Page 38 - ThePhoenix1983-84
P. 38
Editorial Bo's Regard Dorm issue A question of intent In the Phoenix's December Force unanimously passed Greg Elba issue, we reported on some two resolutions which, if fol- fV1uch has occurred since ment occurred in two small the college aware of a serious of the living conditions at this lowed through, will have a the last issue of the Phoenix sections of the dorms. problem. The Preachers are college. Rampant vandalism, great impact on the college's was published December This was simply not the case. .not guilty of anything that student harassment and ad- future. The first resolution eighth. Dean Mowbray's de- The incidents occurred in does not occur in many of the ministrative red tape all made calls for the extensive renova- parture stunned many of us. Rouzer, Daniel Mact.ea. and other dorms. While this is not the headlines. These stories tion of ANW, Blanche Ward, Mowbray has become an in- Albert Norman Ward. Put an- to be construed as a pro- were picked up by the local Daniel MacLea, and McDaniel stitution at this college. One other way, the incidents oc- Preacher article, I will go as l media, causing the college Hall over a four year period. senior made the point that the curred in three of the four far as to say that there 'are college is an ever changing be renovated ANW would decent individuals, who are dorms of WMC inhabited by great embarrassment. As a I result, some administrators over the summer of 1984 at a entity; perhaps it should not males. Preachers, just as there are decent have such institutions. in the individuals cost of $293,000. The result- The number at students in- the Phoenix of accused have overstating the problems that ing benefits from energy effi- The Phoenix does not ac- volved was stated as being Bachelors, Betes, Phi Delts, pervade student living. We do ciency, lower maintenance cept or reject this point of "as few as fifteen." This ap- and Sig Eps. The fact that the not think this is the case. costs, and higher student re- view, it is early to say for pears to be aimed at blaming Preachers are up for Even if the problems are tention rates easily justify the sure. In any case Dean Mow- just the members of the Delta statement next month those of only a few - they costs of the new buildings. bray served college for many Pi Alpha fraternity. If this is it imperative that the deserve exposure. A college Aside from the physical years. The Phoenix wishes to the case, this is totally unac- ers not be used as newspaper must use the changes, the second resolu- speak for the campus com- ceptable. The Dorm Living a goats for administrative I power of the press to right tion calls for a change in "the munity in thanking Dean Mow- Terror and Twilight Zone inactivity. The Phoenix injustices - big or small. The current psychological atmos- bray for his hard work through articles were not meant to be that the Students Affairs articles served their purpose phere which pervades the the years. He is a good man. against the Preachers or the fice will handle everything in in that they ignited a call for area between ANW and Dr. John's letter to the cam- Fraternal system in general. manner that is just. Nothing action from the college com- Daniel MacLea." The "Quad" pus community disturbed me Our sale intent was to make else will suffice. munity. People are starting to is known by many as a jungle on several points. It stated realize that the inequity of and a war zone, and its that the incidents of harass- residence life is a serious reputation needs to be problem; changes must be cleaned up. The resolution e numbers game made. Much pressure was calls for a restructuring of the put on the administration to Greek housing system, and explain these accusations. for more coed living. The Reed Mortimer We believe that it was under Office of Student Affairs will College prepares us for "the duced three weeks ago, is a problem: using cards that are these pressures that Dean be working closely with the real world" in a way we did measure of security, remem- magnetically coded, having Mowbray was forced to re- SGA Housing Committee and not even imagine. We have a ber the armed guards the first punch cards allowing stu- sign. the Greek organizations on mailbox number, our college day of this new system. Se- dents to pay only for the In an fairness, however, the the proposed changes. I.D, number, soon we will curity for those who pay their meals they eat, or returning college was attempting to At this moment, the college have a telephone number, money, and who do not want the old system letting those deal with these problems be- is looking for an architect to and now the college gives us any other people who have sneaky communistic pinkos fore the publicity of the Phoe- submit a building design, a cafeteria number. not paid for the service to get get through without paying. nix articles. The same day while the administration Society uses numbers for in. This new system seems like that the Phoenix came out, awaits the trustees decision identification, and for having First of all, who would really the cheapest way for the there was a meeting of the on whether or not to approve an organized system. In most want to go into the cafeteria if administration to handle our Marketing Task Force Com- funding. The Phoenix urges cases it works out rather well, they did not have to? Also, cafeteria service. '1 am not mittee. This committee con- students, faculty and admlne- but for certain incidences the the percentage 'of the people trying to "point fingers" at sists of faculty, administrators, trators alike to put pressure number system hinders the who "get through" cannot be anyone. I am questioning the and trustees who are very on the trustees to approve the situation. Yes, I am talking that high. Does anyone really issue, one that we pay for, I concerned about the prob- money for these resolutions. about our new cafeteria num- care about this problem? and one that is a service for ber system. As one professor quoted at lems on this campus. A repre- If one thinks about it, there us. Shouldn't we, as students, l sentative of the Phoenix the Marketing Task Force This number I be considered? spoke at this meeting, passed out copies of the Phoenix, Meeting, "We have been kick-r-m~~~~~~~~~~TT~~~ffi~~~~n~~frr-1this problem around since ing and related his concerns 1963." Let's not let them kick about student living After this problem around any some discussion, the Task longer. The Phoenix Editor , Gregory Elba Associate Editor. , ,.., Chris Beyers Managing Editor , , William Mann News Editor Eric Greenberg Sports.Editor Philip Block Features Editor Laura Kleber Layout Editor , Paige Buchter Headline Editor, Michael B. Kraig Photo Editor , ,.., .Dave Dante Photography, , Beth Austin, Steve Baily, Todd Nicusanti Business Manager Peter W. Spartin Advertising Manager Kathy Marvel Publishedby and tor the studentsof WesternMarylandCoflege The opinions expressed in this publicationdo not necessarily reflect tho-seof the staff or administration We welcome commentsand/or suggestions.Pleaseaddress all mail t~ The Phoenix, Box 1, Western Maryland College, Westminster,Md. 21157. 11 ~
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