Page 30 - ThePhoenix1983-84
P. 30
Page 4lWe.tern Maryland College ec. • A Special Thanks Dear Terror Bill Jenne and after paying out the butt and clean water. What is the I'd just like to start off by for the new gym's construc- sense of cleaning a dirty floor thanking the administration for tion, I'll finally get to use the with a muddy mop. I've sat Dear Terror, 12-04-83 want me to graduate, but their generous gift of toilet gym at our graduation cere- up many a night contemplat- Every Monday when I'm on paper dispensers. They really memes. ing its rationality. I'm just glad my way to class I pass this would never demand it. I make going to the bathroom a Another thing that really that our section doesn't get guy. We usually say "hi" but enjoy learning but already feel fun-filled experience. It sure is amazes me about our janito- too trashed during the week, that's it. I really would like to as if I'm in a rut. I can't think of anything I want to major in an economical little gadget, rial service - I could write so it is stilt barely habitable get to know him better. How dispensing the paper sheet this whole paper on that Other comic ventures which can we get a conversation and spend the rest of my life doing. I feel like I'm wasting by sheet. It's no wonder peo- issue, so I'll limit myself to a the school has undertaken started? I'm really interested ple are ripping them out of few humorous examples - is- include paying thousands of in him. How can I strike up a money and time. Should 1 the walls. Next time you want its constant demonstration of dollars to turn the quad into a conversation? Should I take take a year off or stick it out? to make a donation, how stupidity and lack of any quag (looked up in the dic- the first step? I'm not a quit- Lost in Limbo about some stalls, so we can human attributes. My first ex- tionary means simply a ter. Dear Limbo, enjoy our privacy and don't ample concerns the day the "smelly marsh"), and the em- Hopelessly Hoping A college education isn't have to entertain the various janitors decided to clean ev- placement of the Charlie Dear HH, necessarily for everyone. If girls and janitors who wander erything out of the bathrooms. Brown look-a-like Christmas Don't be shy! Go ahead you really feel you're wasting through our bathrooms. Who gave this order anyway? tree in the quad. I've seen and make the first move. Ask your time and a part of your Another thing that I really That's okay guys because I better examples of Christmas him to a function on campus life, go ahead and take a year cherish is waking up at 5 in didn't need my desk, beer trees in the Sahara Desert. (i.e. a movie or a lecture). or semester off. If you do, the morning to the sweet pitchers, hot pot, various Our savior would be appalled. Don't get discouraged if he make sure you do something sounds of bulldozers backing glasses, and toiletries. When I It is a nice gesture George, can't make it the first time of value. On the other hand, if up and townie construction asked one of the guys what but you'll probably end up give it another try laler. As for you can't think of anything workers talking about how the hell he was doing, he popping your popcorn orna- conversation, ask him about you want to do outside of many Red, White, and Blues responded, "Dean Higbee ments by yourself - that is if his classes, where he lives, or col/ege, take a variety of they sucked back the night told us to remove everything the tree makes it through anything that pops in your courses and see what inter- before. As soon as I get out of the bathrooms." I then finals, which I seriously doubt. mind. He's sure to start talk- ests you. If you are really ahold of some hand gren- asked him why he didn't take I know I'm not the only ing. Don't be afraid to initiate undecided then this is the! ades, I'm going to toss a few the sink and toilet paper as person on this campus who the get together or the con- best place for you. The deci- out of my window in their well, and he, being the mental doesn't understand some· of versation. sion affects you and it's yours direction. Or better yet, I'll go giant that he was, said, "Be- the idiotic outputs of this Good Luck! to make. to their houses at 5:00 on a cause you need them." like I school, so if anyone has any The Terror The Terror Saturday morning and jack- don't need my soap, sham- ridiculous stories, let me Dear Terror, Please send your letters hammer their sidewalk. Hostil- poo, and glasses. Instead of know, so I can humor the I'm a freshman who came to through campus mail to "Dear ity aside, I guess there is a cleaning us out, why not campus with them. In my next college, but very unsure of Terror" in care of The Phoe- bright side to the matter. After clean up. This, if you custo- article, I will address the cam- just why. I know my parents nix. three years of bouncing dial wizards are reading, can pus telephone controversy around at four in the morning, be done with a clean mop among other things. WESTERN MARYLAND COllEGE Holiday Harrassment In Dorm Greg Elbo men! is for today December hello to him when he passed On Friday, November 25 at 8. her room, in fact, he passed apaproximately 12:00 p.m. Lee feels this formal meet- her room twice. (noon) Chris Lee, a senior ing is ridiculous. Why didn't This student told The Phoe- here at WMC came on cam- Young come ask him why he nix he received no letter or pus to pick up some school needed to come to his room? verbal communication of any related materials. The dorms Or ask the CA who was also kind in consideration of the were pretty much empty, the there, and knew why Lee was same type of incident. """wor area coordinator Nancy on campus? Chris Lee is a There is only one point to 1t i. in .iolatlon •• of _nl.,hor , .. i~no~ ..,"I"I>on··9Iy,"'1S h.U. .. ",,. In t~. '0 1>0 o~. hall ""Hey Young was in her room at the building manager for Decker be made by Chris Lee and ~!J.~;J:!~~:~·~~~.~r~~n/~~~.:.:.a~~~;n~~:-c~::~~~!~~ time. She saw Lee as he was Center, he was well aware The Phoenix: picking up his school materi- that students needed Dean This is harrassment. als. Higbee's permission to be Lee also feels that this On Saturday, December 3, staying in the dorms during could have been handled Lee received the letter shown break, he was not aware he much more tactfully, Lee felt it here, when he questioned couldn't go to his personal would have been much less Young about it she informed room to pick up his private of a hassle for both himself him that she needed to speak possessions. and the Area Coordinator, formerly with hime about his There is also a major incon- who could be spending her being in the dorms without sistency with this charge. An- time doing more important the dean's approval. Lee other student was in the same things such as patrolling the asked to discuss the incident, building at the same time, campus to try to curb some of she replied that she was without permission from Hig- the massive vandalism that "busy", and they would have bee. Not only did Young see has been occuring of late. to set up an appointment. The this student. she even said WESTMINSTER CYCLE CENTER Submit 29 East Main St. 848-2625 BiclJcles, Supplies, Accessories and Repairs
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