Page 22 - ThePhoenix1983-84
P. 22
Sports WMC Volleyball Coach Wins 300th Match "She does not expect any- They are all talking about Westminster, Md. campus. onships and two trips to tne thing less than our best," Western Maryland College Since that first season, the national Division III tourna- says senior Donna Mummert volleyball coach Dr. Carol schedule has t een expanded ment. For a small liberal arts (Cumberland, Md.). "She has Fritz who recently won the to include such Division I college with an enrollment of taught us the meaning of the 300th match of her illustrious schools as Connecticut, Vir- 1,300, these feats are remark- word team," said senior career, The 16-year mentor of ginia Ocmrnonweattn, Villa- able. And the credit belongs Missy Wagner (Lutherville, the Green Terrors has been a nova, Towson State, to Carol Fritz. Md.). "As long as she's yell- leading force in the develop- Delaware, Bucknell and both The graduate of West Ches- ing at you, you know she ment of women's athletics at service academies. The 1981 ter (Pa.) State College came thinks you can improve," WMC. She started the inter- squad played a total of 54 to the Hill in 1967 as an adc'ed freshman linda Ba- collegiate volleyball program matches and the 1982 team instructor in physical eouca- wiec (Edgewood, Md.). "She at Western Maryland in 1968 played 4i'" In the 16 years of tion. She received her mas- has a kind of 'sixth' sense for and her first team went 5-0. volleyball at WMC, the Terrors ter's degree from WMC and reading a player's mind," Since then, volreyball at West- have compiled a 305-61 her doctorate from George says assistant coach and ern Maryland has blossomed record including five Middle Washington University. Fritz is former ,elayer Becky Martin. into a major sport on the Atlantic Conference champi· Cont on 9 Men Harriers Add Women X~Countryfaces toughest competition 4 More Victories Jim Start! Jim Start! second place showing, while - like the men, the women's During the past two weeks Jim Start! showed that he, cross country learn raced the men's cross-country team too, can run with the leaders, fourmore times in the past two raced an additional four as he placed fourth. Five weeks. They however didn't times, and with them, added more WMC runners followed fair so well, as they faced four more victories to their to capture places 5. through their toughest competition. On record. 9. Rich Harfst took fifth and Saturday. October 15 they Their first victory came in a Doug Nolder, sixth, while Tim traveled with Ihe men's team double-dual meet against McLaughlin, Tony Japzon, 10Baltimore where they raced Johns Hopkins and gallaudet and Joe Hedrick ran excep- Hopkins and Galludet. Julie on Saturday Oct. 15. Junior tionally to nail down the sev- Craig and Leslie-Ann Yarrow Rich Hartst gained his first enth, eighth, and ninth spots. led with an impressive one- victory of the year as he led two punch over the hilly Hop+ WMC to a 1-2-3-4 finish over ~~I~~e~ro~~riSW~a~g~~i,Sh:~~ Recdvet Rich Johnson UJOI& another pau. kina course. Tracey Serratelli both JHU and Gallaudet. broke 26 minutes for the live Grldders tle LVe 7-7 followed four opposing run- Sophomore Joe Thomas ffn- mile course, and Victor Man- ners in seventh, and at this ished strongly, only one sec- tespeoca and Craig Sarsony point WMC still maintained a ond behind Hartst. Brian both broke 30:00. Philip Block Valley rushed for 203 yards, slight advantage over JHU. Russo and Doug Nolder also On the following Saturday, In Coach MoJesworthsopfn- but were only able to com- Then however, Hopkins depth ran strongly to finish the '-2- the WMC Terrors finished ion the Terrors were, "Totally plete four of 15 passes for 23 became too much as they got 3-4 punch ot WMC. their dual meet season with out prepared, coached, and yards. three runners' in front of our Their next victories came another trouncing, this time out everything", in lasl Satur- The WMC defense, how- fourth woman, Karl Gustafsen, over York and Elizabethtown over Juniata College. This days 7-7 lie with Lebanon ever, continued to play very and two more in front of our Colleges on the following time Jim Start! tasted victory Valley at