Page 27 - ThePhoenix1983-84
P. 27
ThePhoenix Dec. 8, 1983 Western Maryland College Vol. IV, Number 6 • Thief caught In act Greg Elba On November 19, the Mon- no facial expression, so I the stereo (a receiver and day night before Thanksgiving assumed it was a student turntable) was his and he Break, a young male was loading his car for break. As I wanted it back. The suspect apprehended on suspicion of walked down the sidewalk to denied this saying someone theft. Here is a complete C section, a student came in the sections had told him to account as witnessed by the flying out of the section and take the stereo. I ran to the Editor. quickly asked me if I had area coordinators room to get At approximately 9:45 p.m. I seen anyone running away someone with authority; he returned from being off cam- with a stereo. I replied that I was not in, not knowing where pus, parking outside the believed his boy was right the C.A.'s lived, I returned to Gamma Beta Chi section of back there and we ran over to the scene. Daniel MacLea to speak to where I had seen him. A second student came out someone in C section. As I The suspect was preparing of C section and began a stepped out of my car, I to put the stereo in a white verbal attack on the suspect observed a white male walk- MG with a black convertible as he approached him. Walk- ing around from the back of top.(The MG was parked in ing around the car to where the Bete section, carrying the faculty lot directly across the suspect was standing, the equipment found in the MG. what appeared to be a metal from the Bete section.) The student began punching the Our student told the that ;~:P:~~~~~~tf~~ ~~~ ~~~~.'.- _ felt across the hood of the MG. After approximately 90 seconds this reporter felt the R.O.T.C. Cadet awarded violence had to end, the sus- pect was now bleeding pro- fusely. J called out to the student that he had to stop Ronald Kyle hitting the suspect. Not know- For the first time in Western honored" to have received ing who's side I was on, the Maryland ROTC, a cadet has this award. LTC Duvall noted been awarded the Legion of at the award ceremony that student came after me. As he came toward me with clear Valor, given to show exem- the only thing. Cadet A~a~s I~ plary performance in academ- has not been Involved!~ intention to do me bodily harm, I exclaimed, "Look. ics and ROTC. Cadet Audrey one of the male fraternities. A. Adams was awarded the When asked to say some- I'm the one who caught this Legion of Valor at one of the thing, Cadet Adams said that (expletive deleted), ask ROTC Leadership Labs. The even though she was "at the 1 .. Photo ,by Steve Bailey your friend here." The first award is very competitive. top," it was "all of. (the ca,~ ~T_h_e_re_s_u_l_t_o_f_a_n_a_ng:....:ry_s_tu_d_e_n_t _.:CO=D=:tiD=a=ed~t~o~7_----l~~IYi~iv~~f ~~~:; ~~e ~gi2g~:)ho~~~t~~: ,,~h~fe~o~~e Division. The First Division up to the award" in her covers the entire Attantic Sea- . remaining time as the cadet Lecture on rape and rape myths board from Maine to Puerto Battalion Commander and as Rico. Out of over 5,000 ca- 'an officer in the Army. Con- dets, only 5 could be se- gratulations .and GD
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