Page 18 - ThePhoenix1983-84
P. 18
Teacher's Interestt Student affairs committee report Dear.Editor. Cont from 4 The first meeting of the building feelings of unity any function in which alcohol How many teachers made it f~;W~c,~~SJ'a~i~e;ay°n~!ta~~r TrusteeCommitteeon Student among WMC residents. may be consumed. In I to the Homecoming football do" government has just in- Affairs was held Thursday, Sexism The introduction of il is not always I game? Ten percent? Maybe vaded Grenada. But of October 20, at 7 PM in the co-ed housing and the grow- plan far in advance, twenty percent? How many course we had a good rea- President's Dining Room. The ing interest in consciousness- denied permission to teachers take an active role son. Someone had to answer committee, chaired by Board raising groups are encourag- on campus, concerning their positions as the cry of all those Caribbean . of Trustee member, Dolores ing more awareness of the forced to leave WMC. teacher advisors to student Islands. Those nasty commies Snyder, was attended by traditional attitudes toward The "suitcase organizations?Or. Cobb, as a were about to take over the other Trustee members and women on this campus. How- was the first issue of means of supporting the Caribbean Islands. And one alumni visitors plus Or. John, ever, we still have a long way sian. Liz felt that the school newspaper, how many cannot forget the 120 Ameri- Dr. Cipolla, Dean Higbee, and to go. Maryland State drinking I articles have you submitted? can students who were Dean Mowbray. The student "Suitcase" Syndrome were the main culprit. Dr. Weber, how many soccer, doomed to be killed not hav- members included Liz Sie- When a significant number of Higbee expressed a or field hockey, or volleyball ing the common sense to genthaler(SGA President), students return home week- that the Housing games have you attended? leave if and when their lives Anne Guenther, Joe Cobuzio, ends, it becomes increasingly could help fill this gap Dr. Chase, have you even were about to be threatened Victor Culatta, and Ken difficult to build a true com- organizing more weekend made it to one drama depart- by the Cuban technicians. I Schaefer. munity atmosphere, and con- ctat functions such ment production? Dr. Clark, suppose that the next time The meeting began with a sequenUy,social life suffers. Rouzer's how many art exhibit open- Australia is not aware that reading of the following topics Apathy Many group leaders gate party. ings have you made it to? Dr communistic infiltration has submitted by Liz Siegenthaler are facing a genuine dilernna added that Orenstein, what was the last gone too far in thelr country, As the 1983-84 school year In gemng student support lor new College CAPBoard meeting you at- the U.S. will promptly invade progr~sses, the area of stu- their organizations.For exam- tor, was doing tended? Dr. Law, what was saving all those ignorant dent life at Western Maryland pie, an '82-'83 yearbook has the last lecture not sponsored Americans not aware of what presents both positive notes not been published; only one by your department that you is going on. and difficult challenges for the copy of the college newspa- attended? Dr. Herlocker, did So the next time some dom- months and years ahead. The per has appeared this semes- Rouzer, you make it to last year's May inating country like Russia following is a summary of the ter, and it was far from being severity of the Day? invades some poor country most important topics at the of college caliber; and an the drastic I would be the last person like Afghanistan or Poland time: astounding number of scpho- of freshman in his to say that the teachers here simply to safeguardthis coun- College Activities The most more women do not have the Dean Mowbray did at WMC serve no purpose try from unwanted outside positive change has been the minimum2.0 GPA required to Providing statistics But the inactive 90% of our infiltration, think twice before merging of the SGA Social rush a sorority. dence (e.g. the faculty are also needed to calling the kettle black. Committee with CAP Board. Drinking Regulations The students eating in make this college even a Signed, Under the guidance