Page 21 - ThePhoenix1983-84
P. 21
x-c Men Win Invite Concerned students heard nt from ~O Doug Nolder, who ran equalt seven WMC runners compose well in fourth place. Althoug male, Vic Culatta, one inde- rector of College Activities will nouncement in "WMC This the team which competes in Rich Harfs! and Jim sta pendent female, Monica Brun- contribute a positive influence Week"). the Dickinson Invitational, performed a bit under par, son, and one non-resident on the campus social life. The beginning of a men's MAC'S, and NCAA Regional they still managed ninth an student. Ken Schaefer. Dr. Jeanne l. Higbee, Asso- consciousness raising group meet. twelfth respectively, while Ih Dean Mowbray opened the ciate Dean, brought the is an outcome of the recom- The first test for this squad always improving Tim Me meeting with his report of Council up-to-date regarding mendations made by last of seven came last Saturday Laughlin, finished only nin Student Affairs Committee (re- the phone Situation and year's council. Further, co-ed at the Dickinson Invitational. seconds behind Slartt in 171 port submitted in Trustee shared that a campus exten- housing has become a popu- This was a nine team compe- place. Tim finished off WMC' Committee on Student Affairs sion will be added to Rouzer lar option for resident stu- tition, totalling nearly 55 run- scoring, giving them a total 0 article in this issue of The Hall' utilizing the last available dents. Dr. Higbee reports that ners. WMC withstood the test 44 points, two points bette Phoenix). Discussion regard- line. In the near future along she is very pleased with the magnificently as they came than second-place Dickinson ing security, College Activi- with plans to include exten- results of co-ed housing and home with first place honors, Coach Carpenter showed his ties, Counseling & Career sions for each floor/section in council members shared po- Brian Russo extraordinarily in elation with the victory when Services and the non-tradi- ANW, MacLea and Rouzer as sttive feedback regarding second place. After running -he said, "That was a most tional student lounge followed fines become available. At same. around 12th place for more impressive performance in alt his presentation. Improved present our current switch- Dr. Paquin addressed the than half the race, Brian aspects, and what is even campus security is realized board is not equipped to issue of student attendance at picked off 10 runners in the more exciting is that there are this year via the appointment handle additional campus ex- the open meeting of the Presi- closing miles and finished still at least two positions of a new Director of Security, tensions. dential Search Committee. only nine seconds behind the which can be improved at the Tom Sterner, who has devel- Liz Siegenthaler, President She encouraged the IFC, ISC, winner. One of those runners MAC's." oped a positlve rapport with of SGA, expressed concern and SGA representatives to which Brian passed was students along with providing about equity among Greek publicize the meeting to their lighting on the Women Harriers campus. The new non-tradi- a shared concern for the respective orgarization mem- clubrooms. This issue will be additional bers. Coucnil The Student ute Cont from 10 the first half, as both offenses tional student lounge, located Student Ufe Council, which has written letters to the Fac- in the lower level of Baker plans to make recommenda- in the game. John Montanye took advantage of the sloppy Chapel, has been refurnished tions for available space on ulty and Administrative Coun- scored the lone WMC goal. conditions. It was raining and will be carpeted in the campus to be used for club- cil to applaud their After Muhlenberg, a down throughout the game. near future. The addition of a rooms along with setting a participation in the Englar WMC lost to York in a horrid The final regular season new counselor, Tom Richards, goal date for implementing Dining Program, and also to game, 1-0. As in the Wash- game was a 2-1 loss to F&M in the Office of Counseling & such a program to gain Greek raUy their support for The ington game earlier in the The Terrors generated a lot of Career Services, has reduced equity. Additionally, Liz Phoenix. year, the Terrors appeared to offense in the first half as the two week waiting period prompted discussion pertain- If you have concerns you be playing underwater. The Chris Beyers blew by the for appointments and pro- ing to alcohol issues and would like to be addressed at less said about the game, the F&M defenders, amking them vided additional workshops. shared with the Council infor- future Student Life Council better. look like the NY Life team. In The student members of the mation about the Forum on meetings please feel free to WMC finally realized who the second half, WMC had Council are confident that Alcohol to be held at Loyola contact one of the before they were, and stomped Dick- trouble keeping the ball, and Kathleen Kilroy, the new Oi· College in Baltimore {see an- mentioned members. inson 4-1. Montanye, Lutche, controlling it when they did McGill, and Kracke all dented their few offensive breaks, on Fritz Wins 300tl1. have it. They scored in one of the nets; Beyers had two assists, Nattans and Langrehr a Sites pass to Kracke', But Coni from 10 the younger players into this to communicate with the play- one apiece. But the effort was F&M won the game WIth a currently associate professor scheme? "The seniors are ers, but "she always has the was more than an offensive score in the last couple of of physical education at West- expected to make the fresh- right words," says assistant explosion. The halfback line minutes. ern Maryland and also men feel at home," said sen- coach Becky Martin, a stand- of Montanye, Nattans, Lutche, The real story of the game coaches the softball team in ior Julie Fringer (Clinton, Md.). out for Fritz during the late MaGill, and others provided was the defense, WMC, al- addition to her duties with the "It takes a lot of pressure off seventies. "She has the ability that much needed link be- ready stung with the injury to volleyball squad. What is it them when they feel a part of to reach out to the players tween offense and defense. Schiavone, had to suck it up that makes Fritz such a suc- the team." . and get the very best from The offense was more than even more as starter-star Phil cessful coach? And what about the older, them. It is more than just adequate. Blatz pulled his hamstring the On the court, it is her more experienced players? knowing the athlete's physical The victory was marred by day before the game. Coach intensity. Tri-captain Mummert "She has a lot of respect for capabilities. You have to an injury to co-captain John Steve Easterday juggled his said, "She pushes us to our the seniors' opinions," com- know which ones need a pat Schiavone, who tore liga- defensive line-up, and came limits both on and off the mented Wagner. "She shows on the back and which ones ments in his foot in the first up with a successful combi- court." "We are not the best a great deal of loyalty to the need more." half. This might have ended nation. Shuffling inside full- athletes but she is able to get players who have been there "Off the court, she is some- Schiavone's glorious career; backs, WMC played tough the most out of us," says tri- before, especially in crucial one who we can turn to," more importantly, the Terrors defense all day, particularly in captain Becky Bankert (Get- situations. She tries not to says freshman Karen Mifes had to play the next two the second half, when the tysburg, Pa.). "There are a lot expose the freshmen to many (Sykesville, Md.). "But she is games without him. offense got up for offense of diverse personalities on pressure situations." all business on the court." And it hurt against Mt. SI. thrusts. Mike Paglione, Paul After 16 seasons of coach- Martin added, "It's never Mary's; a game WMC lost 3-2. Langrehr, Brian Nicholas, this team but she pulls us ing volleyball, basketball and enough with her, you can together to work as a unit," The game marked the third Robson and the stalwart Carl added ttl-captain Wagner. softball, one might think that it always give more." successive year the Terrors Holz all played superbly. How does she incorporate would become harder for Fritz have been frustrated by the The soccer season will end Mount, which seems to have this weekend with the Marv- the whammy on the Terrors. Tournament at UMBC. Fleet Feet All five goals were scored in Silkscreening Give us a call! We'll be glad to give you a price on printing your uniforms, T-shirts, jackets, caps and other sportswear. Day - 876-8299 USTPREPARAnOM SPEC'ALISTS SIMCE 1931 Evening - 857-4878 SU1 ....... , ....... _, .. rytPCI2121, cen ... in ~ US Cm. ToronlO, f>ueftg RIoo..nd Zurich, SWitter1.nd
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