Page 37 - ThePhoenix1983-84
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. , ThePhoenLX Jan. 26, 1983 Western Maryland College Vol. IV, Number 7 Dean resigns New President chosen for college l Higbee acting Dean At a special meeting of the ler Fellow, he attended Yale Board of Trustees held Tues- day, January 10, Dr. Robert Divinity School and received the bachelor of divinity de- Hunter Chambers, III, was gree in literature and religion I Liz Siegenthaler never taken a vacation. When assistant admissions counse- elected President of Western Ph.D. in American civilization in 1965. He was awarded the Maryland College. During the holiday break, Dr. Chambers will succeed the Western Maryland College asked what his plans are for lor and Head Resident. He Dr. Ralph Candler John who from Brown University in 1969. I Community received a letter the future, he said that he is served in both positions until retires June 30, 1984, after 12 Dr. Chambers was an as- from President Ralph John. first considering a vacton in August 1969 at which time he years as President. Assuming This letter included the slate- ment that surprised students Mexico. He will than begin was appointed by then-Presi- presidential responsibilities on sistant professor of English and American studies and seeking a position in Student dent Dr. Ensor to be Dean of and faculty alike: Wray Mow- Affairs at another higher edu- Men. July 1, 1984, Dr. Chambers Dean in Davenport College at bray had resigned his posi- cation institution. Much of Mowbray's rote as will be the seventh President Yale University from 1969 tion as Dean of Students. "I've enjoyed my years at Dean included disciplining in the 116-year history of the through 1974. He accepted a The incidents of violence private liberal arts college lo- position at Bucknell in 1975. and harassment in the resi- WMC very much," he said, students for housing and liq- cated in Westminster, Md. In 1972-73, while on funded "the best part has been work- uor violations. He takes pride dence halls as reported in the ing with students and faculty." in having changed many rules Dr. Chambers will come to leave from Yale, the Presi- Phoenix and local newspa- Many speculations exist as that applied only to women. Western Maryland Cotleqe dent-elect was a Visiting Fe!- pers had led to a strong to why Mowbray "really" re- (He implemented these reaction by many college con- Signed. One fact cannot be changes before the federal stituencies. These people overlooked or discounted -- government made equal treat- placed much pressure on the the average effective tenure ment somewhat mandatory). WMC administration to "do of a Dean of Students is from For example, as recently as something" about the prob- 8-12 years. Mowbray had the late 1960's the following lems. been working here for 20 rules applied only to female Dr. John addressed the years; he was an institution students: "no smoking in pub- issue in a January 15 state- within an institution. It is time uc, 'no pants, except in ex- ment: "In a recent conversa- for changes to take place in tremely cold weather but only tion, when we (Dr. John and both WMC's and Mowbray's with approval of the Dean of Dean Mowbray) were talking lives. Thus we have the Inevi- Women, 'written permission about long-term strategies table parting. required to leave campus, and some immediate pres- Wray Mowbray graduated *freshmen women must be in sures related to problems on campus, he (Mowbray) indi- from WMC in 1958 as a dorms by 8:00 p.m., others by history major. He says he was 10:00 p.m. cated his intention to move on interested in Political Science, Mowbray became Dean of a career change now and but at the time it was a one- Students in 1973, and Vice informed me that his resigna- person department, and he President of Student Affairs in tion would be forthcoming. It couldn't risk placing his future 1975. In addition to abolishing I came, and I accepted it." in the hands of one person. the unfair rules against Mowbray re- Technically, l tains his position as Vice an all-round leader in extra- make the alchohol rules more As a student, Mowbray was women, Mowbray did much to President for Student Affairs until July 1. being on a leave curricular activities. His post- lenient. At a time when drink- off- tions included Student Body ing mainly took place of absence until that date. He President, captain of the ten- campus, he changed the al- has moved out of his on- nis team, and a member. of chohol regulations to allow campus house and now Jives Gamma Beta Chi fraternity. drinking at the college. As Dr. Chamber~ the next in the Westminster commu- Additionally, he was chairper- Mowbray said, not only did the President 0/ WMC nity. He gave up his dog son of the Men'.s Council, changes improve campus life because of the inflexible living which was a disciplinary for all, but helped to make after nine years as Dean of low at Clare College, conditions off-campus. board, and was a member of problems more controllable. the College of Arts and Sci- Cambridge University. Later Mowbray plans' to stay the inter-fraternity council. At President John summarizes, ences at Bucknell University, he served as a visiting lec- out of the college's affairs graduation he was honored "He is a close personal friend Lewisburg, Pennsylvania. turer and consultant in Ameri- while on leave; Jeanne Hig- with both the Bates Prize and of many of us and, grateful for The newly-elected President can studies at the University bee is assuming all of his the Alumni Citizenship award. the professional legacy he is a professor of English and College at Buckingham, Eng- responsibilities in addition to Mowbray spent four years in leaves on the Hill, we shall a widely published author on land, and in 1982 was a her own duties as Acting the U.S. Army and worked for miss him." educational policy and the Visiting Scholar and guest Dean of Students. the American Automobile As- works of the contemporary lecturer at Dcshisha Univer- In his 20 years of service to sociation before returning to Southern writer Robert Penn sity in Kyoto, Japan. the college, Mowbray has WMC in August 1963 as an Warren. Additionally, Dr. As chief officer of Bucknell's Chambers is an articulate College of Arts and SCiences, proponent for liberal studies Dr. Chambers is noted for his Dorm policies stiffened and has served as a member grams and active participa- leadership of academic pro- of the General Education preparation Models Project, a three-year tion of in the nationwide program spon- grant proposals which have sored by the Association of brought over $1,000,000 in J.oleon Amerlcr Colleges to assess special project funds to the Tougher attitudes and new placed Dean Wray Mowbray, A related measure thai will and '. .prove general educa- University. He created an Al- administrative changes in the said the present disciplinary be taken is for more security tion curricula. umni Advisory Council that Student Affairs Office may point-system is being re-eval- rounds within residence halls Dr. Chambers was gradu- biannually sponsors a cam- point the way to stricter en- uated and revised edition will to prevent vandalism and ha- ated from Duke University in pus workshop for outstanding forcement of the college's be distributed in February. rassment by both students 1962 with a bachelor's degree alumni to study and review rules Some changes may include and non-students. A third curricular offerings and devel- Dean of Student Affairs more points assigned to cer- change listed by the Dean in economics and business Jeanne Higbee, who has re- tain offenses Continued to 4 administration. As a Hockefel- opments Continued to 4
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