Page 39 - ThePhoenix1983-84
P. 39
gement an InSI e Margret Miller When comparing my hand some new friends I met at the "normal" idea of dressmq print to another person's hand beginning of the semester. Instead, she wears vivid Mr. Gregory Elba, Editor problem. It is obvious that print, I notice how unique they We began to discuss the GAY green and fluorescent orange Mr. William Mann, Managing some students at W.M.C. will are. A hand print is only the Alliance Club while we ate. As colors, over sized shirts, and Editor have their questions an- beginning to how each lndl- time went on I criticized the faded jeans. I overheard two The Phoenix swered, if S0, there is a way vidual is different. Before club and mocked gays, with- other students talking about Box 1 Western Md. College to receive help. coming to Western Maryland out any real knowledge of her. They said, "She dresses Westminster, Md. 21157 There is one more question College I had high expecta- either. so strange...AII dramatic art Dear Editors, I'd like to have answered by lions for the student body to At the end of the conversa- majors are weird and dress Needless to say, the De- these students who are so accept people for what they lion my two friends an- weird too...she must be a cember eighth issue of the destructive, "How do you are - unique, like the hand nounced "We are gay." At dramatic art major." Phoenix gave many of us a think we as alumni feel about prints. It is disappointing to that point I felt like a small The students judged the real jolt. Now that I have asking people to support the l see so many narrow minrled grain of sand on an endless "dramatic art major", instead simmered down from the college knowing students are and judgemental people on beach. of taking the time to know her. shock and cooled off some- tearing up what we are trying campus. I realize being The incident made me think In fact, the student that sup- what, I have a strong sugges- to build?" closed minded is not a prob- twice about not only how I posedly dressed bizarrly is a tion to make. How about Sincerely, lem that changes with age, judge people, but how some- business major. printing the enclosed article in Eloise C. Payne but is a problem that plagues one can easily make the .In both incidents the individ- the next issue of the Phoenix? President, society. Instead of being nar- same hasty judgement. The uals made impulsive and nar- It is a fifteen question test to W.M.C.Alumni Assoc. rowminded and judgemental, point is, though society thinks rowminded accusations. With discover if one has a drinking Member of Bd. of Trustees society has to be open being gay is morally wrong, a little time and effort those . 1-4.Do you get annoyed minded. people must accept others as accusations would have been ~~ ~~~~e fz'9mschool with classes or lectures on If I ,didt~~eet ~~;I~~~ia: th~y~~~e demeaning com. positive. We should follow the 2. Do you drink to loseshyness' drinking? 15. Do YOU think you f:PW~~d h~~:rf~lIen into the ments about my friends, but ~fn~~P~~oo:oo~a[~~ ti~~h~~ anf b~ild~lf~Onfid::ce: I have a problem with alco- judgemental and narrow they understood that it was change how people judged re~ta~on? n ng ec mg your I hol? minded trap. Last semester out of ignorance. , could have negroes. This one man united 4. Do you drink to escape from If you answered "yes" to each WMC student received lost two valuable friendships people to work together and study or home worries? one or two questions. elcc- a purple notice in his or her for making a judgement about prove he was right. When 5. Does it bother you if. some- hoi has become a serious mailbox concerning the west- a subject I was not familiar everyone takes the time to body says that maybe you drink problem in your life. ern Maryland Lesbian Gay with. accept people as Martin Lu- too much? If you are interested In Alliance. I glanced around the In addition to the students ther King did, the world will go6~~o~aud~:;totak.eadriD.kto learning how to deal with a drinking ·problem. help mailbox area; the floor was judging gays, they also judge be a relaxed place. People 7.