Page 28 - ThePhoenix1983-84
P. 28
e •• Opinion PullinS( No Punches The motive of satire Editorial .Chris Beyers cle which said, to paraphrase, ideas, truth will win out. If bad Vandalism to believe it, most of the time I I guess I'll tolerate it." To me, ideas are suppressed, people Whether or not you choose "Homosexuality is wrong, but will always have the sneaking kind of write this column with my this is the worst suspicion that they are really It probably started when been broken or stolen, the tongue firmly planted in my prejudice. Thinkers like him true. Nothing makes a person cheek. I try to mix humor with are not likely to be violent, more stubborn to hold on to you were about fourteen bulletin boards have been some particular point to forge only pernicious: they'll claim an idea than another person years old. You thought it ripped apart, the hallways a readable article. But, in the to be free of any stain of trying to keep him from think- would be funny to rip down trashed, the elevators broken, face of rising criticism, I will prejudice, but will not hire a ing it. that street sign; and you and the fire alarms have been write this column without the homosexual or promote one I have been approached thought it was real cute to pulled. slightest taint of satire. I do to a position of authority. and told that well, maybe my throw eggs on that guy's car. When something on the this because I want to ex- You see, prejudice is not intentions are good, but most Why did you do it? Were you floor has been destroyed ev- plain, once and for all, what worst where people wear their people will not understand bored? Who were you trying eryone on the floor must pay I'm trying to accomplish: this bad ideas like a badge, out in that my articles are supposed to impress? Yourself? Your for it (and remember - the column will be a defense of the open, but when people to be satiric. My answer is friends? school has your $100 security satire. deny that they are prejudiced always that anybody reading Vandalism hurts all of us. deposit). The Phoenix would Satire is the best way to at all. It is impossible to battle closely will obviously see that One way or another, we all like to see a stronger adminis- attack bad ideas. By "bad", I a bad idea that is not brought my article should not be taken pay for it; whether it's higher trative stance on vandalism. mean ideas which in some out into the open. For years, at face value, but even if prices in the stores-or higher We do not think that parents way dehumanize or hurt other Black leaders have been say- people don't get it, so what? tuition costs, the burden of should be billed for the dam- people. What my particular ing that the worst discrirnina- The bad idea will be ex- payment is always shifted ages; the student should bear brand of satire does is take a tion is not in the South where posed. What people think of back into the population. the costs, and if the student bad idea, bring it to its logical There seems to be, in some does not pay, then perhaps conclusion without any overt there is blatant prejudice, but me personally is not important up North where the problem (this last point is not as noble residence halls at least, an his grades should be witheld. comment, and let people see is not even recognized to as it might seem. My friends increase in the destruction of In addition, all of us can help what a terrible idea it really is. exist. know what I'm about, so ali school property. The dollar out by looking out for our If I wrote these articles The reason for this paradox that I'm really losing is the figures for this year are not halls, and turn in those re- straight, saying outright "This is that once bad ideas are respect of people I don't yet available, but according sponsible to the Residence is terrible! Stop acting this exposed for what they are, know anyway) to Dr. John, last year up to Hall Staff. way everybody!," not only people will begin to see their The intent then, is to make $5000 a weekend was spent If we all cooperate, we can would I fail to convince any- inherent brutality. For exam- people consider their own due to vandalism. make this college a little nicer one (except of course, those pie, in the sixties, many good ideas. To me, the greatest In many residence hells, the place to live, and keep down who already agree with me), hearted white people agreed den and lobby fumiture has our tuition costs too. but I would not even be read. with segregation as a matter compliment is not "I agree with everything you said", but Nothing turns an audience off of course. It was not that they "I read your article; I agreed The writer preaching at them. just uninformed. But when the this way, l.think we, as human with some things, but ..." In more than some sanctimonius were prejudiced, they were To see how this works, I will beings, can come closest to television cameras shocked Phoenix explain the impetus for my the mass of middle class whatever truth there might be last article. I think that nome- in the universe. America with images of the sexuats are exactly like heter· brutality Editor .. .. Gregory Elbo osexuats except that they that segregation To conclude, only a fool or Associate Editor Chris Beyers have a different sexual prefer- brought on, once the essen- a lunatic is absolutely sure he tial unfairness of it all was is always right. If my articles Managing Editor William Mann ence. This preference is nei· exposed, then and only then fail, at least I have tried. They News Editor Eric Greenberg ther better nor worse, only could segregation be battled. are my sincere attempt to Sports Editor Philip Block different. I wrote my article in And , am naive enough to fight the terrible injustice that I Features Editor Laura Kleber reaction to Glen Amold's artl- believe that,. in the clash of see around me. Layout Editor .. .. Paige Buchter l Headline Editor Michael B. Kraig 80'S Regard .Dave Dante Photo Editor. Photography Beth Austin, Steve Baily, Todd Nicusanti Business Manager Peter W. Spartin A question of justice Advertising Manager Kathy Marvel Published by and for the students of Western Maryland College. The opinions expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect those of the staff or administration. We welcome comments andlor suggestions. Please address all Greg Efbo leg to stand on," Fike cCfltin- equipment from students who are not working and making a Theft of personal posses- ued, "We (the police) are not mail to The Phoenix, Box 1. Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. 21157. stone is an emotional pain no going to press any charges in living. much of the year. You one enjoys. Theft of some- the matter of the student." are going to get people losing thing as personal as some- Many of the residents in the tempers. I am not condoning one's stereo equipment is Quad do not lock their doors, the violence, merely pointing outraging beyond words. Next they didn't use to see a need out how it could easily occur to a man's car. his stereo in it. We are a small college, under the circumstances." equipment is often his most we have our problems, but The Phoenix does not oe- prized and valuable posses- many of us feel the secure- lieve violence is the answer to sion. Here are some follow-up ness in the Quad to not worry handling apprehended crimi- facts on the incident. about locking up. For an nals, but when someone When the area male took outsider to come on to our comes into your room, and the stereo he trashed the campus, go into our rooms, steals your things (trashing room in the process. Officer and steal our belongings, is your room in the process) it is Terry Fike, the Westminster infuriating. Dr. Ashburn, sec- difficult to blame a person for police officer who answered ology professor here at losing his temper, big time. the call reported that the school, who served on the The suspect denied the offer suspect was severely mtoxi- Baltimore police force for five of medical treatment when cated, "I doubt he even re- years, gave a few of his taken into the police station, members what happened," thoughts on crime. he must not have sustained reported Fike. When asked if "Anyone who commits a serious injury. Hopefully he any charges had been made crime has to realize he will if dangerous method of earning has retired from his rather ~----------- student who suffer the consequences against the caught," struck the suspect, Fike re- said Ashburn. He a livelihood. Th~~stud~~~~~~2i~~'.gft~r~:~~~~~',~~.b~~'j" '.'..~(',~ r~l~~~~:~~d~i·~~~~~:y~fh~~ti~~~~s":~~Ii~~ ~~~u;~~
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