Page 17 - ThePhoenix1983-84
P. 17
November 3, 1983 Page 5 Life Council On Thursday, October 27th, Dean of Student Affairs, C. Runners with a taste for 4:30 P.M., the WMC Stu- Wray Mowbray, and the Asso- crisp competition will again Sportswear Life Council conveened eiate Dean of Student Affairs, have the opportunity to enter Every entrant in the sixth President's Conference Dr. Jeanne l. Higbee. There the Frostbite 5 and 15K West- annual Frostbite will receive a to address student are also three faculty mem- Sam Shepard's 1979 Pu- minster Roadrunners race, long sleeve t-shirt. Frostbite The primary pur- bers: Dr. Louise Paquin, Dr. litzer Prizewinning play Bur. scheduled for Sunday, Janu- medallions will be awarded to organization is to Rick Carpenter, and Dr. John led Child will be performed ary 8, 1984, at 8:30 a.m. Held winners in the various age with all phases Dish, voted on by the faculty, by the Department of Dra- annually in the first part of the group categories. In both These phases which will serve terms of one, malic Art on Noverner 18, 19 races, the man and woman to i I co-ordinatingin- two or three years. The SLC and 20 at 8:00 p.m. promptly, new year, both the 5 and 15K finish first overall will receive races begin on the campus of , studying problems, also consists of seven stu- in Alumni Hall, Mainstage. Western Maryland College, in a $100 savings bond. race, the Following a forum for discus- dents. There are four ap- Burled Child expresses Westminster, and follow a brunch will be held in the a the authority to pointed students; the SGA Shepard's view of the decline countryside route through policy recommenda- president, Liz Siegenthaler, of the American dream, and Carroll County, Maryland. Western Maryland College the Student Govern- SGA vice-president, Mike the destruction of the Amen- Based on last year's 1,000- Englar Dining Hall. i ,the faculty, Kline and the presidents of can family. The story takes runner-turnout, Jim Shank, The Frostbite entry fee is $7 ($10 after December 26) administration. the ISC, Lori Bernard, and the place in a farm house occu- race director, anticipates a Tickets for the brunch are $3 i of the SLC IFC, Paul Jackosky. Addition- pied by a family filled with field of at least 1,100 for this apiece. the president of ally there are three students suporessed violence, deep- year's race, which is spon- For more information write who shall be ex elected by the SGA which seated unhappiness and dark sored by the Westminster FROSTBITE5 and 15K, PO. other admmistra- shall be from the following family secrets. The play will Road Runners Club, Western Box 1566, Westminster, Mary- oto contest associate professor of dra- Maryland College and Fleet- land, 21157; or phone 301- independent one shall be the groups; be directed by Tim Weinfeld, Athletic and feet Shoes 857-4878. matic art at Western Maryland including a Aspiring or little-known pho- c~:~~~~for B"Med Child are X-COuntry Inte~national dinner ~~~fd~~to~ ~og~:~~stoa~nt~~:~~~~~d~nn~ ~M~r ~~~d~~t~~iCf:~~lty$1a~od lata placed four members in sponsored by to Contest Director Joel An- staff. front of au next finishers, Photography So- drews, "We want to spotlight ~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ITracey Serratelll, Karl Gustat- ROBIe- Andrews prizes wilt be talented photographers, and I sen, Sue Stevenson, and Come share the food, music All photographers are wel- ~:~o~h~i~ogn~inw~~:~rspu~~~ Next LY~;: ;~~~~rdidn't let recent ~hned;~~~~r~to~h~atl~~Srn~?~~~ ~~~~y t~e~~e~~:~o~Ong:~~~~ ~hdo~~djn~~es~,rig~~:Ii:~sta~~ Phoenix ~:fef~~/ff~~i~~~~m ahO~t~~~~ ~ti9~~'0;u~~ayo~O~~:b~i~i~~ are eli~ir~~~~~~ i~~th$:,~~ te~~ni~~t s~~~~ photographs meeting ~i~~~~s~~S\n:~~~~~~I.inJ~~i~ fe~t~~in~h~~~~e~-r~~ei~~~~ne;~ prizes. Special prizes yet! Interested persons In the Pub Craig suffered only her sec- tiona! cuisine, is sponsored will be awarded for photos on should request free informa- M on N OV. and defeat of the season as by the Baha'i Club of Western nine different themes. non and entry forms from she finished in second place, Maryland. Photos may be color slides, World Photography Contest, only eleven seconds behind The Baha'i Club supports color prints, or black-and- Box 1170, Capitola, California 4 OM 7th. the winner. Leslie-Ann fol- activities which encourage in- white prints. Photographers 95010. Entry forms will also r I lowed Julie in fourth place temational understanding and . may enter as many photos as .' S d while Tracey Serratelli moved unity between religions and be available at many camera races. So share your ethnic they wish P.J. nux era tur ay the race to finish eighth. Kan background or someone shops up during the later stages o! ~~~t~~~nw:~dasL{~~: ffn~~~~ed ~~~~~~n~;~~~'~~ i~;e~~~~~ni~ twenty-third and twenty-sixth art or music, contact Dr. Julie Orient Blue, formerly Prac- and plays a variety of music wear, as it is interpreted by respectively Badiee, ext. 598. Let's initiate tice at Seven, is performing ranging from rock to .reggae. the individual. So bring your world unity right here on cam- I Saturday, November 5, from Among the songs In their boxers and bathrobes and pus! Admission is free, and 9:00 to 1:00 in the Forum. The selection are hits by David dance it up! Beer (with i.d.) live entertainment is planned rock and roll band is provid- Bowie, The Fix, Talking ing entertainment for th.e .Mi- Heads, and Loverboy, and ~~Idb:It~~~~~.r~~~~:s~~n~~ Senior Step Out ~~I::;'Se~;~:~. nority Student Associatlcn plenty of classics. Pajama Party Mixer. The party/mixer is predicted ~~g~a~n~~ja~~i~~n~I~~ti~~. in Sunday, November 6, is ~he re~3e:r t~~tt=l~eO~itgrf!l~ys;'~ The band is comprised of to be the social event of the six Sophomores from WMC semester. The theme is sleep- So come on, WMC, loosen ~~~II~~~e~o~m~~~ i~u~e~o~ milled to the Phoenix be _l1) and have a good time! Seniors. All citizens, young ~i3~~~d~~~~ga~~t~K~~~~~~~ and old alike, are being re- ber. Letters should be under cruited to help with the walka- 500 words in length and than which will benefit the should be submitted by the Senior Overland Service. For Sunday afternoon before the the second year walkers will publishing deadline ~~d~::~~~gc~~p~~te ~~~~~~ r--------, ~~~'t r~~i~;~ileas~e~etow~~ GREEKS: :;;'~~~r~rs~e~~rehe~~i~i~io~h~ The Phoenix PI~~~~~~ mile walk begins at has space 1:00 p.m. on Sunday, Novem- for you. ber 6, at the Robert Moton ~~~e~taZut~c~h~tU9~n~~~:~ L.. ..... minster and returning to Robert Moton. Refreshments Attention all freshmen and eligible.: will be available at the mid Gamma Open Chi Beta way point of the walk. Volun- Smoker Rush Party. If you teers will be stationed at check points and the S.O.S. think the D's are Joes then come meet the members of buses will be patrolling the route to pick up walkers who the Gamma Beta Chi fraternity 0ri
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