Page 29 - ThePhoenix1983-84
P. 29
nee. 8, 1983iWestem Maryland College/Page 3 The Bottom Line Dorm Living a Terror Greeks Needs Fair Shake William A. Mann Would you, and could you live room trodding through so I would like to dedicate this with psychotic vandals with much garbage and crunching Thomas Garland statement to those 5 out of 7 uncontrolable bladders. waste. Western Maryland College liquor license. To shorten a students who live in the Quad This is dedicated to a fresh- Upon arriving in the rest- is not the same college that I rather long and complicated and Rouzer that can't sleep at man, nay a student, nay a room he finds the toilets unus- decided to attend three years story, both parties were night. Why can't they sleep? human being in Daniel Mac- able and clogged with the ago. The changes are not wrong, but the administration Because some stud down the Lea. Can you imagine one remnents of a party regurgi- merely physical ones either, failed to recognize the fact hall is playing his stereo well night in this room. The horror tated. The room is simply When I picked this school as that they had made a mistake in to the A.M.. This is dedi- begins at 12:30 on any given disgust in technicolor. This' is a perspective freshman it was as well. Certain sanctions cated to all those people who night of the week. The fun insane. because of the atmosphere, were surely in order since a have had their doors begins as the inhabitants of For months 2 of the 3 both social and academic, state law was violated as well smashed at the pinnical of a the floor return to their do- students have been trying to that a small liberal arts institu- as college policy, but in retro- drunken rage. This is dedi- main. By 1:00 a.m. stereos get away from their situation. tion offers. Unfortunately the spect, perhaps the Dean cated to any person who are wailing and the beercans In their quest they have been administration has decided to could have handled the situa- refuses to stay in his room hit the floor with a perfect one to see GA's, AC's, faculty begin running this college like tion differently. If the College because he fears for his per- two rhythm. Shouting and advisors, security, as well as a large institution. To be quite Activities office cannot handle son and possessions. fighting saturate the floor two deans. The only answer blunt, it is simply not working. their job a new method of Let me give you some horri- throughout the night leaving seems to be, theres no room The result, at least on my dealing with the social life on ble facts about the living absolutely no hope for getting in the inn. One of these part, is that for' the first time I this campus should be de- conditions on this campus. As a good nights sleep. About students in now staying in a am beginning to have serious vised. the Area Coordinator for the 2:30 the pounding begins, friends room and sleeping on misgivings about the choice But the fautt does not lie Quad said, "They are gross." doors are busted and the the floor. The other is now that I made. solely with the administration. There is a student in ANW beer continues to flow. sleeping on a couch in one of A small college is supposed There is a certain attitude who has had his door kicked I would like to commend the the student offices. Why? to allow the students, the in 3 separate times. Each administration on its choice to I know of another student at faculty, and the administration among the students, particu- larly the greek organizations, time it has happened the bill paint the doors in MacLea the University of Delaware to interact on a close personal was paid by either the entire yellow only because by 3:00 who simply thinks that the basis. By hiding behind strict that hinders the desire on the part of College officials to floor or the fratemity responsi- a.rn. the first wave of human contents of these stories are policy our administration de- ble for the incident. The urine descended on this lies. He lives in a violence nies even a faint possibility of treat us all as adults. The greeks on this campus should charges were substantial and freshman's door. The action and vandal free dorm where this. An example of how this were levied because of a little would be repeated once his biggest problem is who is so is the story of how the be leaders as a whole rather than merely as individuals or too much partying and a total again before the light of his next date will be. Phi Delta Theta fraternity lost disregard for the existence of dawn. The student quakes at It should be noted that two its clubroom for the remainder their very purpose for exist- Petty ence is questionable. others, Why? the thought of his door being of the freshmen are now of the semester. In addition to the breakage, smashed. He is, afraid to seeking an apartment off First let it be said that jealousy, pointless animosi- the door has been splashed leave his room before the hall campus, if none is found the procedure is all well and ties, and a great deal of with grain alcohol punch. is vacant. At 5:30 the siege is end result will be the transfer good, for it facilitates, at least frustration all prevent us from . reaching an ideal that is not Water has been poured under over. After hours as a hostage of these students to another in most cases, the job of the the door twice this semester in his own room, in his own college without hesitation. administration. However, pol- far