Page 32 - ThePhoenix1983-84
P. 32
Grad Students Love Has Many Meanings continaed from. 3 feel comfortable going to William A Mann partnership as well as mar- bitter the two parties and throughout the entire college places where there will be a Through our daily routine, riage. By today's generation's gauge a rift of hate not likely community. At the Johns Hop- large number of undergrads the normal person will use an standards, the customs for to be traversed by lime. kins game, I swear 1 did not For example, that pajama abstract term at will and think securing love have soured There are many trap doors see any students in the party in early November; I nothing of it. Some of those into an almost infantHedisplay included in the realm of love. bleachers. At the first game of was asked to come by a terms are death, peace, sor- of purely sexual attractions. One of those false emotions is the Rotary tournament I saw a fellow grad student but I re- row, and The Lord. Of all the By no means should today's that of self-love. When the few more students but really fused, thinking that the under- terms that may be bantered couples be implicated as im- ego is embroiled, and a not enough. Hasn't anybody grads would brush me off. about freely, none is so mis- mature and unworthy of love, strong infatuation with one's heard of the home court ad- Who wants to go somewhere used or misrepresented as because the problem is age- self occurs, the ultimate vantage? Where are all those meaning of love wallows in a where they will not have a the word or expression of less. The indisputable fact is l rabid fans who shake those that for personal growth and love. that the record of successful vile of ugly insecurity. In addi- good lime? paper pom-pams and paint So what I am trying to say is relationships Generally it is accepted that and longterm tion to self-love, there is the their faces green and gold? I "Love is a strong affection or has severely declined in re- mutilation of the feeling of do not know any football or liking for someone or some- cent years. basketball player but I still go for a safety valve from aca- thing". In today's society, that Unfortunately, for the cou- feighning emotion. Using love demic pressures, the grad to acquire personal gratifica- to the games because West- students should have an es- same idea still holds true, but ples of today, when love goes tion or monetary stability is a ern Maryland is my home. prit de corps, and the grad most will contend that the begging, .there is a certain heinous game which violates There must be some under- students and undergrad stu- rules of love have changed insane rush to be done with every edict of love. graduates out there, and dents should not isolate one There are many types of love the relationship. In some Love can be a beautiful graduates, so why do they another so constantly. and many of them can be vile cases, the speed to break the institution but only if it is not come to the games? Why This column, grad students, or cruel. ties is almost matched by the allowed to flourish in a true can't the fans create a mael- is your column to make your In the days gone by, the haste with which those binds environment. If properly CUl- strom of spirit that causes the voice heard. If you do not like institution of love was quite were made. Once the seals of tured and based upon certain visiting teams to cringe when what I wrote or even if you sacred and required much the weld have melted, often mutual values, with goals and they walk on the field or do, then send something, in, devotion. The act of courtship the participants will use the responsibilities in mind, there court? okay? If you feel that the was considered the true test products of their love to war is no reason why love will not I feel that the undergrads "social" side of grad school is of faith and willingness to against one another. This ma- last as long as the practition- and grads are isolated -- and lacking then come up with accept another in the world of nipulation only serves to em- ers remain mortal. this should not be: I am not some idea, i.e. a lecture or saying that I wish for a return film, and send that idea to to my undergrad days at me. My address is Graduate Lf_rfeC~.,~;_I;.;t~.,h~:.::~_~h_~~h...::__rb Iit.;d~ ~...:~et--=~n.:.:~', ~ho~.:.:~k. _YO_U_fO_r_y_OU_r_ti_m__..JeDiabetics invited for study Limestone College, but each Column, P.O. Box 1, Campus Motor brochure betes for 3 to 10 years are The investigational drug, number of weeks. Both People who have had dia- of entering this study. groups will be tested and invited to participate in a sorbinil. is an aldose reduc- examined by physicians 15 nationwide study to find out