Page 16 - ThePhoenix1983-84
P. 16
Thunday, November 3, 1983 Western Maryland College Page 4 D 0 0 College activity programers needed agarhlr misrepresented Are you aware of how activi- and .twc graphics books. We coming active bring the rest ties a~d events are ~lanned even got ~. ~ew director of of your body ~Iong with your for this camp~s? Old you college activities. hands to the committee meet- As a freshman, I have not ing. Oagorhir gives these or- know that a sl~able budget All th~se changes were ings. The committees and had the chance to read many dinarily uncompatible groups ~~r~i~~I~~s:~e~~I~~ ~rd ex;~~ ~~~~e;lt~r~~~iz~~i~~ t~~tUI~ meeting times are as follows: copies of the Phoenix, but I a chance to cooperate and have been impressed by the compete in a non-threatening know that there are currently emerge. CAPBoard wishes to Publicity Committee: Every objectivity of the reporting on atmosphere. Sure, Oagorhir is only a handful of people provide the college commu- Wednes?ay 1:00 pm a wide variety of events and escapist. Why not? scheduling most of the pro- nity wilh a schedule of events Chairperson: Robin Grey issues. Therefore, I was a bit On a more personal note, I grams? Do you know that that is membership. How can Lectures Committee: Every surprised at the thinly veiled cannot help resent the nega- CAPBoard exists? CAPBoard produce this goal Monday. 4:30 pm bias exhibited by the authors tive connotation of the com- Earlier this year, the College without proper representation Chairperson Ellen Wolfe of the article in last week's ment that I want to turn WMC Activities Programming Board, from the entire student body. Special Events Committee: issue, "Freshman Barbarians into a "fantasy land." Come CAPBoard, underwent some At this point, there are proba- Every Thursday 5:00 pm Battle." The direct and im- on, that must have sounded organizational changes. Mem- bly 15 people providing 1300 Chairperson: Paul Jack- plied editorial comment which ridiculous to the writers even bership is now open to any- students. osky permeated the story may as they wrote it. A fantasy one interested. Seven The resources of these peo- Coffee~ouses: Every Monday have a place in an editorial, land, no; a place where pea- committees were formed 10 pie are limited. Afterall, they 11:00 ar:n . but not in a feature in a pie can live out some of their handle the diversity of pro- are students also. What they Chairperson: Lisa McKin- reputable publication. But as I dreams in a safe, socially grams available. A publicity need is your creative ideas, ney thought about it, I decided acceptable, non-threatening committee was added to de- your experience in organizing, Cultural Arts: Every Wednes- that the reponers were proba- way, sure; again, why not? sign campaigns. We pur- and you helping hands. day 2:0~ pm bly unexperienced and Again, the son of editcrtefiz- chased a Droytype machine If you are interested in be- Chairperson: Tony Jap- should therefore be given the the article has no place in a I hI" go, ing that went on in that part of benefit of the doubt. Even so, omosexua oppression wron . I would like to clear up some feature in a reputable paper. S possible misconceptions and Finally, I don't know what questions which may arise the writers were trying to Thank you for the editorial, needs the love of the Negro. the blacks were attacked, and from that article. prove-well, I can guess-by Equal Treatment. It helped me The Negro must love the King paved the ultimate cost First, the comment about inserting that comment "an- to see an issue that I person- white man, because the white for his cause: but the blacks the women warriors being the other warrior (singing) the Bel- ally have tried to avoid and man needs his love to remove have changed many peoples "most bloodthirsty" was a lad of the Green Berets." The ignore. In the past I have his tensions, insecurities, and attitudes and ended a great misinterpretation-whether "warrior" .they ......ere appar- refused to make a stand on fears," deal of harassment and op- conscious or otherwise-of ently referring to was a "war- homosexuality, as far as treat- This quote leads me to my pression. (! am not saying my statement that some of rior" in the ROTC unit and ment of such people. I have second point. Why have my that they have finished the our best fighters are women. had not connection with Oa- been guilty of harassment of views come to be what they fight). Yes, it was costly but Perhaps this is because the gorhir whatsoever. If the writ- homosexuals but have now are. Certainly because of my King and others saw that this special nature of the game ers were trying to indicate decided to change. However, ignorance about homosexual- was the only way to bring frees them from some of the that Oagorhir battlers are mill- let me state that I am not for ity, my belief-that it is wrong, about change. They had to restrictions which have been tant and warmongering, it was homosexuality, and do be- and the predominant verbal fight for a change before it placed on women by society unfair, untrue, and definitely in lieve that it is wrong. I am oppression and harassment could come. Until the homo- and convention. In Oagorhir bad taste. Because brother, It speaking out against the op- of homosexuals. What is the sexuals in this country stand you are free to be yourself, jest ain't truel If any general- pression