of Kathy Maryland laws present ob- each weekend), he better college. Let's show A concerned American Kilroy, WMC students will be vious obstacles in the crea- that at least 60% some initiative and GET IN- free to help design the lion of alcohol policy. student body typically VOLVED! school's social agenda. However,severalstudents are on campus each Signed, For a better WMC Cafe complaint Hopefully more students will unhappy with a rule that limits The changes in the become aware of the oppor- one keg per 50 students. This laws have not in fact tunlties to build a dynamic rule is an attempt to curb the altered the amount and diverse range of pro- problems of a few by restrict- dents who remain on With great reserve this se- Sarcasm mester I have paid (what I grams ing the freedoms of all. An- each weekend Residence Halls The for- other rule with which students may, however, thought) an exorbitantly high mation of house councils and are displeased is one which tuition bill, which includes an reorganization of the rest- forces groups to request per- large portion of the 40%. allotment for food. I am sure Dear Editor, concerning a plea that reo have two helpings the first Grants ----. ~ dence hall staff is a step in mission 7 days in advance for I would like to make a that the amount I paid for sarcastic food was sufficient for me to comment strictly cently appeared in a WMC time around. So why force me 7h.2~ Today about getting together to get up and go back to get credit humanities research '~"'~. The NationalEndowmentfor ~i;~::~~~o~~~eJ~~~~~o~; ~~~c~~~t~~~~s~~~en~t~:s~the Humanities has an· racism, sexism, hunger, and TLES! nouncfd .ad.n~; ~rant~ p~. for that matter, child labor, While we're degrading the ~a~ar~ I~t~h~fr so~n e~on~ dictatorships, and pollution. ~~~~~ri!ithw~ha;~:~~~i;oh~~ "•..-.~~ ~~~~~e~~;~::~:::~£,dl!~~~~~a~~~~~~7Xe~~ti3~~~~!~~;:!h!i:(~~~~~~:F~~~iaJi MCJTylond21157 We.trninltltr, Tltlephonlt 301/848 - 0060 aROWSERS WELCOME ~~ea~u:~~~~i~n;:~~d b~:~~~ dents are sick and tired of grants nationally for outstand- United States imperialism having to call someoneto the ing. rese.arch ~ndf ~riting must continue! I can't wait for line to serve us a drastically hr~~~~s pl~ilo~~~hYI:nds t~! the first meeting when we can depleted entree selection. We study of literature. These all sit around and agree with demand equal rights and projects will be carried out one another. equal time that the earlier during the summer of 1984. Sincerely, lunchers receive. The application deadline is .--_Jo_e_N_u_KE_T_HE_M_W_H_A_l_ES si_::9_ne_d_1_ru__:9:_a_I_st_ud_e_n~t' N~;::r~e;e~i~ie~~:3~iII be ex- Econ department biased? pected to work full-time for nine weeks during the sum- mer, researching and writing a humanities paper under the In the true essence of a ment (hats off to good 'ole close supervision of a human- .._.:;:::::;;::::;=============~ liberal arts college, one would Tip)? I do understand that ities scholar. Please note that think an education at WMC they are painting a nice this is not a financial aid ~ would consist of perspectives glossy-edged picture for program, and no academic portraying an unbiased view. some that are still impression- credit should be sought for It has been brought to my able, but for the few 'red' the projects. ~ attention that the economics heads stili left who don't view A booklet of guidelines and department at WMC has gone life through rose-colored application instructions should out on a limb to convey a glasses, reality and power lie be available for photocopying VINCE'S SEAFOOD sense of conservativism. AI- within the people. So down at the campus student place- though Milton Friedmanwould with the Heritage Foundaiton; men! office, or write to: All JJ!pes Seafood be proud of their patriotism, and for that matter, down with Younger Scholars Guidelines, what ever happened to tho~e the John Birch Society! Room 426, The National En- Steamed 118 W. Main St. of us who stili believe that Big A concerned student dowment for the Humanities, To Order Westminster, Md. l_I;G~o~ve~rnC!'m~e,,!:n~t~is~G::!OO;;:..~d~G::!oo:.v~er.::n-:_~~ _J Washington, D.C. 20506
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