Page 20 - ThePhoenix1983-84
P. 20
Thursday, November 3, 1983 Western Marylaud College P.,.8 Trustee Committee on Student Affairs report The next topic for discus- of Students in supervision and alcohol. The college has sion regarded student apathy. program planning for the resi- made some changes in re- campus have been well I Liz pointed out that a lack of dence halls. One male re- sponse to the changing legal lighted with just one area to student morale is evident in sides in Daniel Maclea Hall age and our experiences over be completed. Residence hall the lack of quality reporting and one female resides in the past several years. The staff are trying to make our done by The Phoenix and the McDaniel Hall. It is expected consumption of alcoholic bev- students more aware of the deplorable state of the 1983 they will provide additional erages at outdoor athletic -every day precautions they student yearbook. Dean Mow- leadership and expertise to events is no longer being can take to prevent problems brey did not contest these the newly formed house coun- permitted. Some additional re- from occuring on this cam- points but wondered if stu- cils within the residence halls. quirements have been placed pus. This is an area we will dent apathy concerning social Several of the specific recom- on student groups planing to continue to monitor. functions was indeed a prob- mendations related to resi- have alcoholic beverages at C~~e:ni~~~~t~:n~~u:~~~n~~ ~ lem. As he stated, could low dence halls are in the process social activities. The college attendance at social functions of being implemented. Con- policy and regulations are fairs Committee of the Board duct for telephone lines to attached to this report to and the Student Ufe Council ~nUs~h~~~~o~ee~~~~ a~~ho~~ each student room has been provide a detailed explanation have each played a part in event will not be well at- installed and the college is for everyone. maintaining communication tended. Victor widened the now waiting for the C&P Tele- The College Activities Pro- between faculty, staff, and scope of the issue by asking phone Company to complete gram Board and the Social students. We look forward to if faculty apathy was of equal their portion of the work. This Committee of the Student working together another importance. delay has caused some con- Government Association have year. Complimenting the new Al- cern among students and merged into one body provid- Dean Higbee followed with bert Norman study and laun- parents and created prob- ing a single unit for the her report in which she out- lined the predicament of resi- dry rooms, Joe Cubuzic lems for the staff but we look planning of the cultural, recre- thanked the administration for forward to completion of the ational, and social activities of dent housing renovation. With renovations of one dormitory their efforts in improving the project. Additional dens and the student body. Affhough running at over $300,000, she Quad. Joe also voiced his study areas have been pro- not recommended by the explained that her normal op- concerns regarding student! vided in the residence halls. long Range Planning Com- administration communication. The lobbies have been made mittee, a new Director of erating budget could not han- He felt that at times the more habitable and additional CoJlege Activities has been dle such a project. Since administration needs to be laundry facilities provided. Im- employed and this individual capital campaigns are not more responsive to students' proving heating, modernizing has been providing excep- typically designed to raise Dean Mobray viewpoints. bathrooms, and other sug- tionally strong leadership in funds for renovation, she felt The conversation then gested improvements involve the area of programming. that her office was "stuck PHOTO turned to the college's extensive renovation which The college contracted the between a rock and a hard place." present alcohol policies. Liz are under consideration by Marriott Corporation to man- ended Dolly Snyder the felt that WMC regulations are the staff and will like result in age the food service. It is our meeting by saying that stu- SHOW too strict and that students some specific recommenda- belief that the changes have are mature enough "to handle tions relative to the college been positive and the service dents have the responsibility alcohol." Dr. John responded budget this coming year. Co- is responsive to students. ~in~~~~~ig~~b~~~~ti~~~~~tea~ Decker Center by that when regulations were educational housing was insti- There is considerable more lighter, weekend damage tuted as recommended. Mc- variety in food selection, more at griping and not making an November 7th often exceeded $5000 in te- Daniel Hall and Rouzer Hall vegetarian entrees, larger effort to work towards a solu- pairs. have been made co-educa- salad bar, and more fresh tjOCl_ .. ~ The second half of the tional by floor. fruit. There were some prob- meeting began with Dean One specific program de- lems with the length of lines Mowbrey's report to the com- signed to foster greater stu- at the beginning of the se- mittee. The reports reads as dent-faculty interaction mester but this seems to have follows: outside the classroom is the been solved. Some students We are pleased to report Faculty Invite Program. Four expressed concern over the that many of the recommen- or five evenings a week two size of portions but this dations of the Long Range faculty members are invited to seems to have been resolved Planning Committee have join the student body in En- The service is providing an been or are in the process of glar Dining Hall for dinner. opportunity for students to being implemented. Approximately half of the fac- comment and provides written A second professional for ulty responded that they answers for each comment to the Office of Counseling and would be interested in taking all students. Career Services has been part in this program and it is Security is always a con- employed. It is our hope that now in progress. cern and certainly some of this will decrease the typical A new Student Life Council the problems of our sister two week waiting period ex- has been created to include colleges this year have kept perienced by many students leaders of diverse student this topic high on our agenda. this past year seeking per- groups, members of the fac- An emergency number has sonal counseling. It has al- ulty, and appropriate adminis- been posted in the residence House of Liquors ready resulted in an trative persons. Several halls and around campus, increased number of work- members of this new council and there is available in each Carroll Plaza shops available to students are also members of the Stu- residence hall a staff member on such topics as: Assertive- dent Affairs Committee of the with radio contact with mem- Westminster Goebels 12 oz. cans ness Training, Stress Man- Board of Trustees thus allow- bers of the security force thus agement, Alcohol Awareness, ing tor communication be- providing faster and more effi- 848·1314 $1.49 six pack Communication Skills Groups, tween the two bodies. cient communication with the proper 1.0. Job Search Skills, and Study A major topic of discussion security force. The city police $5.79 case Skills.: In addition, there will every year and nne which the are cooperating by providing required be offered for the first time a Student Affairs Committee patrols of the campus. The expires 10/20/83 course in Career Develop- discussed this past year is roads and parking lots of the ment and Ufe Planning during the January Term. FAN'S CHINESE RESTAURANT The recommendation of the HELP WANTED Long Range Planning Com- Szechun ~owntown Westminster Earn $300 to $400 weekly mittee to consider hiring area Catonese 59 W. Main St. coordinators for the residence processing mail from home. halls has been followed. The Polynesian 848.0919 No experience necessary. No matter was considered, ap- American . 876.3166 obligation. Free details. proved, and implemented. Enclose stamped envelope. There are now two profession- Cocktail service Quickey Lunch & Carry Out ally trained individuals in 11 AM·10 PM Sun-Thurs 11 AM·11 PM Fri.Sat Marcus, 4944 N. Kedzie, place of graduate students Chicago, Illinois 60625 assisting the Associate Dean Cat.erjng for Banquets, Parties, Hors d'oeuvres
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