Page 36 - ThePhoenix1983-84
P. 36
Page IOlWe.tern Maryland CoUegelDec. 8, 1983 Connor Basketball Team Drops to 0-5 W.M.C. Athletes Named to M.A.C. M.V.P. Rick Conner (Silver Spring, Six Western Maryland Col- first-team back on the MAC Md.), a senior defensive The old adage says a team sophomore forward has aver- lege athletes have been Southern Division soccer back, was selected as the has to play two halves of aged 11.8 points per game named to Middle Atlantic team. The senior was se- most valuable player of the basketball to win. The old and has collected 6.6 re- Conference (MAC) All-Star lected for the fourth time to Centennial Football Confer- adage definitely has the bounds per contest. Hursey Squads in their respective the MAC star squad. Junior ence for 1983. 1983-84 Western Maryland pumped in 20 points in the sports in balloting by the forward Bruce Kracke (Luther- Conner, along with wide men's basketball team in 76-67 loss to Albright and has conference coaches. ville, Md.), the seventh lead- receiver Rich Johnson (Sev- mind as the Terrors were led the team in rebounding Tri-captains Missy Wagner ing scorer in the conference erna Park, Md.), was named defeated by FranklIn & Mar- four of the five games. (Lutherville, Md.), Donna this fall with eight goals and first-team All-Centennial Con- shall, 80-60, to drop the Co-captain John Seiler (Sil- Mummert (Cumberland, Md.) three assists, was named ference while sophomore pun- l Green's record to ()"'5 overall ver Spring, Md.) is second on and Becky Bankert (Gettys- honorable mention. The Ter- ter Scott Glouse (Montville, and 0-1 in the Southwestern the club in scoring. The 6-7 burg, Pa.) were named first- N.J.) was named honorable Section of the MAC. center has averaged 10.6 team All-MAC in volleyball. rors ended with an 8-8-1 mention. record in 1983 and a 3-3 slate Western Maryland battled points while connecting on 21 The three seniors have led the in the Southwest Section. Conner was the second the Diplomats throughout the of 34 shots for a team high Green and Gold to a 39-8 Barb Hess (Huntingdon Val- leading tackler for the Green first half and trailed just 32-30 .618 percentage. Francis has record and a berth opposite ley, Pa.) was named honora- and Gold in 1983 recording at intermission. But the roof chipped in 8.4 points per UC-San Diego in the regional ble mention on the 1983 MAC 78 tackles (39 solo, 39 as- caved in minutes into the game and is second in re- semifinals of the NCAA Divi- field hockey team. The sopho- sist). A tri-captam of Ihis second half as F&M out- bounding with four caroms sion 111Volleyball Champion- more back paced the Terrors year's squad, Conner had scored the Terrors, 10-2, in per' game. ships. to a third place finish in the four interceptions and re- the first three minutes and Junior guard David Malin Co-captain John Schiavone Southwest Section and a 3-12 turned three of them for coasted from there. (Pikesville, Md.) and class- (Baltimore, Md.) was named a mark overall. touchdowns. The senior Senior co-captain Jim Fran- mate Kevin Ness (York, Pa.) chalked up over 2,000 yards cis (Rockville, Md.) led the are tied for the club lead in in kickoff and punt returns in Green scoring parade with 15 assists with 17 while Malin his four seasons on the Hill. points while sophomore Mark has also pulled down 18 Johnson, a 6-0 senior split Johnson (Ft. Washington, rebounds. Sports Update end, hauled in 56 passes Md.) added 12. Francis and Western Maryland has three contlnaed page 9 Jim Hursey (Sykesville, Md.) contests this week including each collected six rebounds two Section matchups. Tues- to lead that category. b II ~~y~~~~ t~~ T~r;~~~t~~v~~~ The NCAA Division III Gold to rebound and take the o overall, ()...OMAC Southwest "~e'~e tot sh~ting t~~ a" tysburg while Saturday the championship trail came to a second game, 15-8. "We -- Dec. 7 at Lebanon Valley, ::Y5 tH~a~ O~~ac~g~i~k ~~u-Green travels to Lebanon Val- snowy halt for the Western were forced to make some DEc. 10 at York) -- Freshman changes because of Western lias. The Terrors are connect- ley. A home matchup with ~:~Ia~~t ~~~~~~d v~~le~~~I~ Maryland's offensive style," center Cindy Boyee (Freder- ick, Md.) scored 17 points ing on just 41 percent of their ~ye~~:~jU~ ~~u:gayfOratGi~ tingdon, Pa. The #1 ranked said UCSD coach Doug Dan- and colleted 13 rebounds shots from the floor. "I'm team in the country, UC-San nevik. And the changes he while senior co-captain Col- really confident that we'll get