Page 33 - ThePhoenix1983-84
P. 33
Thief Scenes captured from in WMC the parking crime Photo by Steve Bailey fro.. 1 lot. student told him not to hit me. another receiver, turntable, a the suspect and the car taken, another losl his whole Half a dozen more students pair of speakers, and a clock away. stereo system. A student re- came outside, and then a radio. This was in addition to The campus has had a rush sidinq in ANW lost a tape security guard arrived. the equipment he was carry- of thefts in the last few deck and speakers out of hi The suspect opened his car ing when apprehended. months, one student in Daniel car while it was parked be door, inside the car there was The police arrived, taking Mac Lea had a television hind the ANW dorm in the new parking lot. Date rape lecture Phi Dell's awarded r~~~~~a~a~ov;=e~t tt~ fro. 1 signalsor to use that old line, State'sAttorney'sOffice is not 1 scholarship, promptness in cousins, nephews, "There's 'no' on your lips but too happy about those kind of Daniel Lounge. The accassion submitting all required re- neighbors and 'yes' in your.eyes". Y?Umay cases because they are hard was the awarding of two ports, sound financial opera- It is a myth not want to report this date to prosecute. They like the awards to WMC's Phi Delta non. participation in men rape white rape, and you would be fol· chances of conviction to be Theta fraternity chapter from CommunityServices,effective and vice-versa, they lowing a trend; the FBI says good. their National Headquarters. pledge program--basicatly all around excellence. stick with their own that rape is the most unre- College women are in a Among the guests were many Along with the Gold Star, is a myth that rape ported crime today. "damned if they do, damned Phi Delt alumnus and alumni, in dark alleyways in If you are actually being if they don't" situation. They an assortmentof faculty, and WMC's Phi Delta chapter was awarded the General Head- areas, fifty-six percent raped, or about ready to be must be aware that they can Province President Bob Fl- quarters Trophy which is rapes occur in the raped, then there are several be raped anytime, anywhere tzpatrick, who presented presented annually to the home. It is a myth that things you can do. You could and by anybody but they Scott Lohman and Matt chapter which submits all re- rape get carried say to your attacker, "How should not develop a para- Baker, former presidents of ports promptly and cooper- m~:tt ~~~~t~e~~~edt~~ :~~~r YO~a~ee~:i~ourra~~~.~~rn_o_ia_c_o_m.:_p_le_x. ___j ~~ Bi:~r:lth~::d~~~rt~~~ ates with General Headquarters. Theseawards had been the ~~m~~~~:n~p:~mli~:~~o~I~~ :lltha~h~Sr~~db~~er,r;:,j~rtd~~~ Cancer check Trdu~j~· 154 national chap- goal of MD. BETA since its found in the vagina but that not work, then you may want ters, MD. BETA was one of inception in 1971. Not to be does not mean a rape has not to fight, but only fight if you seven to receive the presti- daunted by its succes, because some men truly do think that you will win. The best cure for breast gious Gold Star award. This WMC's Phi Delt chapter con- . It is a myth It may just so happen that he comes through early award recognized MD. BETA tinues to be an exemplary victims are healthy will get madder and hurt you All women should as having experienced signifi- Fraternity Chapter among its i girts in their teen more than he was planning to have their breasts examined cant success in all around own national chapters and earty adulthood. do. You do not have to fight on a regular basis. North operation. The criteria for this crime reports show that to support a rape charge in Charles General Hospital in award included chapter IN- h youngest rape victim was court. If there is one thing that Care, PA and the American Internatl ona .g t cooperation with Total Health i months and the oldest you should remember to do, it breast examinations on dinner a success -; ninety three years old. It is to get a good description of Cancer Society will conduct I myth that after you have your attacker. After a rape, a raped it will just blow woman has trauma for a long Wednesday, Dec. 14 and if you do not think about time. For example, she may Wednesday, Dec. 28 from Rosie Andrews anger will come out be having sex with someone noon to 2 p.m. at Total Health Approximately seventy pea- dining porch to enjoy food in some very disturbing that she wants to have sex Care, 2706 North Charles St. pIe experienced the culture and entertainmentfrom such that would be inappro- with and then seemingly out adjacent to North Charles and cuisine of nations around countries as Iran, Israel, Indo- to your current situa- of nowhere, she will have a General Hospital. the world Sunday, November nesia, and Harvey Levy of When you do go to flashback to the rape and To make an appointmentfor 13, at the International Night Hood College. court, your sex life in the past close up to her husband or this important free health Dinner, sponsored by the According to Dr. Julie Bad- cannot be brought up in testi- boyfriend. Cottege women screening, catt 338-2066. Bahai Club of Western Mary- lee, who helped organize the mony unless you have had must think of how much they RobertLondon, M.D.,cbstetri- land College. event, the evening was a relations with the defendant are willing to put out for a cian/gynecologist, heads the The crowd, comprised of great success, with everyone before, for example, in the date, and how much is their breast examination program foreign students and Ameri- enjoying the unusual foods case of a boyfriend. Herein company valued by them- at the hosoi ~Iike, gathered on the and internationalatmosphere. lies a major problem in date selves. How much is their rape. Let's use a hypothetical company valued by their situation. You and your boy- dates. If college women are friend have had a past history clearer about what they think of sexualintercourse,and one they are worth, then the date night after going to George- will be clearer. Your date town dancing and-drinking he should not take you out be- is sitting on your bed in your cause he feels that he can dorm. Your roommateis away bribe you with dinner and a for the weekend, and you movie,he should take you out have no one to run to in case because of your brilliant can- of trouble. Well, you start to versational skills. The date make out and then you want should not think that you are to quit, but he does not good in bed just because he because he is drunk and has you out for dinner and excited by the night out on drinks. the town. You say "no," and Sometimes a girl will have e rn c~~t~~~~ ~~~ri~a~~~b~~~ ~~~;i~=t:r g~~a~~~t~~~ ~~~ say that you'-gave·him rnlxed" ana' call' It rape: Well, the
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