 at UMES wlloyola) -- backstroke events in both The Green Terror grapplers meets with a best time of opened their season at the 1;07.75 Val Borror (Durham, Lafayette Tournament last N.H.) and Lynda Rennie (Ti- weekend. Sophomore Joe monium, Md.) were double Monteleone (Oceanview, N.J.) winners against E-Town as captured the 134 pound title Borror took the 100 yard but- while senior Lee Meyers (Po- terfly and the 200 yard indi- tomac, Md.) took fourth place vidual medley and Rennie at 177 pounds. The dual won the 100 and 200 yard season opens Wednesday at Juniata. l Phoenix Staff You have t he rest of the year off. House of Liquors The Editor GREEKS: Heineken The Phoenix • 12 oz. NR $3.49 has space six pack for you. -- Carriage House Liquors Carroll Plaza 113 W. Main Street Westminster "at the forks" 848·1314 Stroh's &: Stroh's Ute$8.99 24 pk Bring Coupon e.DS National Preminm Lite$5.47 Proper 1.0. : ·Beiiiiite·G~td"··· '"'$2.19'750-ml;' r ReQuired •.l,\ .,,/. "-' I .::1..J.1 -. C;,. ~."~')JJ-......r.'".
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