if tase inhibitor. Researchers at times during the 2 1/2 year A new consumer brochure driver should have all the the eye problems and nerve the National Eye Institute, a study. Data from all the cen- designed to help motorists is facts to make the right deci- damage which may develop component of the National ters wiJl be evaluated to de- now available from the Getty sions for his or her particular in diabetes can be prevented Institutes of Health, previously termine the usefulness and Refining and Marketing Com- needs and vehicle," said or their development slowed. identified aldose reductase as safety of sorblml treatment. pany. Entitled "You Can Buy Wendell Plummer, regional Investigators at 12 eye care an enzyme that may be impli- The Sorbinil Retinopathy Smart and Save Money - A manager for Getty. "The retail centers, including the Clinical cated in the destructive ef- Trial is the latest in a series of Consumer's Guide to Inter- gasoline industry is competi- Branch of the National Eye fects of diabetes throughout NEI-fostered clinical trials to preting Gasoline Prices," the tive and it can be difficult to Institute (NEI) in Bethesda, the body. Their [aboratory evaluate various means of booklet contains information get the straight facts about Maryland, will administer a findings suggested that inhibi- preventing and treating the about retail gasoline prices, services and prices." new, investigational drug tors of aldose reductase, harmful effects of diabetes on understanding price advertis- The ten-page booklet fea- called sorbinil in the hope that such as sorbinil, might slow the eye. Several years ago, a ing, the use of credit cards tures a question-and-answer it will protect the sight of or halt the enzyme's destruc- national collaborative study and other topics that affect section, a recap of "Quick people who do not yet have tive effects on cells in the demonstrated that photocoa- gasoline purchases and auto- Facts" and colorful illustra- signs of these eye problems, eyes, nerves, and other tis- gulation can substantially re- mobile performance. tions. Complimentary copies specifically diabetic retinopa- sues. In diabetic animals, it duce the risk of blindness in "We are making this bro- are available at area Getty thy. has been shown that aldose people with advanced dia- chure available as a con- service stations or by writing Diabetic retinopathy is a reductase inhibitors do in fact betic retinopathy. Then the sumer service because with . to: Consumers Guide to Inter- common complicaiton of dia- prevent some of these com- NEI began supporting a clini- all the gasoline buying op- Ipreting Gasoline Prices, P.O. betes which threatens the plications from developing. cal trial designed to test the tions facing the public, we Box 4131, Delaware City, Del- sight of more than 300,000 Because of the success of effectiveness of laser photo- believe that an informed aware 19706. Americans. It results from these studies, the NEt is col- coagulation in preventing ad- damage to blood vessels in laborating with the developer vanced-stage retinopathy the retina of the eye and of the drug, Pfizer Incorpo- from developing in people eventually can cause visual rated, on the sorbmn Retino- who have early-stage diabetic loss. Only those patients who pathy Trial (SRT). It will retinopathy. Now, with the have not yet developed any compare sorblnil's effective- Sorbinil Retinopathy Trial, the significant sign of diabetes- ness to that of a placebo in NEI is testing the preventive related eye damage are eligi- preventing of slowing the pro- effects of a drug which may ble for the study. They must gression of diabetes asso- benefit those without any clini- be between 18 and 40 years ciated retinopathy and nerve cal signs or symptoms of old. Women must be either damage. Each of the partici- diabetic retinopathy. post menopausal, surgically pating centers will enroll 70 Additional information on sterilized, or have an intrau- patients. Half of the 70 pa- enrolling in the sortnnn Retin- terine device (IUD) in place. tients will be randomly as- opathy Trial is available by All participants must have in- signed to the treatment group writing Monique S. Roy, MD., sulin-dependent (Type I) dia- and will take one sorbinil National Eye Institute, Build- betes and have had no tablet each morning for 135 ing 10, Room 10N313, Be- recent, significant change in weeks. The other half will be thesda, maryland 20205 or the frequency of insulin injec- in the nontreatment group telephoning Dr. Roy at (301) tions or in blood glucose and will take a placebo tablet 496-5846. management within 3 months each moming for the same
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