of our grasp. A good start would be to and countless times the building, in the college where Can WMC afford to lose new icy and procedure can not be doorknob has been dese- he is paying thousands of students not because of aca- allowed to cloud the fact that begin treating one another with due respect if immediate crated with unidentifiable sub- dollars a year, he can finally demics but that the living we are indeed dealing with stances not meant to grease make an exit and use the conditions are equivilent to people. The Phi Delts went cooperation is out of the the human palm. restroom. those in the projects of a through the proper channels question. Greek day last This is dedicated to a fresh- How would you feel to un- large city? in getting an OK for a sec- spring was the closest thing man in Rouzer who has been lock the battered door to the This last weekend has seen tion party several weeks ago. to true cooperation I've seen subjected to premeditated incredible stench which the complete disruption of two The forms were not handed in since I've been here and I vandalism aU semester. His washes over the room. The students lives as well as the to the college activities office know many others would like posters have been destroyed, smell originates from radiators vandalism of two bathrooms seven days in advance, as to see more of the same. To achieve this we must begin, ., his television set has been coated with fecal matter and in Rouzer, the damage from policy states, but Phi Delt as individuals, to make a ruined, his closet has been other liquid waste. The hall is this deed amounts to approxi- Mc- Carl chairman social conscious effort to improve decimated. The floor is cov- ripped out and clothes thrown a trash nally fire I on the floor. This man's refrig- ered in % inch of beer, water, mately 5,000 dollars and fi- lit Aloose was assured by a our own snusuon If we do not was member of that office that the act as mature, responsible erator has been kicked and urine and the discharge of a outside the student govern- party would be approved. members of the college com- damaged beyond repair. In fire extinguisher. ment office, now you may ask Kathy Kilroy was nat present munity how can we expect to addition to these problems, and beercans populate the is this normal? No it is simply when Mr. McAloose was told be treated as such by the there have been numerous floor. Destroyed desks, tele- another week' on campus at that the party was approved, administration? The bottom thefts. The final blow came phones and doors are the Western Maryland College, but she was given an invita- line is that what happens to when his bed was urinated in order of the day. The fresh- what fun! tion later. Thinking that every- we students is in our own by an unknown assailant. man starts toward the wash- thing was fine the Phi Delts hands. held their party, but without a Twilight Zone: Student Tormented Grad Students "Non-Persons"? William A. Mann, Greg Elbo, Phillip Block with the sights and sounds of nowhere, his alternative, flee. Graduate Column It would be great to see This is a story about Phillip Escape to a world where he by H. Fraser Clayton massive recruiting efforts, in- Block, student, who has auf- buck passing and defeat is not understood and will not It has come to my attention creased offerings, and our rages through out the bu- fered hundreds of dollars recognize him as a matriculat- that the graduate students on own dormitory I know this worth of damage to his per- reaucratic zone. ing freshman. Now his only this campus are considered costs time, effort, and money. For weeks; menta! anguish sonal property. This was done has played with his mind; friend, a couch in a lonely "non-persons." The under- So, first things first, let's by people he believes were there seems to be no exit up graduates pay us lip service start with the lack of an esprit friends of his roommate, or ahead. Procrastination is the office in a dark dorm cellar. Is andlor pretend we do not de corps among the graduate this what the administration maybe even his roommate. .order of the day, from CA to meant in the first principals of exist, though we are here for students: Most graduate stu- He is disgusted with his situa- AC, from doctor to dean, no the same purpose -- which is dents cannot see past their tion and all he wants is a one in the chain can find the the college which states: "We an education. Most professors own noses, they can only place students at the center room change. What he does link that can free Phil from his of a humane environment do not think we exist outside think about their own personal not know is that he has just cell without bars, prison with- so that they may see and of the classroom Granted, course of studies. Have grad- entered a void of crippling out guards. the Deaf Education program uate students tried to get a red tape where the air is filled work toward their personal He is caught between floors goals while respecting oth· at this campus is the second community spirit? No! on an elevator destined for ers and sharing responslbll- largest in the world, let's think Speaking of spirit, let's talk IIY !Or,·th .... common good:' about expanding the -grad' .aboutAtle lack of .senool spirit ,. ,,' ;I)r, ._'."''': .~I t.,. '.~ ~ school into other fields, okay? coBtiDaed 6
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