Annvalle, PA, last good by not only by control. fifth and sixth runners, Sue Tuesday. The Terrors, how- as he and Rich Harts! tied for Saturday. ling the LV passing game, but Stevenson, and Lynne Schu- ever, went to the starting line first. leading WMC to yet The Terrors lone score also forcing five turnovers. For fer. The women did not go ailing. Joe Thomas was side- another 1-2·3-4 sweep. Brian came in the second quarter of these were fumbles which home empty-handed how+ lined from a recent injury Russo and Doug Nolder cap- when Fullback Wayne Pollock help to control the LV running ever, as the~ only allowed incurred during a training run tured the third and fourth bolted 13 yards for a TO. Rich game. one Galludet runner to get in after the Hopkins race. Never- spots, with senior Tony Jap- Johnson added the extra Next week Coach Moles- front of any of our runners. theless, WMC did not too son finishing off the team point for the last WMC score worth hopes to have his On the following Tuesday dearly rnlss Thomas as they scoring in seventh place. Tim of the day thai gave them a squad better prepared for a the women Terrors faced Biz- once again stormed to stun- McLaughlin and Joe Hedrick temporary lead until the third tough contest at Swarthmore, abethtown and this time the ning triumphs due to particu- were the sixth and seventh quarter when LVC knotted the this Saturday. The last two result was somewhat different. larly strong performances WMC finishers. Since this was game up for good with a years the Terrors have lost Super-sophomore Julie Craig through the ranks. Brian the last dual meet, the top three yard sprint by John games in the last two minutes again raced to victory but this Russo led WMC with a-atronq Cont on 9 Taormina. after competing so well with time she was followed by Booters End Season 7-7-1· the Coach Molesworth felt that them. WMC also is in a must three WMC runners. As usual, win situation if they want to Lebanon VaUey coach, Leslie-Ann Yarrow closely pur- Sarentino, had his gridders continue their quest for a tie sued Julie, Tracey Serratelf Andrew (Sneaky) Langly very well prepared for Ihe in the conference title. To followed her. This time Kari from following a failed shot contest. The LV defense held accomplish this the Terrors Gustafsen aided the Women After many highs and lows, from the impotent Chris Be- the Terror offense to only 70 must win their remaining two Terrors by running strongly the rollercoaster ride has just yers, the other from a pass yards i 106 yards with Swarthmore and behind Serratelli in fourth. By about ended. The soccer from John Montanye. only 9 first i, and also for a this time the meet was al- team concluded the regular Muhlenberg then ended the ready wrapped up, and season with a respectable 2-1 Terrors playoff hopes by de- strong finishes by Sue Stev- loss to F&M, giving them a feating the visiting Terrors 3- enson and Alice Chilella put final record of 7-7-1. The team 1. The game was marred by the finishing touches on the now plays in the Maryland cheap play by Muhlenberg victory state toumey, which began and a hesitant refereeing The women then raced the Wednesday. crew which refused to eject power-packed Juniata squad The three week stretch flagrant violators. More than on the following Saturday. AI- began with a 3-2 win over once, Muhlenberg players hit though our women improved John's Hopkins, on the artifi- and kicked WMC players on greatly from their last showing cial dirt at Hopkins.The Ter- dead ball situations-which in against Juniata, they still rors reacted too well to the Maryland at least, is an eject- came up short. Julie Craig carpet and outplayed the able offence-but the referees proved to be the only real Blue Jays most of the game. seemed to be adhering to bright spot as she once again Jamie DeGraftt opened the some rule book other than the came home victorious. That scoring, off an assist from Joe one sactioned by NCAA, and proved to be the end of the Nattans and Bruce Kracke, allowed the players to remain women's good fortune as Jun. -men Kracke scored two, one ConI on 9 I-_::__:__..:::..=::::... -' Coni on 9
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