of an individual in a solution? For my ignorance, I up and expose themselves to not someone else's image of ization can be made about derogatory manner as op- look to my black experience. society and interact with it in what you should be. And Dagorhir battlers, it is that possed to the criticism of the Due to segregation and other discussion and protest of the since the game is perfectly they are less inclined to vic- issue. My main purpose in factors I, before I came to situation there will be no safe, it provides an outlet for lence in normal ("mundane," writing this is to first suggest college, was a racist. Upon change the aggression and stress to use the standard term for why the problem exists and arriving at college I was ex- Finally, I ask the homosex- which are primary causes of non-Dagorhir events) fife than second, what the solution is posed to black people in a ual community to demonstrate mental and physical health any comparably-sized group to this oppression and ha- real way. My racism soon that they disapprove of the problems in our society. picked at random from the rassment of homosexuals. disappeared. My soul had way they are being treated Now I would like to reaf- general populace. First, I do believe that hom- been scarred, but through with open action and protest. firrn-and proudly-that many So, this having been seld--! osexuality is wrong (Romans exposure to blacks, I was Make a stand for who you Oagorhir battlegamers have close in the hope that all who 1:27), but this does not justify changed. My only experience are, right or wrong. , have an "affection for fantasy." (An read this now understand bet- my attitude towards homosex- with homosexuals has been a dealt with this in my Christian- anything but a rare concept in ter what Oagorhir is and uals, for in the same book of man wearing a button that ity. I have been called many the "real world"!) Fantasy, where it is coming from. Inci- the Bible it says, "You shall said, "Homosexuality is the things that could not be yes, and also history, science dentally, any WMC unit that love your neighbor as your- key to evolution." In other printed in this paper, but fiction, and practically any does form will certainly not be self." (Romans 13:9). In an- words my experience and because I believe in Jesus other area of interest you limited to Freshmen, so if swer to the people who are exposure to this group of Christ I stand openly and would care to name. Oagorhir anyone from any class is uncomfortable with the philos- people has been small. What confess my belief regardless is a very diverse grouping of interested please look me up. ophy of, "disaprove of the I am trying to point out here is of harassment or abuse. I individuals, and that is the Thank you for your time and act, yet love the person," I that in order for a change in hope all will consider the way beauty of the group. In any the opportunity to express my say Do you stop loving the attitude towards homosex- they treat people who have given battle you can see unaduJterated views the child when he does some- uals to come about, they must different views from them- "jocks," "freaks," "brains," Thomas H Harbold thing wrong? Of course not! come out of the closet. I can selves and consider the ef- • I h and many who defy typecast- k For Wlt~.all people, we have already hear the arguments, fects of their actions on these the ability to change. Martin "But Glen, how can they do Luther King, gave us an ex- this with so much hatred people, and most importantly how it reflects upon them- . . A specla t an S ample of this in relation to the against them? They will be selves. We all stand for some- Dear Friends, have achieved the desired whites who ~~re oppressl~g harassed and attacked." My thing and we need to be We wish to thank each of state of remission for Julie at the ~Iacks, SI~ce .the white answer is: correct, this will considerate of other people Julie Rogers, who ab~uPtly methods that hold great hope C ? .------------------ ..... IS. greatly happen, but that does not ~an s personality present, and should enable the many students of Western as we expect others to be of eventually giving Julie last- are the staff of Johns Hopkins Maryland College who have considerate of us. remove the responsibility from d!storted. by segregation, and with his soul IS greatly scarred, he the homosexuals. King and to continue Hopsital donated blood in behalf of Glen L. Arnold had to wlthdraw.from this fall IIlr'STIII'u'Slj'rn CYCLE c'rulj'rn semester of her Junior year at ing health. • W J::~ '/t'I IV, J::n. J::/V J;n. W.M.C. due to the sudden Along with our sincerest 0 Ed 29 East Main St. onset of acute Iymphacetic gratitude we express our ~ar it°ci 8'"8.2625 leukemia. highest respect and admire- s a stu ent at ~MC, one '" The use of blood, and blood tion for each one's outgoing ~fte~ hear~ complaints of stu- components, plays a large response to a fellow student en apat y running ~ampant 8iclJcles, and vita! role in the effective our daughter. ' through c<:,lIegeorganizations. Supplies, treatment of this disease. The Gratefully, 1. would like to shed some aggressive form of chemoth- Charles H. Rogers IJghton an equally destructive Accessories erapy, possible because of Natalie Rogers problem - teacher apathy. and Repairs blood donors, appears to Cont on 6
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