~Do you ever get into money covered with the purple people by their style of cloth- will feel comfortable being troubles over buying alcoholic Is available by calHnB Al· cohollcs Anonymous. It's pieces of paper. After skim- ing. Sweaters, button down original. After all wouldn't the beverages? In your telephone book.. ming the paper I immediately shirts, and jeans are the "nor- world be a monotonous place 8. Have you lost friends since' And In my book, the most discarded it, just as everyone mal"clothing on campus if everyone were the same? you started drinking? effective help for an alco- else had done. There is a student on campus -:==----' c~~ 9. Do you hang out now with a holic of any age is throuBh A.A. There are no dues; g:J~~~~o~~-:~~?ess. ~~~ t..";A=fi;;;e;,:rw;;;a;:.:rd",sc_:lc.a,,,t::.e_::Iu::.n",chc....;;w::_:itfi::....,=:th",a,,_t_"d",oe",s"n",o,,-t -"co"'n::.;fo"rm"'-'to::._::th"'iS'-_-=- I Il1M9ught for food until~e bottleI it's absolutely free. No questions will be asked. You may remain anony· :!lS.~~~drink no one will mous, and know you've been there .. Well boys and girls, it's slay a few dragons, people hint?" Then the server climbs los~2.~~ve~~~~;;r h;;:r: unless you tell someone. If about I another year and yes, as are enjoying their pre-dining above the steam and says drinking? someone you ca...e has a drlnkinB problem. usual, its time to play name experience. You are now wait- "Take your 13. Has drunk drivinB with a smile, that entree. At the serving line ing to get served and you chances." ever put you into the boe-. ask about Al·Anon. For you can hear a chorus of, pick up about five different You now have your food pital or jail? teen·apn. it's AIateen. "What is it? Ah I don't care, utensils, and for fun you play including that scrumptious ra- I ~:t~n~vi~~~a~oc~~.'~:e~J~~~: ~~:~n~l~f~~~~~Tnn; ~i~t~f~~~ ~~~. ~~~O~at~~~ir~us;~~~~ l the first armed checkpoint choice of desserts, yum yum. lations are being made in the For instance, you walk into Thought class. Now, the moment of truth, Econ So where you must give the "What's it going to be, hun?" you do the meal thing and on correct coded identification Quick! Wha~ did _you have your way out you happen number. Then you walk yesterday: fned chicken, day upon a fnend trying to get in through the tittle metal turn- before that - barbequed without his Coded ID. Then stile (a point of note, if anyone chicken, and today, DUM·DE- the guard says, "Go ahead knows what that machine DUM-DUM ...chicken cro- punk, make my day, I haven't records, there is an adminis- quetts. You try and sneak a wasted a freshman in a good trative job for you). At this peak throuqh the steam to week." paint you have been com- learn the secret held behind Hey cafeteria, just poking a pletely checked in by a se- the sneeze proof glass. It little fun. We really do appre- curity guard, a lady with could be veal, it could be eiate your contribution to our paper, pencil and counter, fish, it caul? be, it could be, pallet, and thanks for chang- as well as a mysterious tum- you're afraid to guess. So ing the hours for Sunday stile. what do you do, ask! Your meals during Jan Term. P.S. Posting them the day Now it's on to the next line, friends say "don't do it." Now they were due to go in effect....==================~ of course· in the first line, your pride is at stake, so you which stretches all the way look away sheepishly and was a nice touch. down to the game room murmur, "I know I've seen it Phoenix where you can watch Dirk before, could you give me a String Quartet for Spring Staff Greg Merrll This year the music depart- hope to continue meetin.g C.ellist Ac~.ron.Zajic, ~as stu· ment re.established its string over J~nuary Te.rm, and, In d.ledmusIc pnvately s~n~ethe Meeting program. Prof. Dietrich, with the Spnng, est~bllsht~e quar· Sixth grade and participated the help of freshman Greg- tet as a speCial studies pro- in the Honorary Maryland..AII Merril, Aaron Zajic, and Phil gram. . . State Orchestra.. In addition Monday February 6th Fraser has formed a string The quartet IS planmng to Aaron takes part In the Mary- quartet. During the Fall se- hol~ a recital sometime in th.e land Center for the Arts 4 p.m. In the Pub mester, the group met infor- SP~In~,but at prese~t are stili (MCA), where he met fellow Everyone please attend mally twice a week in Levine ~dJust1ngto t~e vaflo~~ play- Continued to 4 Halt. Musicians in the quartet Ing styles of ItS participants. very important ,...' 1! ...
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