Page 31 - ThePhoenix1983-84
P. 31
Letters to the Editor Lack of News Homosexual debate cont. a Myth Dear Editor: I believe I would be safe in for their enemies and not to many events and people on Brian Kemlage in his 18 assuming that Mr. Kemlage's have harsh words for them, Dear Editor: this campus and the sur- November letter to the editor argument against Glen is now but wouldn't it be easier to be This letter is in reference to rounding area that could be sent out very conflicting sig- true for me - "but what I do rude and mean? This is not to an article in The Phoenix on the central point of a good November 3, "No News To Be nals. and proceeded to es- know is that Mr. Arnold (Mr. say that Christians won't fail in article; for example, the art tablish a very confusing Brady) is not an ordained these areas, but we recognize Found." I feel that your re- department sponsored the l thing, to attack intent as well able to interpret the Holy change. drome." In other words, if Sotheby Lecture Series "Col- porter has a "big events syn- argument. lashing out at any- we have failed and need to minister; therefore he is not lector's Choice," the dramatic there isn't a war or some big as content. He seemed to Bible as he has done." First, The final inconsistency no- art department events, and social event up here then disagree with Glen Arnold a key point of the Reformation ticed conceming the Bible in (who's intent was to show that is that Scripture can be inter- Brian's article was that he did there is nothing of interest the many professors on cam- pus who teach and lead very happening to report. As an homosexual oppression is preted by all Christians not approve of Glen's use of artisVteacher, I have always interesting lives. How about wrong), and then attempted through the Holy Spirit that Romans 1:27 but apparently believed that it is not only the the great sunsets that we see to establish the same view they received upon accepting approved of Glen's use of the subject but how the artist/ when the cool air moves in, himself. What gives? In this Christ as Lord of their life. Bible to prove that oppression reporter sees and interprets it the beautiful colors of the fall reply I intend not to take However, to placate Mr. Kem- is wrong. Is it an oversmht on that is of most importance. A leaves, and the interesting old either side of the argument (is lage, I asked an ordained Mr. Kemlage's part, and he good artist can make a mas- homes in Westminster and it possible?). but rather to pastor, Pastor Reese from the really intended to say that terpiece out of a trash pile Carroll County, the Carroll clear up some rather strange Westminster Bible Church, to there is no higher authority and a bad artist or reporter County Farm Auction on Tues- perversions of facts. read Romans 1:27 and he that condemns oppression, or could travel all over the world day evenings, etc. As you Brian attacks Mr. Arnold's agrees that it is saying that is Mr. Kemlage picking and and come back and say that' can see, this list is inexhausti- use of Romans 1:27 in sup- Homosexuality is wrong in choosing what is true in the there was nothing of interest ble. port of why he personally God's eyes. Here is Romans Bible, even making differ- to paint or report. I think that A concemed teacher, believes homosexuality to be 1:27: "In the same way men ences in the same book? In this attitude is unfortunate es- Sincerely, wrong. Brian says the state- also abandoned natural rela- this 1 request clarification. pecially since there are so Wasyl Palijczuk ment itself is oppressive, that tions with women and were In another section of the Glen cannot interpret scrip- inflamed with lust for one article Mr. Kemlage informs tures, and that the Bible is another. Men commited inde- Mr. Arnold that his statement irrelevant in this topic. Let me cent acts with other men, and of "My only experience with homosexuals has been a man received in themselves the deal with each of these issues due penalty for their perver- who ..." is wrong. Mr. Arnold's School's Assets separately. Brian says that saying hom- sian." How else can this be intent isn't that there are no osexuality is wrong is in and interpreted (without severely homosexuals around us but Not Used of itself oppressive, ignoring twisting it)?- Also numerous rather they should let us know the fact that Mr. Arnold has other Pastors I have spoken who they are so that we can said that oppression in any with concur, including Or. understand them and their tions that do not have a form is wrong based on Ro- Robert Norris, newly called "orientation." With blacks, it Dear Editor, This letter is directed to all mans 13:9. The point here is head pastor at Fourth Presby- was their reaching out to Glen the student organizatiqns on faculty advisor, seek out a teacher whose interests corre- that Christianity is a religion of terian Church in Bethesda, that helped change his view, love, love for God, and love MD. He states - "I believe this not his reaching out to them. I campus. spond to those of group and for man, regardless of where to be a sin amongst other submit that in this regard, Most colJege organizations invite this faculty member to they are. If one is not a sins condemned by Scripture. Glen was no different than have a valuable but rarely become your group's advisor. Another rarely used asset is Christian we have no right to I believe healing is possible most others. Brian himself used asset - the Faculty our colJegenewspaper - ask them to change an area by God's Spirit, and that it is says that the public is "une- Advisor. Why not take advan- The of their life unless they are His desire that aU men and ducated" and "ignorant." How tage of this asset? Invite your Phoenix. Why not use our newspaper to publicize your willing to give their whole life women be healed of this sin. I are they to be educated Faculty Advisor to your meet- meeting times, inform the col- their ings and encourage to Christ. If one is a Christian believe that outside of mar- about homosexuality unless lege of your activities, or then we have a responsibility riage all sexual encounters those who best understand it input. Many teachers dedi- highlight your organization's cate much of their time to out of our love for God to and relationships are forbid- are willing to educate them? show where they are sinning den and it is less than God's Finally, these questions student organizations. Let future ambitions. Let's utilize these resources them know that their assist- against God. (A sin is any- best for any person." Finally, need to be answered for any thing that we do or say that Pastor Reese pointed to I true discussion of homosexual ance and guidance has been and build a stronger 'college community. harms our relationship with John 2:27 in support of all rights. What is the issue here? appreciated! God.) In other words, in Christians being able to read Are they asking to be allowed To those stud..!n! orga.niza- Student Ufe Council God's eyes homosexuality is and interpret Scripture. It to exist as homosexuals wrong, regardless. We have says, "As for you, the annoint- openly, or, as Brian Kemlage UNIQUE GIFTS no right to keep those who ing you received from Him suggests by stressing that 20 W. Maln Street reject Christ (God) from sin- remains in you, and you do saying homosexuality is Westminster. Md. 21157 ning against someone they not need anyone to teach wrong, are we to not only , either feel doesn't exist or you. But as His annointing stop attacking them but also Now carrying some European Fashions ..... more to come. else out and out reject. teaches you about all things agree that being a homosex- Rather, we are called to love and as that annointing is real, ual is okay and somehow these people in order to make not counterfeit - just as it has "right"? Also, are the homo- Christ real to them. The point taught you, remain in Him." sexuals willing to educate the is - a key tenet of Christianity The only caution is that when public themselves and thus is to love the sinner but hate one reads the Scripture that eleviate the ignorance that the sin itself. Love man and one reads to find God's will, Mr. Kemlage says is their love God. Based on this then, not to support one's own biggest enemy? Are homo- Brian's statement that Glen desires. 1t is because sexual sexuals willing to make known separates his faith from his encounters outside of mar- who they are, or rather wait, actions is seen as not only riage is against God's wiUthat that others will, "... hopefully false, but the very thing Mr. I am nol sexually active, not become more aware that Arnold is attempting to show, because I wouldn't enjoy it gay people exist in all levels making his actions and words (I'm sure I WOUld).Also Chris- of society"? agree with his faith. tians are called to have a love Steve Brady TESJPIlPloRUION snCIALISTS SINCE 1938 , )1a~ \Sur ChrtJm~)1erry ~inMejorUSCm.T~PuMtoAIoo_,Zuncn.Swilzerqnd 2121. "1' 11 ...
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