p.m. Diego, eliminated the Green made gave the Tritons a 15-3 leen Gohegan (Frederick, it together with our first win." ·with a 15-7, 15-8, 15-3 vic- victory in the finale. "It was a Md.) chipped in 16 points Statistically, the Green Ter- tory. The 1981 NCAA charnpl- great experience for everyone. and added 10 rebounds to ,-ro_rs_a_re_'ed_b_y_HU_r_Se_y_,_Th_e -.. ~t~gg~;~ wit~B~e rT~~~;:~~ eeoecranv the younger play- lead Western Maryland 10 a ers," said Terror head coach 72-48 season-opening victory Con tras t the first two games before great deal and we know that over Marymount. The Green Carol Fritz. "We all learned a coming to life in the third and Gold had trouble getting game. Elsewhere on the Hill, we can play with a team the untracked in the early going From "I four players reached double caliber of San Diego." Fresh- and held just a 32-25 edge at Rossman at the above ad- * Students who are interested figures as the WMC women's man Karen Miles (Westmin- intermission. But a tenacious dress. in reading some of their basketball team defeated ster, Md.) led the Green defense forced Marymount * If these guidelines are not prose or poetry during Jan- Marymount, 72-48. The men's offense with nine kills while into 34 turnovers and enabled followed, the works will be uary Term please sign up at team dropped three games Wagner and Donna Mummert the Terrors to pull away. Jun- returned. the information desk. this week as York, Albright (Cumberland, Md.) each iors Louise Nemshick (Harris- Students are asked to help CONTRAST needs photos and F&M all downed the recorded four. San Diego ad- burg, Pa.) and Laura Winner in judging works, publicity, and artwork! Terrors. The women's swim- vanced to the semifinals with and layout of Contrast. We ming team upended Eliza- a 15-4,15-4,15-2 victory over (Cumberland, Md.) scored 12 need YOUR help for a qual- bethtown, 48-45, and Juniata. and 10 points respectively as ity magazine. dropped a 64-26 decision to MEN'S BASKETBALL (0-5 the Green had four players Widener while the mon's team overall), 0-1 MAC Southwest - score in double figures. Soph- lost to Elixabethtown and Wid- - Dec. 6 at Gettysburg, Dec. omore guard Nancy Hutchin- 1--------------------1 ener. 8 vs. Messiah, Dec. 10 at son (Ellicott City, Md,) added VOLLEYBALL (39-9 overall) Lebanon Valley) -- The Green six assists for WMC who shot -- The Western Maryland Col- Terror cagers droped three 42 percent from the floor. The Phoenix lege volleyball team did itself contests last week for WMC's overall, 0-2 MAC -- Jan. 14 (0-2 SWIMMING MEN'S slowest start since the 1976- proud against the #1 ranked wishes everyone UC-San Diego Tritons last 77 season. The Green and ve. Gettysburg) -- The WMC a nine-point Gold watched weekend. Although the score men dropped two meets last edqe turn into a 73-58 loss to might not indicate it, 15-7, 15- Elizabethtown week as good luck on finals 8, 15-3, the Green and Gold York last Tuesday. Senior co- handed the Terrors a 54-39 hung tough with the former captain Jim Francis (Rock- defeat while Widener downed champions. Behind the serv- ing of senior tri-captain Missy ville, Md.) led the Terrors with WMC, 73·20. Scott Flickinger points. Sophomore Jim Md.) was the 14 (Edgewater, Wagner (Lutherville, Md.), Hursey (Sykesville Md.) led all lone WMC winner in both Western Maryland jumped out scorers with 20 polnts but it meets as he won the 100 10a 3-0 lead in the first game. was not enough as Albright yard breaststroke in 1:12.36 1K WMC discount With this Ad A Triton error and a kill by downed WMC, 76-67. And in a-o 1:12.60. Greg McAllister ~. _ -, ,,-,,_. senior Julie Fringer (Clinton, a foul-plagued contest, F&M (.:lIicon City, Md.) was the .• _ _ Md.) pulled the Green to dealt the Terrors an 80-60 other individual winner for the within, 7-5, but UCSD pulled defeat. Western Maryland had Terrors as he captured the away to take the first game, four players foul out of the 500 yard freestyle against tilt (irun (iaior lib. 15-7. The serving of Wagner, contest which saw both clubs Elizabethtown. combine for 69 foul shots. I'I..w f'~ ._'~w' ~;3k~n:a~~~k~ ~~~W(~~R: Francia was the high scorer more, Md.) put the Terrors in with 15 while Mark Johnson amu Jr- thIJic.l.JhTflr! 1It..c.c.ut ;W.U front, 5-0, in the second (Ft. Washington, Md.) ,.f(I, N"./t,fI,tf!I II"~/_·~"",II.,~"" ",$1 game. But some momentary chippe.d in 12. .. J'I;'::: :,'!;'~~~~:~~abled th~. Blue and WOMEN'S BASKETBALL (1-
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