Page 35 - ThePhoenix1983-84
P. 35
In Contrast Guidelines For Submissions 6) To insure the anonymity to Contrast of your work and fair judging, please follow these guide- Western Maryland College's lines. (The following is type- literary magazine, Contrast, written on a SEPARATE encourages the students, fac- SHEET OF PAPER.): ulty, and alumni of Western a. list the titles of all the Maryland College to submit works you submit their poetry and short fiction b. sign AND type your by following these guidelines: . name 1) Works must be typewrit- c. give your complete ad- ten and centered on one side dress (box number, dor- of 8%"xl1" unlined paper. mitory, and room 2) Works may be longer number than one page, BUT only one d. give your for students) number phone poem per page. Exceptions or extension. include: two short poems or This sheet of paper must be brief prose pieces. placed in a SEPARATE enve- 3) Stories must be double- spaced. lope and mailed only with 4) Works two pages or more your submission to Contrast Editor must be stapled together, WMC Each page after the first must Westminster, MO 21157 be numbered in the upper Include return address on right hand corner. main envelope, but DO NOT S) DO NOT print your name name. anywhere on your works. In- include your considering sub- 7) People stead, follow number 6) very mitting photographs and art- carefully. work, contact Steven contIDned 011 10 Art and Christmas FOR THOSE OF LEGAL AGE LOCUST WINES Football players awarded NOW OFFERS &0. page I. for season A WORLD-WIDE SELECTION OF SPE- during and the five touchdowns. 756 yards CIAL1Y BEERS He led the CFC in receiving HELP WANTED league catches 50 A SIMILAR CHOICE OF INEXPENSIVE with and also paced in the con- Earn $300 to $400 weekly play JUG WINES ference in scoring with 60 processing mail from home. set new WMC AN UNRIVALLED COLLECTION OF points. Johnson standar for re- No experience necessary. No single-season STILL AND SPARKLING WINES AT ALL ceptions, receiving yards and obligation. Free details. PRICES points scored in a season Enclose stamped envelope. . A WELL-STOCKED SPIRITS ALCOVE (69) and graduates as the all- Marcus, 4944 N. Kedzie, at West- leading receiver time Chicago, Illinois 60625 A FINE ASSORTMENT OF APERITIFS em Maryland. AND LIQUEURS Glouse finished just fourth in the conference in punting av- ~ 848-2226 A QUICK AND HELPFUL SPECIAL erage with a 35.4 yard aver- foot his ORDER SERVICE FOR ALL OCCA- age but out of trouble kept most the of ~ tyi Terrors SIONS the season. He tied a WMC AN ESCAPE FROM SUPERMARKET ::~~dh!O~nt~;rk~~g:sit~~~~ VINCE'S SEAFOOD MERCHANDISING der against Dickinson on Oc- 10 EAST MAIN STKEET tO~~s~5mMarylandclosed its All Types Seafood (Behind the Uhruy) 848-2910 WESTMINSTER. 87...... season with 4-4-1record and Steamed 118 W. Main St. a 3-4 slate in the Centennial To Order Westmioster, Md: .. Con.f~~~~:: ... ~~':.~.>~l?:,.''.:~ .U \H. \\ .....,:....,.,. \1~1t: 'l~ -..'\\\\\I..~\.....\\ ~ ......."',,-----------------_ ....--_.._-----\ ll ~
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