Page 19 - ThePhoenix1983-84
P. 19
Thursday, November 3, 1983'DMaryland CoUege Page7 Preachers denied 'Guidelines for Delta Pi Alpha 1. The members ~f Delta P! February 1st all students of Delta Pi Alpha as of Alpha .who wish to be wearing Delta Pi Alpha February, 1984, should Rowe continued, "Last year talized for over-consumption recoqnized as of February leiters and colors will be make a positive contribu- the !FC's recommendation of alcohol during pledge 1, .. 1984. must ~ave a considered affiliated with lion to the campus and that reinstatement be denied week. "We don't deny that rrummum wadepomt ~ver- the fraternity, and their surrounding community was a strong factor in the things did occur in the past," aqe 2.0. Pn~r to consider- behavior will reflect upon by participation in an ex- decision. This year we are continued Rowe, "But many anon of reinstatement ~f the fraternity. tensive service project told it was not." of those members are gone the charter !he leadership 3. During Fall Semester and during fall semester. It is Higbee countered that at and all we ask for is an equal of Delta P! Alpha must January Term the Delta Pi hoped that this would be- the time the petition was chance to survive." have the membership ros- Alpha clubroom will be come a permanent part of being considered the guide- Rowe also noted that sev- ~~~~Pbo::~ ~ t~t~~~t made available for use by the fraternity's activities. lines had not all been met. eral dozen Preacher alumni Affairs. Only members ini- other groups on a reser- 7. The prospective officers However, she added, "If the have contacted the Preachers Preachers fulfill the guidelines offering to serve on an advis- tateo while the fraternity vation basis. The mem- of Delta Pi Alpha will meet they will deserve their charter ory board to the fraternity. was in good standing will ters of Delta Pi Alpha with their advisor, the As- more than the other fraterni- Two alumni met with Higbee be recognized. The fra- may not in anyway inter- sociate Dean of Studen ties on campus." personally. The Preachers ternity must develop a fere with this use of col- Affairs, and a representa- "We have done several have been at WMC since plan for dealing with unre- lege facilities. tive of the alumni board at community projects including 1925. cognized members. The 4. Clubroom privileges will least once per month to the blood drive, CROP Walka- "We can wait," Rowe con- fraternity may not con- be approved as soon as establish goals for the thon, and Big Brother pro- tinued. "If it is a battle of time, tinue to rush and pledge the charter is reinstated. fraternity and rneasure gram," said Rowe. The we wiil win this battle. It students white unchart- However, the fraternity will progress toward the rein- Preachers raised one hundred seems as if the administration ered. not be eligible for its own statement of the charter. and sixty dollars for a com- is waiting for us to screw up. 2. The members of Delta Pi section of the residence 8. The fraternity's pledge munity cause in the walka- That is not going to happen." Alpha must collectively halls until Fall, 1984, as- program must be submit- than. The next time the Preachers and as individuals main- surning all conditions for ted and approved by the The Preachers lost their will be considered for rein- tain a good citizenship having a section are met Associate Dean before charter in ~he spring of 1981. statement will be February record on campus. Spe- Meanwhile, no more than the charter will be rein- The sanction came after a First of next year. ciflcally. living quarters six members of the fra- stated. Preacher pledge was hospi- must be kept in good ternity may colonize on 9. All outstanding bills must n ~~n~~iO~~a~~h~r~ze~hO~~~ fh : ~~~~:~~~o~:lfs~tionof be paid. Prime Time Revenge parties, members will 5. The help of a responsible If the above conditions are group of Delta Pi Alpha met Delta Pi Alpha will be comply with college offi- ctars. and in all other alumni will be sought to reinstated upon the recom- ways uphold the policies serve as an advisory mendation of the Interfratern- commercials. How many saving voice always a man and regulations of the col- board for the fraternity. ity Council before spring rush limes have we seen the spar- telling Mary to get "Wisk?" Students who wish to be begins. kling head of Clean show up When hubby is ready to go ~~~t aSH~~~~~~~~eJ~~i6. recognized as members in time to assist a distraught cut, who is he waiting on, the housewife with her yellow Mrs. Why? Because his deo- Pbi AIpbs waxy build-up? What enters dorant only has to be applied once every two days. Whether the viewer's mind when the an ad is slanted in the direc- College Campus woman goes to clean the added, "They (pledge-week toilet and finds the Tidy Bowl tion of men or women, the activities) are designed to tone is male still one of man on duty, guarding the domination. In the eyes of Abusing Booze? bring the pledges closer to basin against the invading each other, ask any pledge awful awful. male advertising moguls, the and they will tell you we were Granted that, on the whole, role of the woman chained to behind them one-hundred women may know more about the stove of years past, still percent." , what her "man" likes, or what provides the basis for most of Alcohol abuse is not just a be caused by drunk students. Vice-President" Tree Parker subject for public service tele- detergent does the job, but our nation's advertisements vision commercials. It is a real Many schools are now offer- noted that the pledge-week is much of that knowledge even though women are win- ing alcohol education pro- the time when the pledges comes as a result of the ning more professional re- problem at colleges and uni- grams, BACCHUS (Boost can get to know everyone versities across the country. else in the sorority. Pledge social climate of the mid-70's spect in the real world. Alcohol Conciousness Con- mistress Patty Jones added ._ An increasing and prior. The time when very As it stands now, women alcohol-related number of cernning the Health of Univer- accidents few females were allowed to actually out-number men in sity Students) has 75 campus that the difficult activities are exit the supermarket and the United States. Perhaps have alerted school officials' chapters in 33 states. But not things such as memorizing aU to the problem. A Vermont enter the job market. When a some day soon the roles will all students are willing to the names and faces and household is haunted by "ring switch and women will have student broke her back in a listen to dire warnings of the memorizing the songs. "The around the collar," why is the their prime-time revenge. fall recently at a party. Auto effects of alcolholism. They rest is just goofy fun stuff and accidents involving college consider drinking fun and a everyone has a good time." students are often episodes harmless way to vent colle- Phi Alph President gave the of drunken driving, sometimes giate frustrations. It's this atti- sum up. "We don't feel the with tragic results. tude that college officials are old activities were demean- Students drink for a variety having trouble fighting ing, they were just the tradi- against. of reasons. Peer pressure has '{{~)f ~ a big influence on many stu- the sorority. A tradition that tion of becoming a sister of dents. Social drinking is often will never be the same, and that hurts." carried to excess at ·Partles both on and off-campus. C APBoard •••••••••••••••••, Many students drink as a • • $1.00 OFF Large Pizza result of academic stress-or :MICHAEL STERNE~ fear of flunking out. And wor- Monday & Tuesday Evenings rying about competition in the s~~m4 • • • : job market is a reason many Look for other Daily Specials students give for their drink- Dances/Concerts Committee: Classical Guitarist : • • Every Friday 12:45 pm d Now Featuring Foreign Beers ing. Whatever the cause, cam- Chairperson: TBA : S un ay, • • pus officials are trying to Films Committee: Every Tues- • crack down on drinking by day 3:00 pm. : enforcing campus alcohol Chairperson: Ludley How- : November 6 • rules. ard • : Carroll Plaza stem alcohol-related acci- Come Join us. We 1hink: Little Baker Chapel: Not only do they hope to Shopping Center 876-3550 dents, but also to help curb you will find !t rewarding.: • 7 p,m, • • Signed, campus vandalism, a great Free : deal of which is believed to The CAPBoard Executive. Comm!ttee: • •..•••........... ~
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